Just read that during the scene where Galadriel touches the palantir, there's a shield in the background that could have been Tuor's shield he was gifted in Gondolin. It's a shield made up of swan wings.
"As told in
The Book of Lost Tales Part Two, the Elves in Gondolin treated Tuor very highly: "Upon a time the king caused his most cunning artificers to fashion a suit of armour for Tuor as a great gift, and it was made of Ñoldorin steel overlaid with silver, but his helm was adorned with a device of metal and jewels like two swan-wings, one on either side, and a swan's wing was wrought on his shield"."
There's also a sword leaning against the wall that some think is Narsil, and there's a helm in the background that some fans think is the Dragon Helm of Dor-lomin. Could just be wishful thinking, but it's cool to think about.