My three things:
1. I loved it. I could hardly breath and was texting with my wife (I am in Mexico on business, and she'e home with our 3 little girls) all the moments where I was like "AH" "WTF" "OH MY" "NOT LYANNA!!!" etc. My favorite part was Arya sneaking around the library and throat ripping that wight as she spun around the corner - pure awesome. Overall a 9.0 out of 10.0 (it was NOT too dark on my laptop or my iPad [on rewatch]; I can't wait to get home and watch it again snuggled up with the Mrs. on my 70" screen in the dark).
2. A better ending might have been the NK spinning around and catching Arya by the neck, and then Bran stabbing him with a dragonglass dagger in the back-midsection. Seeing him lunged out of his chair, saving his sister (momentarily dropping the 3ER character he's become to return to being a Stark of Winterfell and saving a family member) would have been pretty awesome. The way they did it was not bad, but I like my way better

3. I like that the NK and his army are defeated now and they still have to face Cersei at KL. The show is called Game of Thrones, not Jon vs the Others. And a Song of Ice and Fire probably has many meanings: 1) Living vs the dead, 2) Jon's origin story; 3) Jon and Dany's love story, 4) North vs South, etc. I am way more interested to know who will finally rule the Seven Kingdoms in the end, after the entire Game has been played (if anyone?).
Bonus - a question:** With the NK gone and his army & magic overcome, will Winter end? Will the realm return to summer? Will it go back to normal annual seasons? I think Cersei will be tipped off that the North & Danaerys won the battle win the snow melts and the lands around KL go back to warm and sunny; so she's definitely prepared. Will we see the snow melting in the next episode as the Northern United Army licks its wounds, heals, and makes plans for the attack on KL?