AgMarauder04 said:
Meh, maybe if she was more concerned with high quality press instead of their reproductive organs.
Silly sentiment imo
Perspective can be just as important as
quality. Women, minorities, people of different cultures, religions, etc see and experience the world in myriad different ways. They're informed by all kinds of various perspectives, and when those different perspectives are brought to the conversation, and inform questions in new and unique ways, it allows us to potentially learn something we might not have otherwise. That's the purpose of storytelling, and some might even say society - to elicit and experience empathy through someone else's experience in order to help enrich us as a people.
I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp. Or why so many here always get their panties in a bunch and look to be so offended by sh*t like this. Certain people believe that high quality homogeny sometimes ins't better than
slightly lower quality diversity. Because one usually reinforces the same old norms, while the other, more often than not, has a higher chance to actually reveal new thoughts/ideas/perspectives that some of us might not have been previously exposed to.
I probably sit somewhere in the middle, but I can at least
understand where Larson is coming from. And am definitely not so obtuse as to think she has it out for white males or whatever. The situation is so much more nuanced than that.