I think it's the movies that haven't really justified their existence lately, more than the shows. Love & Thunder and Quantumania were just kinda there and didn't really do much to change the status quo. I mean, Thor has a daughter now and many Kangs are out there, but they already were after Loki anyway. Eternals, totally skippable. Etc.
The shows usually start with a pretty good premise, then meander in the middle, then finish with a generic-but-fine punchy finale. WandaVision was a fresh idea we hadn't seen before. Falcon & Winter Soldier explored some stuff I didn't think we'd see in the MCU. Loki was unique. Hawkeye was fun. Moon Knight was kinda bonkers. Ms. Marvel had some clever editing and art direction early on. She-Hulk did some very She-Hulk things.
Other than Loki and She-Hulk, though, most of that was out the window by the finale. WandaVision was out of the TV show setting (which was fine, and was their intent all along - the finale was never going to be Malcolm in the Middle or anything). Bucky ran out of things to do by episode 5. Hawkeye didn't even have Hawkeye sharing a scene with their surprise villain - he was busy getting wailed on by Yelena. Moon Knight got real generic - was anyone really hoping for him to fly around, or punch Ethan Hawke on a pyramid, or have two giant gods punch each other around like Godzilla? Ms. Marvel lost all the fun visual tricks and you eventually realize episodes 3-5 were basically a side-quest with ****ty villains.
I haven't seen Obi-Wan, but I assume it's the same. There was a lot of hype for episodes 1 and 2, then I quit hearing about it in the middle, and when I asked about it after the finale I heard it was fine overall.
So I think the shows so far have suffered from some genericness and fitting into a 6-episode format. She-Hulk's finale makes fun of this pretty well - "you just gotta have a generic punch-out at the end, that's how these things work." And it was to the detriment of most of the shows.
Now these upcoming shows... ehh. Secret Invasion should be its own thing, and has enough good actors to tell a mature story, so I am somewhat excited about that. Echo shouldn't have gotten a spin-off before she even appeared on Hawkeye, but it's always been rumored to include Fisk and Daredevil, so maybe that's a good thing (or more forced cameos). And Ironheart, they're going to have to either do something really original, or really improve their writing, because I think a lot of people were turned off by her in BP2. (Potentially good villains though)
And yeah I don't know why you'd do an Agatha show other than to do WandaVision 2. Which judging from the cast, it is.
So I guess I'll defend the ideas behind the shows we got so far, I'll criticize the execution on most of them, and even I'm pretty skeptical about the upcoming shows. Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and Nick Fury are characters of a much different caliber than Echo and Agatha Harkness. I thought we'd be getting shows about, say, the Thing, or Iceman or Gambit & Rogue. And we may - in 2029 - but until then they've been scraping the bottom of the barrel. Spin-offs of spin-offs - not what the MCU needs right now.