This cover certainly could be interpreted as giving some credence to the nature of an aspect of the rumored climactic duel between Rey and Kylo that Making Star Wars reported on recently. Basically, the idea is that their Force FaceTime ability - being able to communicate/see each other across vast distances - will be taken to the next level in IX. In other words, imagine them DUELING that way. It was hinted at that they had the ability to interact (I think it was Kylo who had water on his hand from the rain where Rey was), and this fight is apparently super trippy in that regard, in multiple locations, and maybe even in multiple time periods (remember Rey "time traveling" to Cloud City, just before Luke loses his hand in Empire, in her vision in TFA?). However this goes down - and again, it's only a rumor at this point - it seems Rey's vision in TFA and the Force FaceTiming in TLJ were set-ups for this super crazy fight, the likes of which we've never seen before, and could be pretty awesome if done right.