****** Game of Thrones - Season 8 ******

2,212,835 Views | 14667 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Prosperdick
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chase128 said:

Looking to episode 4, how is Dany going to convince Jon (and the North) to ride south to KL and fight for the Iron Throne?
I would imagine anyone who survived that hellhole last week wouldn't want anything to do with KL.
I think Cercei's army rides north and the engagement begins in ep 5.
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I'm with Swag, Sam should have been in the Crypt. He's the equivalent of Tyrion in battle. Largely useless at fighting and only useful for his mind if they survive. Jon should have known this and told Sam to say in the crypt because he's supposed to be their version of a maester. Have him in the crypt and fulfill the role of "brave" by actually stabbing those skeletons as they are trying to break out of the tombs. (It was SO FREAKING DUMB that Tyrion talked up how much he wanted to fight, and then he didn't even have the balls to go stab a skeleton arm that is hanging out of the wall.)

Edd deserved the giant kill, or just a regular "no one gives a ****" death. D&D even said that Lyanna Mormont was supposed to be a one scene character, but because she did so well in that one scene, they wrote her into the story. Everything after that scene: the sneer on the horse while meeting Ramsay, the "king of the north speech", the talk with Jorah (which was complete BS) was all completely made up fan fiction and not in line with the true writing of the book. But to have her go out by killing the giant was such a horrible take and 100% Grade-A fan fiction garbage. Did I cheer when it happened, yes, because I have a soul. But does it make any sense whatsoever? No, not a lick.
M.C. Swag
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cbr said:

In to say 'threads dead' - at least till Sunday.

Speculation, predictions, info from books, theories, that's all fine, but seems to have run it's course.

Idjits *****ing about dramatic dead giant killings or complaining about other bs is just a drag.
We all sincerely appreciate your contribution.
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Teddy Perkins
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The whinging has gone off the rails. Someone start a whinging GOT thread.
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can definitely agree that sam would have been better served in the crypt.
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Barbarossa said:

I love the episode, but wholeheartedly agree with the take that all the redshirts die and none of the a-list players encounter any real danger. I noticed it last season during "Beyond the Wall" when the magnificent seven ride out and the only main person who dies was the cnut with the top-knot, Thoros... I figured they'd make up for that by needing everyone they could at the Battle of Winterfell, but the same thing happened. I thought I saw several characters die multiple times and then they came out unscathed, in the biggest battle of all time, with every no-name dying around them, and it seems out of place for a show that was so great at making every character surviving a battle feel like a blessing. Now if a character dies it's almost certainly to have them redeem themselves for past sins, giving them a happy ending in their own way.

At this point I think the show has used all of the suspenseful "anyone can die" good-will that it earned over the first 4-5 seasons... if there was a time to cash in on that, it was this episode. If by some chance they have a giant battle at King's Landing with drastic consequences I'll eat crow, but until then I'm just going to see this as an extremely well done show that's mostly going to stay within the tropes of usual television.

John and Danny work it out, Gendry and Arya get together long term, Sam and Gilly live happily ever after, Grey Worm and Missandei run away to start a new life, Sansa rules the North, Tyrion gets Casterly Rock, the Hound wins Cleganebowl, Brianne gets to serve an honorable king/queen, Jamie gets several pages of achievements in the White Book/Book of Brothers, Bran lives out his days as a mole man, Bronn gets his Castle, and Podrick runs a chain of successful brothels. Hell, maybe they can reanimate whatever's left of Hodor's corpse and have him keep Bran company like the scene in the end of Shaun of the Dead.

Also, I think that Arya's scene with the Knight King should have killed both of them. Like other posters have pointed out, you now have Arya killing the Knight King, Walder Frey, Meryn Trant, and Little Finger. How is she possibly going to top that? Cersei's on her list, but then it's basically the Arya Kills Everyone show, and she should be able to take out Cersei easily. They should have had the Knight King grab her by the throat and pull a throat rip while she stabbed him, so she goes out in style like Rambo/Patrick Swayze/McGruber AND pads out the main character death toll.

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claym711 said:

I'm just disappointed we didn't see zombie Hodor or Zombie Ned

Zombie Ned has no head
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Tyrion did not really say he wanted to fight if I recall right, he just wanted to be out on the walls so he could see what was happening, maybe notice some kind of detail that could help the fight. For his character, not knowing what's happening and thus having no control over it is his worst fear.

I also think they did try and tell Sam to go to the crypts and he was like 'f y'all, I'm staying out here' and they were basically like 'fine, we're all going to die anyway.'
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Urban Ag said:

Really? Even the Hound went in to shellshock. At one point Arya left the battle to compose herself and regroup.

Sam breaking down in the midst of utter chaos and despair doesn't seem like regression to me.
The Hound has always been afraid of fire. That was different than the rest, he was freaking out because he was trapped inside a flaming box, not because of the corpse army.
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Do you guys think as many people would be complaining right now if Grey Worm had died immediately in that first wave of wights? Assume everything else is the same (save someone else has to trigger the trench bridge), only Grey Worm goes out in moment one without doing anything of consequence.
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WestAustinAg said:

chase128 said:

Looking to episode 4, how is Dany going to convince Jon (and the North) to ride south to KL and fight for the Iron Throne?
I would imagine anyone who survived that hellhole last week wouldn't want anything to do with KL.
I think Cercei's army rides north and the engagement begins in ep 5.
I'm interested to see how they move these pieces together as well.

It doesn't seem to make much sense for Cersei to leave King's Landing.
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bobinator said:

Tyrion did not really say he wanted to fight if I recall right, he just wanted to be out on the walls so he could see what was happening, maybe notice some kind of detail that could help the fight. For his character, not knowing what's happening and thus having no control over it is his worst fear.

I also think they did try and tell Sam to go to the crypts and he was like 'f y'all, I'm staying out here' and they were basically like 'fine, we're all going to die anyway.'
Sam was ordered to go to the crypts for the battle like Tyrion was, right?
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I actually think the one person that could have turned the tide if they'd have died is Brienne.

Episode two was even titled 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms' and it REALLY felt like that was her story arc coming full circle.

I can't believe she didn't bite the dust after all of that in the second episode.
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The crypt thing is an affront against book-reader kind.
Liquid Wrench
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Again, no one is asking for Sam to become a sword wielding badass. Just don't show him regress to the sniveling character YOU showed he already grew from.
You're inventing a new laundry list of absurdist nerd complaints every day.

You better have the vinegar all out of your system by Sunday.
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He wasn't 'ordered' like Tyrion. Dany straight up told him he had to be down there. But there was a scene where Edd and Jon seemed to kind of assume that's where he'd be, and he told them off and said he was staying out.
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gigemJTH12 said:

On Lyanna Mormont. I do not get the love for her at all.

I am emotionally attached to more characters on this show than all other shows combined and she's not even in the top 10.

Her death was unrealistic even for a fantasy show.

I could have gone without that or without her the entire series tbh.
This is baffling to me. She was the most interesting new character there was last season. She is a reasonably good actor and she provided one of the few strong and noble characters there are in the entire 8 seasons.

I think for a series like this to work there have to be good characters mixed in with evil, inept, foolish, characters. Why? Because that is the way we all perceive life. Some good mixed with bad. The first 6 seasons GoT was a simple story to follow: all good characters die...all plans for goodness and peace to reign are thwarted by the bad characters. This got mind-numbingly boring. It was predictable in its own right.

When the writers began to take over from GRRM the story became a bit more hopeful and noble characters weren't removed the moment they showed decency. In season 7 we had some good people win some rounds amidst lots of losing. Lyanna Mormont stood up in front of the older Houses and made a passionate speech about standing up for House Stark. She moved the room with her reasoning. She changed the outcome of the rest of the series. She defined the moment when Good had a chance again. Not since season 1 episode 1 had there been any hope.

I loved Lyanna...loved her character and her role in taking this series away from GRRM's 100% negative fantasy tome into a broader story of redemption, strength in the face of adversity, unity etc.
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what do you mean?
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bobinator said:

I actually think the one person that could have turned the tide if they'd have died is Brienne.

Episode two was even titled 'A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms' and it REALLY felt like that was her story arc coming full circle.

I can't believe she didn't bite the dust after all of that in the second episode.

You're 100% right. I thought she was going to die saving Jamie.
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Yep, haters gonna hate. Lyanna Mormont was a badass and had some of the best moments of the last 3 seasons.
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I just want to state on the record, that I can't keep up with this thread.
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Barbarossa said:

Gendry and Arya get together long term
Arya is pregnant.
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bonfarr said:

Luke Smith said:

gigemJTH12 said:

Luke Smith said:

gigemJTH12 said:

On Lyanna Mormont. I do not get the love for her at all.

I am emotionally attached to more characters on this show than all other shows combined and she's not even in the top 10.

Her death was unrealistic even for a fantasy show.

I could have gone without that or without her the entire series tbh.
"Her death was unrealistic even for a fantasy show"

Really. In a show with dragons, ice zombies, shadow demon babies, flaming swords, people being brought back to life, huge wolves, a dude that can control other dudes and see through time, etc... it's a little girl that acts tough that kills the realism for you?

You have other children that stabbed some old guy to death and helped blow up the city. Oh yeah that's about right.

But one little girl get's picked up and stabs an undead giant in the eye, and that is what breaks the realism in the show for you.

JFC people.
"Acts tough"

She was getting squished by a giant. You literally heard her bones crunch. Go watch the other **** the giants have done in this show(the very first time we see one) and tell me she still could have done that.

Yeah there's a lot of mystical stuff in the show, but not her. She's a human. A little girl.
There's so many points in the show when people should have died and they don't or it's prolonged.

The giant is crushing her as he brings her up to his mouth to eat her. She musters all the strength she has left and stabs him in the eye, and dies.

Is it ridiculous? Sure. Is it implausible? Sure.

But to draw the line here and say this is what makes the show unbelievable is ridiculous

Watching a woman give birth to an apparition that murders a King? Seems legit. Badass little girl stabs a giant in the eye GTFO. Lol.
You know, honestly, for me the moment that I sort of zoomed out and thought "maybe this isn't the most realistic show ever" Was when the two people riding dragons melted some ice zombies then took on a zombie ice dragon.
Liquid Wrench
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bobinator said:

I actually think mid-week is when these threads get better because a lot of the emotion from the first watch wears off.
Not even once in the history of all TV show discussions on this board has that ever been close to true.

It's just that midweek is when all the Fan-Fiction Writers get super ginned up with their 3rd wave of theories about what shoulda woulda coulda.
M.C. Swag
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Social Media Influencer said:


Again, no one is asking for Sam to become a sword wielding badass. Just don't show him regress to the sniveling character YOU showed he already grew from.
You're inventing a new laundry list of absurdist nerd complaints every day.

You better have the vinegar all out of your system by Sunday.
I'm participating in (and quite frankly, also sparking) discussion about the show. If you want an echo chamber of 'OMG THAT WAS AWESOME' you could start a separate 'only compliments' thread.
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I guess the only one I've really participated in consistently was Westworld, and it seemed to kind of slow down midweek so you could have a decent discussion about some of the finer details of the episode and the theories about what was coming next.
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sorry if this has already been mentioned but the wife and i rewatched it yesterday and also watched the behind the scenes stuff

i thought it interesting that dany wasnt supposed to hop on the dragon and go all never ending story meets ww2 dogfight but she got freaked out by the dothraki all dying so she took off which basically made the battle a cluster**** from the start.
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Brienne should have died saving Jaime.

As he grabs Oathkeeper back, Viserion breathes fire and melts it to his gold hand. He then becomes a 2 sword wielding badass again and goes on a tear saving everybody else until the NK is killed.

This also brings those 2 swords back together!!!

Because a Lannister always pays their debts.

Too much?
Liquid Wrench
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If you want an echo chamber of 'OMG THAT WAS AWESOME'
That's never been what this board is about, other than Avengers movies, of course.

But this thread is getting into the Nerd Backflip Olympics as yall try to out-whinge each other. Next you're going to be bjtching that their outfits didn't match and were totally unrealistic for fighting zombies and inconsistent with the fashion choices of Season 2.
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Yeah she screwed up the battle plan when her emotions got the best of her just like Jon Snow did at the BoB when Ramsey killed Rickon.
Liquid Wrench
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bobinator said:

I guess the only one I've really participated in consistently was Westworld, and it seemed to kind of slow down midweek so you could have a decent discussion about some of the finer details of the episode and the theories about what was coming next.
Yeah, probably more true for some of the (slightly) less hyped topics. Others would range into the absurd.
G Martin 87
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Social Media Influencer said:


If you want an echo chamber of 'OMG THAT WAS AWESOME'
That's never been what this board is about, other than Avengers movies, of course.

But this thread is getting into the Nerd Backflip Olympics as yall try to out-whinge each other. Next you're going to be bjtching that their outfits didn't match and were totally unrealistic for fighting zombies and inconsistent with the fashion choices of Season 2.
Are you nuts? Don't give them any new ideas!
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pete_claw98 said:

Brienne should have died saving Jaime.

As he grabs Oathkeeper back, Viserion breathes fire and melts it to his gold hand. He then becomes a 2 sword wielding badass again and goes on a tear saving everybody else until the NK is killed.

This also brings those 2 swords back together!!!

Because a Lannister always pays their debts.

Too much?
Ha, now THAT would spark a bunch of unrealistic complaints
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i was wondering why they were looking to her to light the trench when they knew she would likely be flying around

they didnt think she'd actually be flying around.

also makes that dialogue between her and jon make sense.
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