quote:You must distinguish wights (zombies) from White Walkers (which seem to be something else).quote:I thought someone said in the episode that fire is one of things that can kill them? Did I make that up? Once I heard that, I remember thinking, well...guess that means the only way they will truly go down is with Dany's dragons somewhere down the line.
Any theories as to what actually allows Valyrian Steel to kill White Walkers? Is the metal echanted, or is it more about the steel being forged in dragon fire?
If the latter, than we can pretty much assume dragons would kill White Walkers, right? Cause then the one walker walked into the burning house and put the fire out around him, it seemed like they were invulnerable to fire. But maybe not dragon fire.
Obviously fire will "kill" the wights, as that is the means by which Jon killed the wight that trying to kill LC Mormont.
We don't know about the Walkers yet, but the one in the burning hut at Hardhome did not seem particularly concerned.