And if Stannis, The Hound, and Syrio aren't back alive and roaming he country side next season, are you going to say, "Wait until season 7......I need to see the body before its confirmed!!!!"
You know what, you didn't see Lysa Arryn actually strike the rocks when Littlefinger threw her out of the hole in the floor either. Maybe she sprouted wings and flew off halfway through her fall!!!!
Not at all; but based on how the producers handle the death of other major characters (yes, I'd say The Hound was a major character; no, Syrio is not) you are being intentionally obtuse if you don't at least question if they are actually dead.
At the end of the series if they never come back to Stannis or The Hound I'm not going to go banging on GRRM's and the producer's doors begging to know if they are alive or not. I probably won't even think about them for a while and then just go "huh...guess those guys did die. Oh well, on to my next show"; but at this point I have no reason to believe either of them are dead.
I'm not sure how anyone can accept the producers saying that Stannis is dead and those chose not to show it because it would be "too gratuitous". Stannis getting beheaded would be too gruesome; but watching Joffrey's veins pop and blood pour from his eyes, Janos Slynt's body shooting blood as his head falls to the ground, Oberyn get his skull crushed, Meryn Trant get stabbed all over his body by Arya, Shireen scream as she was burned alive, and all the other characters who we've seen have blood pour from their throats getting cut was all just fine.