Main Trailer:
The Bat and the Cat:
Main Trailer:
The Bat and the Cat:

The riddles had me rolling, especially thumb drive. I was legit surprised that Riddler didn't know Batman's identity.
TCTTS said:
Just got home and will write up my thoughts in more detail here in a bit, but popping in to echo that Riddler 100% didn't know Bruce was Batman. The cut to the security camera from Bruce's POV, Bruce's nervousness in being outed in that moment , the Riddler's sentence structure/way he said "Bruce Wayne," and then most tellingly, Bruce's relieved facial expression when he realized what Riddler was actually saying, all point to Riddler not knowing. The whole point, in fact, was that as smart as the Riddler thought he was, he still didn't piece it together. Bruce had that on him in that moment.
PDWT_12 said:
To me it felt very much like a WB add in/meddling moment. But who knows. It is odd that on IMDb Keoghan is listed as Officer Stanley Merkel. I assume maybe there were some scenes cut where he might have played a larger role in the movie originally? Or did I miss something where he played a cop that was involved somewhere in the story?
BoydCrowder13 said:
Matt Reeves plays him some Arkham games.