***** THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 3 Official Thread *****

139,639 Views | 1857 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by jokershady
The Porkchop Express
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All the talk about the Mando-Jedi history had me rewatch the Season 3 trailer last night and now makes me think this flashback in the Jedi Temple is not actually something to do with Grogu but rather the Mandalorians attacking the Temple to retrieve the Darksaber. Perhaps the saber is cutting through the door there as the Mandos escape.

From Wook'pedia

"Legend tells that it was created over a thousand years ago by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order. After his passing, the Jedi kept the saber in their temple. That was, until members of House Vizsla snuck in and liberated it. They used the saber to unify the people and strike down those who would oppose them. One time, they ruled all of Mandalore wielding this blade."Fenn Rau, to Kanan Jarrus

Brian Earl Spilner
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Some Star Wars discussion.
The Porkchop Express
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Despite the many, many, many times I have watched parts of the first 2 seasons of Mando and BOBF, this is a bad-ass recap video.

The Porkchop Express
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Brief new promo, last shot is HYPE

Ol Jock 99
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Rewatch Clone Wars Final 2/4 and tell me this can't be great.
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wait....what? you NEED to have a fully formed story to know where you're going with it????

The Porkchop Express
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New commercial out today. Week from tonight (plus a few hours)!

The Collective
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Thankfully, Favreau and Filoni understand basic storytelling.
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I finished up my re-watch over the weekend. I know it has been discussed on the board briefly, but what percentage of Mandalorian watchers do you think either didn't watch Boba Fett at all, or gave up before the Mando episodes? 20%? Higher? I know I have talked to multiple people that didn't watch and I highly recommended at least watching the last 3 episodes of Boba. Will it just be a WTF moment during the recap before the premiere? I still can't believe they had Luke and Ahsoka on screen together in a B arc of that terrible show.
The Porkchop Express
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theSCHW4B said:

I finished up my re-watch over the weekend. I know it has been discussed on the board briefly, but what percentage of Mandalorian watchers do you think either didn't watch Boba Fett at all, or gave up before the Mando episodes? 20%? Higher? I know I have talked to multiple people that didn't watch and I highly recommended at least watching the last 3 episodes of Boba. Will it just be a WTF moment during the recap before the premiere? I still can't believe they had Luke and Ahsoka on screen together in a B arc of that terrible show.
Star wars has intentionally released a few "catch up" videos that clearly are an attempt to make people realize that they might have missed it. I have hard time believing anyone with social meida who likes Star Wars wouldn't have seen it trending when Luke and Grogu and Mando and Ahsoka all showed back up, not to mention Cobb Vanth and Cad Bane.
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jokershady said:

wait....what? you NEED to have a fully formed story to know where you're going with it????

News to Kathleen Kennedy...
The Porkchop Express
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The first wave of posters are back!

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Looking forward to this. Haven't watched any Star Wars content since I gave up on Obi Wan half way though. I am aware that people thought Andor was the best thing ever, but I'm having a hard time caring about any more between the movies filler stories. Except Mando because baby Yoda is the best.
double aught
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Sop with the excuses and start watching Andor!
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double aught said:

Sop with the excuses and start watching Andor!

You might be wasting your time trying to convince someone to watch Andor if "baby Yoda is the best" is their main reason for watching a show. Probably not the target audience for Andor.
jackie childs
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amercer said:

Looking forward to this. Haven't watched any Star Wars content since I gave up on Obi Wan half way though. I am aware that people thought Andor was the best thing ever, but I'm having a hard time caring about any more between the movies filler stories. Except Mando because baby Yoda is the best.
for what it's worth, I think Andor would work as a standalone series. yes, there are Star Wars references and characters, but they don't feel like fan service and i think somebody who'd never seen Rogue One or A New Hope would still enjoy Andor
The Porkchop Express
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Pedro Pascal in London trying out for the lead in an Aladdin reboot apparently.

Favreau quote: "And of course, thanks to Disney Plus, you can go back to watch certain episodes, and we're also gonna have some recaps that we put together for people who are maybe more casual viewers who wanna be brought up to speed after two years and remind them where the characters were. But Grogu has developed a lot and now time has even passed since The Book of Boba Fett and since he trained with Luke, so as you will see, his Force powers have gotten greater."
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Prosperdick said:

double aught said:

Sop with the excuses and start watching Andor!

You might be wasting your time trying to convince someone to watch Andor if "baby Yoda is the best" is their main reason for watching a show. Probably not the target audience for Andor.

I'll get to it, but there is supposed to be a WHOLE GALAXY, where presumably interesting cool stories happen that don't need to tie into the plot of a movie from 1977. Or star characters that we already know how they die. Having the same 5 people needing to run into each other all over the galaxy all the time inevitably leads to bad story telling. It's time to jump 50 years past the last movie and try something new.

Good news is that baby yoda will still be around then

The Porkchop Express
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New clip! New footage! Release schedule confirmed as well. 8 episodes running from March 1 to April 19.

Also in an interview, Jon Favreau said that Season 4 is not the end of the Mandalorian.

When speaking with the Inside Total Film podcast, the topic of The Mandalorian season four was brought up due to comments Favreau made earlier in the week. Inside Total Film asked the mind behind The Mandalorian if we're now getting close to the endpoint of the series with the fourth season written and getting ready to enter production, and if he's got an ending in mind for the series, to which Jon Favreau responded with the following:

"No, I don't. I think the beauty of this [The Mandalorian season 3] is that it's a middle chapter of a much larger story, and though we'll have resolution over time with these characters, I think that how these characters fit into the larger scope and scale, but it's not like there's a finale we're building to that I have in mind quite the contrary, I'd love these stories to go on and on. So these characters could potentially be with us for a while, and I really love telling stories in their voice, and I love the way the adventures unfold and I'm looking forward to doing much more."

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I think that guy's being full of himself. It's been awhile since season 2 and Boba Fett. A lot of people might want a synopsis of where they left off
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ABATTBQ11 said:

I think that guy's being full of himself. It's been awhile since season 2 and Boba Fett. A lot of people might want a synopsis of where they left off

You're missing the point. There's a huge difference between "It's been two years since last season so here's a recap" - and - "Not only has it been two years since last season, but also our two main characters who split up actually got back together in a completely different show, so in case you didn't watch that completely different show, here's a recap of it." No one's complaining about recaps in general. They're complaining about a recap being absolutely essential for someone who only watches The Mandalorian.
Brian Earl Spilner
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It's honestly as simple as listing the three important episodes in The Mando section right between seasons 2 and 3.
The Porkchop Express
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

It's honestly as simple as listing the three important episodes in The Mando section right between seasons 2 and 3.
Just imagine if you told them they had to watch a cartoon to understand the true nature of the Darksaber. Then they'd really piss their pants in rage.
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TCTTS said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

I think that guy's being full of himself. It's been awhile since season 2 and Boba Fett. A lot of people might want a synopsis of where they left off

You're missing the point. There's a huge difference between "It's been two years since last season so here's a recap" - and - "Not only has it been two years since last season, but also our two main characters who split up actually got back together in a completely different show, so in case you didn't watch that completely different show, here's a recap of it." No one's complaining about recaps in general. They're complaining about a recap being absolutely essential for someone who only watches The Mandalorian.
What they did with Book of Boba Fett, in regards to Mandalorian plot line advancement, is inarguably stupid.
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It was certainly a miscalculation. They obviously anticipated BOBF was going to be a lot better than it was and would draw in all(?) of the Mandalorian viewing audience. I mean, they did tease the show in Mando, so that's apparently what the plan was. But then the show sucked from the jump and the rationale for using it as a vehicle to move Din and Grogu's story along fell apart. The showrunners can't bring themselves to say any of that which is why we're getting "viewers should YouTube it." Hopefully the first episode will include one of those "previously on" montages and somehow make sense of all the BOBF material for people who never watched that whole series.
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I guess I don't understand the complaint. The MCU has been doing that with movies and TV now, and no one is complaining. I could also see it being annoying to include characters from another show just to have them there but not have the story they are involved them impact them in any meaningful way so they can essentially return to their show as if nothing happened. If you are going to include them, it better matter, right?
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Sort of, but this was pretty key plot movement/character arc progressing stuff that will somewhat get hidden inside a stinker of a production. Like having Loki die in the middle act of Eternals.
The Porkchop Express
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veryfuller said:

I guess I don't understand the complaint. The MCU has been doing that with movies and TV now, and no one is complaining. I could also see it being annoying to include characters from another show just to have them there but not have the story they are involved them impact them in any meaningful way so they can essentially return to their show as if nothing happened. If you are going to include them, it better matter, right?
Programmer's note - My rant is not directed at you TC

Thanks for being the voice of reason. This is one of the wussiest lines of complaining I've ever seen. It's not like the Book of Boba Fett was some obscure program that aired only in a foreign language at 4 a.m. 9 years ago and has 70 episodes.

The difficult task of catching up if you somehow never heard of the show and never heard that its second half included appearances by Mando, Grogu, Luke and Ahsoka would take a person 2 hours and 36 minutes to watch. That's it. You could do that in one evening. You could watch the show for 30 minutes a day while on your lunch break and be caught up in 5 days.

The real issue here is that people want to whine about stuff. And when some person who has a Twitter following realizes, hey I didn't know Grogu was on BOBF, instead of simply turning the show on and watching the episodes, they have to whine about it on the Internet. Because that's so much easier and more satisfying than the incredible toll of pressing a button to catch up on the show.

Favreau's given us some of the greatest Star Wars ever and the poor guy's having to answer the same question over and over about a bunch of self-entitled complainers who would rather rattle their sabers on social media than STFU and watch a few episodes.

If missed the BOBF and you're struggling so hard to understand what in the world happened, here you go.

1) Mando gets kicked out of the Mandalorians for taking his helmet off. He survives a duel with Paz Visla for possession of the Darksaber.
2) He gets a new ship - a souped-up N1 starfighter from TPM
3) He tries to visit Grogu at Luke's Jedi Academy but is dissuaded by Ahsoka.
4) Luke trains Grogu but worries he's not really wanting to be a Jedi. He lets Grogu choose a gift, Yoda's lightsaber or a Beskar shirt that the Armorer made for him.
5) Grogu chooses the armor, reunites with Mando on Tatooine. They both help Boba Fett win a battle with another crime syndicate.

Wow! YOU DID IT! YOU CAUGHT UP! AMAZING! Please, now run to social media and catch everyone up on all your complaints about the series so we can know how important your opinion is!
double aught
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Well said. Was it a storytelling mistake? Yeah I guess so. But this is more about people wanting to complain than any real issue. And it's a symptom of the problem that is social media/internet culture.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I completely agree that SW regularly misses the mark on stuff, but I also think a big element of criticism is that the first movies were marketed and built an entire generation of kid as fans who are all now adults in their 40-70's. Until Rogue One, the franchise hadn't made a single new addition marketed towards this generation since the 80's. So you have these people who love the original universe, but the creators never paid them any real attention until the last 10 years.

I do think Mandalorian does a good job of being written for both the younger and older generations. BOBF seems like it was written for a much younger crowd to me, with a few cameos to give fan service to the older crowd.
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The Porkchop Express said:

veryfuller said:

I guess I don't understand the complaint. The MCU has been doing that with movies and TV now, and no one is complaining. I could also see it being annoying to include characters from another show just to have them there but not have the story they are involved them impact them in any meaningful way so they can essentially return to their show as if nothing happened. If you are going to include them, it better matter, right?
Programmer's note - My rant is not directed at you TC

Thanks for being the voice of reason. This is one of the wussiest lines of complaining I've ever seen. It's not like the Book of Boba Fett was some obscure program that aired only in a foreign language at 4 a.m. 9 years ago and has 70 episodes.

The difficult task of catching up if you somehow never heard of the show and never heard that its second half included appearances by Mando, Grogu, Luke and Ahsoka would take a person 2 hours and 36 minutes to watch. That's it. You could do that in one evening. You could watch the show for 30 minutes a day while on your lunch break and be caught up in 5 days.

The real issue here is that people want to whine about stuff. And when some person who has a Twitter following realizes, hey I didn't know Grogu was on BOBF, instead of simply turning the show on and watching the episodes, they have to whine about it on the Internet. Because that's so much easier and more satisfying than the incredible toll of pressing a button to catch up on the show.

Favreau's given us some of the greatest Star Wars ever and the poor guy's having to answer the same question over and over about a bunch of self-entitled complainers who would rather rattle their sabers on social media than STFU and watch a few episodes.

If missed the BOBF and you're struggling so hard to understand what in the world happened, here you go.

1) Mando gets kicked out of the Mandalorians for taking his helmet off. He survives a duel with Paz Visla for possession of the Darksaber.
2) He gets a new ship - a souped-up N1 starfighter from TPM
3) He tries to visit Grogu at Luke's Jedi Academy but is dissuaded by Ahsoka.
4) Luke trains Grogu but worries he's not really wanting to be a Jedi. He lets Grogu choose a gift, Yoda's lightsaber or a Beskar shirt that the Armorer made for him.
5) Grogu chooses the armor, reunites with Mando on Tatooine. They both help Boba Fett win a battle with another crime syndicate.

Wow! YOU DID IT! YOU CAUGHT UP! AMAZING! Please, now run to social media and catch everyone up on all your complaints about the series so we can know how important your opinion is!

Germain - the guy who wrote that article/tweet - is one of the biggest Star Wars fans you'll ever meet (maybe even a bigger fan than you), but more importantly he's also one of the nicest, most down-to-earth movie journalists in the business. I've met him, and followed him for well over a decade now. He's a really good dude, who almost always tries to be positive, never rips anything apart, and is the last guy you'll find complaining for the sake of complaining.

Yet anytime anyone doesn't like the thing you like, or doesn't want to sit around the campfire, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya in praises of whatever you're a fan of, you have this habit of pegging them as someone who's either being irrational, or just wants to puff their chest and b*tch about it on the internet. For whatever reason, you never consider the third option, which is that when something people love just as much as you doesn't live up to its potential, it's cathartic to sometimes constructively criticize, and do so in communal fashion on the internet. It's not an ego thing, it's not "whining," and it's not them thinking their opinion is more important than anyone else's. You've decided that your love of Star Wars means enjoying every last thing they feed you, and never complaining about any of it. And that's fine! But it's really, really weird how you paint people who don't do the same; like they're these selfish, egotistical gremlins who are trying to steal your joy or something, when that often couldn't be further from the truth.

As for this issue, specifically, again, I now know *multiple* people who watched Mando but didn't watch BOBF. Others in this thread have mentioned knowing additional people who fit this category. It's a very real thing, and asking viewers of your show to do homework for the upcoming season is objectively stupid. Yes, people can easily catch up, but the entire point is that they shouldn't have to. Good shows don't require that of their viewers. And it's ok to complain about it on a public message board, or Twitter, or wherever. You don't have to defend EVERY decision these guys make in order to like what you like, and in the process paint those in a negative light who don't.
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Not gonna lie, in the world we live in with the MCU being so huge and interconnected, I'm really confused why you are nitpicking Mando/Star Wars so hard for required watching of other shows to catch up.
Formerly tv1113
The Porkchop Express
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All right, I gotta put you back on ignore for my blood pressure
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