Comparing two things always becomes way more complicated that a straight one to one comparison, but no, I'm not saying they shouldn't be compared. I enjoy watching the numbers on these behemoth films that are coming out lately, it's kinda fun. But you can't ignore the open waters that TFA and BP had coming out of their respective opening weekends. TFA had basically two full weeks of weekend like numbers b/c of the Christmas holidays, it's going to be near impossible for anything to match that especially during the school year/work week (plus the pent up desire for a good/enjoyable Star Wars flick).Brian Earl Spilner said:
By your logic no two movies' BO should ever be compared unless they release on the same calendar date?
It's fun to watch the numbers and I'm interested to see where how it plays out, especially since I feel IW was a vastly superior film to TFA. What I'm interested to see now is what the staying power of IW will be, can it maintain 20 mill+ weekdays? If it can for a while it'll be real interesting to see how much it brings in, personally I think it's still a bit early to be making estimates there are no real competitors for the next two weekends.