Bold prediction (because wtf not). The LoL sticks it right in the gut of everyone jumping off board Team "Stannis the Mannis" and not only delivers the Stag King and his armies from starvation and exposure, but he is so impressed with Stannis' faith that it begs to be granted the complete annihilation of the Boltons at Winterfell and the North will be his. Yes, R'hllor makes great demands of his worshippers, but far be it from him to bring only woe to those who serve him best, the world will see that the sacrifice of his child was the most loving, fatherly act a King could ever bear for his people. Blood magic is real, and faith will be rewarded, because that is the world everyone lives in on Westeros.
LF shows up, sees which way the wind is blowing as he smells Rouse roasting on a pyre, and pledges fealty to Stannis. He, not Cersei, makes him Warden of the North. Right before it's too late, Ramsey takes Sansa hostage and flees for the Dreadfort, with Brienne in hot pursuit.
Credits roll. BOOM.
at least I think it'd be quite interesting if happens like that.
LF shows up, sees which way the wind is blowing as he smells Rouse roasting on a pyre, and pledges fealty to Stannis. He, not Cersei, makes him Warden of the North. Right before it's too late, Ramsey takes Sansa hostage and flees for the Dreadfort, with Brienne in hot pursuit.
Credits roll. BOOM.
at least I think it'd be quite interesting if happens like that.