And done.
That's awesome! This may be a stupid question but why wouldn't that guitar come with a hard case?TequilaMockingbird said:
Custom color is called Brisket
PRS Brisket
K Bo said:
Just to add some value to this thread, I took guitar lessons for a couple years elementary to high school up and my dad vey kindly bought me with a PRS CE24 around 1999. I lost interest when I went to college and ended up selling it to Music Go Round (or some place like that) for far too little. I am very interested in playing the guitar but don't devote any time to practicing. I sure wish I still had that PRS, though.
K Bo said:
fair, I don't think I have any pictures. negative value added.
maroon barchetta said:aggiecouch said:
FWIW, absolutely love my silver sky. The pickups are incredible
The pic you posted isn't displaying properly.