So, it arrived around 3:30. Had to basically stop working early to play with it. Really loving the sounds i'm getting out of it. Very smooth and has a great master volume, so I can actually play at a reasonable level and still get great tones.
It has a channel 1 and channel 2. From what I'm hearing with both channels, Channel 1 seems VERY plexi like. It's much cleaner than channel 2, and has more bass to it. Channel 2 seems to do that JCM800 thing extremely well.
I've tried the Marshall Studio Vintage (mini Plexi) and Marshall Studio Classic (mini JCM800). I couldn't really dial in a sound I was truly looking for, and especially at any reasonable level, despite them being 20w amps. Both of these channels on the Sheriff seem to get me what I wanted on both of those other amps, but in a single head.
I've heard this about the Sheriff in a review video, and completely agree: The Sheriff sounds like the way you hear a marshall on your favorite recordings. It's a strange thing to say, but every marshall I've played, has never really sounded like I was looking for. This thing has already hit that for me, with minimal tweaking. My Lester sounded amazing on it playing either classic rock or punk rock. Plugged in my Tele, and it also sounded amazing. Can't wait to try out all my other guitars.
Definitely keeping this one. Now I have my Victory for the "Marshall Plexi/JCM800" thing, and I have my Tone King for that "Fender Blackface/Tweed" thing.