Pendragon12 said:In previous seasons it showed the Children creating the Night King to destroy man. The best way to do that is to destroy the 3ER and then wipe out all men.The Wizard of Oz said:
For me, the episode was visually spectacular, but I feel robbed on the plot line.
I figured that the Night King would have had more depth to him. More agency. I hate that the viewers are educated on the NK's intentions exclusively by one line from Bran in the War Council scene.
I really thought there was more to the NK than Bran's "I'm a living encyclopedia, so he wants to kill me, and then kill everyone else".
And then, Deus Ex Arya inexplicably uses one of the Godswood's invisible Tarzan vines to swing up on the NK? Come on...
If you re-watch the NK death, you can see Bran shift his eyes away from the Night King as if looking at or for something, and the Night King with the curious head tilt. Arya completely disappeared for about 20-30 mins. She was likely hiding and has a history of sneaking up on people. The dead don't seem to be very observant so I don't find this too far fetched.
First viewing I was thinking wtf. Second, I think she either came from a tree above and was able to get the drop on the WWs behind, or used her Faceless Man skills somehow to hide among the dead/WWs.
Maybe I missed something but why is it important to kill 3ER before destroying the world of men? I know that was stated to be but I don't feel it was sufficiently explained and it's not something that just makes sense on its own IMO.