Quick and dirty meme I made with pictures taken of my tv

annie88 said:
Why am I starting to get the weird feeling that Gendry Baratheon is going to end up on the iron throne.
Cy_Tolliver said:What is HBO Now? Is that like HBO Go?aggie-master said:
I have HBO Now and used to have it through my cable company.
Will it pop up as available at exactly 8pm?
Trident 88 said:
Not a chance in hell that Bronn kills Tyrion or Jaime. It just gives the story a reason for him to go north and provide us more quality dialogue between him and the Lannister boys.
aggietony2010 said:
Probably means nothing, but that fiery dead body art in the last hearth sure looked like the Targaryen sigil.
aggietony2010 said:
Probably means nothing, but that fiery dead body art in the last hearth sure looked like the Targaryen sigil.
I think they should honor her badassery by giving her a scene where she kills a few wights and dies in battle.Zombie Jon Snow said:
By the way slightly overlooked awesome moments......
Not so little anymore Lady Mormont is still a badass...... she ain't bowing to no Targ queen. Her stare down on arrival in the courtyard and then her speech in the hall...... she's got balls.
Ranger222 said:
My main three takeaways from tonight
1) I'm convinced Winterfell will fall. Yara with the casual line of "we'll retake the iron islands. It's surrounded by water we know the dead can't cross. It'll give Dany a place to retreat to" with Theon now headed north. It's setting up for Winterfell to fall and a safe refuge for the survivors.
2) The Winterfell crypts are so important to this season
3) for the first time tonight I realized the White Walker's spiral art is a direct representation of the Targaryen house sigil. I think when it was set on fire and you see the spirals really did it for me. Coming for a newly revealed Targaryen?
The Dog Lord said:
Thought this was an interesting part of the new intro. Looks like a lion, a hung wolf shot full of arrows, and a guy holding a wolf's head. Supposed to be Lannisters, Freys, and Boltons?
Sam: What are you doing out here?
Bran: I'm waiting for an old friend.
Ranger222 said:
My main three takeaways from tonight
3) for the first time tonight I realized the White Walker's spiral art is a direct representation of the Targaryen house sigil. I think when it was set on fire and you see the spirals really did it for me. Coming for a newly revealed Targaryen?