****** Game of Thrones - Season 8 ******

2,006,022 Views | 14667 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Prosperdick
Urban Ag
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that makes sense. Sorry, been years since I read/watched that.
M.C. Swag
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bobinator said:

Varys didn't have anything to do with the assassination attempt on Dany, that was done by King Robert.
omg, yes he did. The poisoner even said something along the lines of "the spider sends his regards."
Tom Kazansky 2012
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Text I sent my brother (who is a hater of this season) after the last episode:

You can't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Awesome moments outside the battles and your yeeting of Kaiburn:

Moment in tent with tyrion and Jamie,bro love. both characters full arc imo

Cersei and Jamie dying together. Nice touch.

Mountain and hound dying together in fire by hound's blinded bull rush through crumbling red keep (where both spent most of their adult lives)

Euron getting ****ing destroyed after destroying dragonstone...by drogon. Then meeting Jamie and the two Cersei suitors dueling it out. Thinks he killed Jamie, didn't. Dies delusional and kind of self grandiosing. ironically does trying to convince himself he's famous for killing Jamie although no one will ever know, and he didn't actually kill him.

Cersei staring into hopelessness all episode saying the keep has never fallen. Then it does. And she is blinded by rage.

Dany going rogue obvi, fulfilling fathers rage.

The hound finally convincing arya that she has more to live for than revenge (still some foreshadowing going on even in second to last episode in my opinion)

Dude that whole episode was so rich it is telling of the people who hated it.

Breggy Popup
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M.C. Swag said:

bobinator said:

Varys didn't have anything to do with the assassination attempt on Dany, that was done by King Robert.
omg, yes he did. The poisoner even said something along the lines of "the spider sends his regards."
The kid who handed Jorah his pardon from Robert said that...not the wineseller. Same episode, wrong person.
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Yeah, you're right, just rewatched that scene. But it was on direct orders from Robert right? Because later Ned gets him to withdraw the order and Varys says its too late or something along those lines?
M.C. Swag
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bobinator said:

Yeah, you're right, just rewatched that scene. But it was on direct orders from Robert right? Because later Ned gets him to withdraw the order and Varys says its too late or something along those lines?
Yes. Jorah was informing on Dany to Varys on behalf of Robert. Robert ordered the assasination, and Varys commissoned it. All of that was in exchange for Jorah being exonerated.

It would have worked had Jorah not changed his mind at the last second.
M.C. Swag
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dlance said:

M.C. Swag said:

bobinator said:

Varys didn't have anything to do with the assassination attempt on Dany, that was done by King Robert.
omg, yes he did. The poisoner even said something along the lines of "the spider sends his regards."
The kid who handed Jorah his pardon from Robert said that...not the wineseller. Same episode, wrong person.
Ok, sorry. It was the kid, but he was a part of the attempt. The point is; Varys tried to poison Dany before. C'mon guys. lol
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Yeah, but it's maybe worth noting that it wasn't his decision. He helped carry it out, but he wasn't the one that decided to kill her like this time.
M.C. Swag
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You don't think that's a noteworthy difference?

(It probably isn't really since Varys is dead now anyway, but just seems like a distinction worth noting.)
M.C. Swag
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bobinator said:

You don't think that's a noteworthy difference?

(It probably isn't really since Varys is dead now anyway, but just seems like a distinction worth noting.)
lmao ffs. no. Some of you guys love to latch onto obvious stuff and try to twist it in some complex ways. That 20 second scene with the serving girl was just trying to make it clear to everyone that Varys was off the Dany bandwagon and it was a subtle hint of a poison attempt. Which is a blatantly obvious call back to the poisoner HE SENT (wgaf if Robert ordered it) to kill Dany in S1 and to Ned's line about 'poison being the weapon of a woman, coward, and eunuch.
Chalupa Batman
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Also in one of Tyrion's first conversations with Dany, Varys gets brought up and she says something along the lines that he tried to kill me and Tyrion said he probably also helped her escape many of the attempted assassinations
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Great Beard of Zeus said:

Text I sent my brother (who is a hater of this season) after the last episode:

You can't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Awesome moments outside the battles and your yeeting of Kaiburn:

Moment in tent with tyrion and Jamie,bro love. both characters full arc imo

Cersei and Jamie dying together. Nice touch.

Mountain and hound dying together in fire by hound's blinded bull rush through crumbling red keep (where both spent most of their adult lives)

Euron getting ****ing destroyed after destroying dragonstone...by drogon. Then meeting Jamie and the two Cersei suitors dueling it out. Thinks he killed Jamie, didn't. Dies delusional and kind of self grandiosing. ironically does trying to convince himself he's famous for killing Jamie although no one will ever know, and he didn't actually kill him.

Cersei staring into hopelessness all episode saying the keep has never fallen. Then it does. And she is blinded by rage.

Dany going rogue obvi, fulfilling fathers rage.

The hound finally convincing arya that she has more to live for than revenge (still some foreshadowing going on even in second to last episode in my opinion)

Dude that whole episode was so rich it is telling of the people who hated it.

If you use 100% emotion, I can see loving it. I need logical consistency with my emotional scenes.
M.C. Swag
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Chalupa Batman said:

Also in one of Tyrion's first conversations with Dany, Varys gets brought up and she says something along the lines that he tried to kill me and Tyrion said he probably also helped her escape many of the attempted assassinations
Varys was only trying to protect Viserys. He never cared for Dany until way later.
Tom Kazansky 2012
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I think this whole episode would have been better as a book than the show. For sure.
CE Lounge Lizzard
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Great Beard of Zeus said:

I think this whole episode would have been better as a book than the show. For sure.
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I wasn't trying to twist it in some complex way, I was just nothing that it's one thing to kill someone on someone else's orders. It's another to decide to kill them yourself.

Not sure why you're so annoyed by that. It doesn't really mean anything for the show since everyone involved in both scenes is dead now except Dany, but still feels like a distinction.
Liquid Wrench
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M.C. Swag said:

Chalupa Batman said:

Also in one of Tyrion's first conversations with Dany, Varys gets brought up and she says something along the lines that he tried to kill me and Tyrion said he probably also helped her escape many of the attempted assassinations
Varys was only trying to protect Viserys. He never cared for Dany until way later.

What was his season 1 meeting with Illyrio about? All we or Arya overheard was Varys telling Illyrio something about the wolf and the lion, but Varys had to be plotting with him.
M.C. Swag
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Just the back and forths over something so incredibly inconsequential. "Hey, it was actually the boy who said..." "hey, it was actually Robert who ordered Varys to kill her..." like, thanks for clarifying that it wasn't partially cloudy last tuesday but was mostly cloudy.
M.C. Swag
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Social Media Influencer said:

M.C. Swag said:

Chalupa Batman said:

Also in one of Tyrion's first conversations with Dany, Varys gets brought up and she says something along the lines that he tried to kill me and Tyrion said he probably also helped her escape many of the attempted assassinations
Varys was only trying to protect Viserys. He never cared for Dany until way later.
What was his season 1 meeting with Illyrio about? All we or Arya overheard was Varys telling Illyrio something about the wolf and the lion, but Varys had to be plotting with him.
They were just talking about Dany's marriage to Khal Drogo. They wanted to hurry up her pregnancy so that Khal would be willing to cross the sea with his army ASAP (to support Viserys).
Hulla Baller
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Just a thought, but can't there be more than one white horse in all of KL?
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Well since everyone is being pedantic, the "poison is the weapon of women, Cravens and eunuchs" was said by pycelle.
M.C. Swag
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U mfer
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I guess it makes sense that this thread's progression mirrors the show.
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The horse clearly forgot it was dead!
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PeekingDuck said:

I guess it makes sense that this thread's progression mirrors the show.
Maybe this is how the writing sessions go. Explains a lot.
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dromo07 said:

The horse clearly forgot it was dead!
The horse WAS dead, Bran raised it, Bran = NK confirmed.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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This thread desperately needs some Howland Reed fan art. My sources tell me he'll appear in the 52nd minute riding Tiamat from Dungeons and Dragons with the glaive from Krull in one hand and Darth Maul's lightsaber in the other to defeat the evil mad queen, after which King Bran and Queen Meera will bestow upon him the title of "Savior of the City" and he will reveal that he actually also Jaq'en Hgar and somehow Syrio Forrell as well, and that he fathered all Ned Stark's children as a favor because Ned was impotent. That means Meera and Bran are actually half-siblings, and that House Reed is now the most powerful in the land. All present then bend the knee to swear fealty to House Reed and learn their words "How the hell do I get out of this ****ing swamp?" After the coronation, Jon, Bronn, Arya, and Grey Worm are named the first four members of the Mud Guard.

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What if 'Howland Reed' is actually a mis-hearing? What if someone was saying "Howl and read."

Hmm... what howls? Wolves howl. And who reads? Sam reads.

The secret all along has been that "Howland Reed" is actually Ghost and Sam working together in a secret plot to take control of Westeros that's finally about to come to be finished.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Urban Ag said:

M.C. Swag said:

It was poisoning. Not complicated at all. He tried to poison her before and he's trying to do it again now. That's all that convo was hinting at.
Tried before? It's been awhile but I thought Varys was playing the part for Robert, acting like he was trying to carry out orders to have Dany killed, but was actually feeding Jorah info to keep her alive. In other words, Varys sets up the assassin to poison her, to placate Robert, but informs Jorah so ensure it doesn't happen. IIRC.

Regardless.....I just walked in the other room and fired up the DVR.

Agreed Varys was trying to poison her in last episode. Otherwise the talk about her not eating and trying again doesn't make sense unless he was simply concerned about her not eating, which also doesn't make sense considering he was already committing treason at that point, unless he was just concerned about PMS + Crazy + Hangry = higher chance of firebombing civilians at KL.

Next, she hasn't been poisoned. She looks like crap because she is mourning, isn't eating, isn't sleeping.

Harry Strickland is sitting on his horse when Drogon blow the gates apart. The horse rears up, he's thrown. The horse clearly dies.

There are white horse all over the place. Many Dothraki have them. Surely there are more within the walls og KL.

If they used the same horse for the final Arya scene, that Strickland was on, it was surely nothing more than out of convenience.

And Arya is clearly alive and well in the trailer.

/none of the above was meant specifically for you other than the question about Varys attempting to poison Dany in S1.

If the horse clearly dies then why is the horse not seen in the panning shots behind, around and in front of him for like 50+ feet in any direction when he gets up a few seconds later.

Could be laziness on the shot I suppose.

Zombie Jon Snow
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bobinator said:

It is great that this thread has literally moved onto deciding if a horse is dead or not. I'm here for it.

FWIW I don't think that horse is clearly dead in that scene. I think he was blown over and he's like 'you know what, my rider got thrown, I'm just gonna lay here a bit and pretend I'm dead and see how this plays out.'
the horse was playing possum.

It's not likely....but I'm also not gonna say it's impossumble.

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"Yes, I have a question about a continuity error from Episode..."

"A wizard did it."

I think we can answer most of our questions thusly.
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Yeah pretty sure that's just a screw up since it went from a live shot to cgi.
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

CE Lounge Lizzard said:

The ending is an autistic Bran playing with a snow globe with a replica of Winterfell at his home in South Boston.

Dany's rampage would look tame compared to mine. I'd burn HBO to the ground and everyone in it.

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I've restarted the show, and found it interesting that King Robert says that it's fear and blood that keeps the peace, and not honor (in regards to Ned Stark)
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