I glanced at the Wiki pages for Infinity War part 2 and he is listed in the cast, but none of the Wakanda people are.Bruce Almighty said:
Weird there's no Hawkeye considering he's been with the Avengers since the first movie.
Farmer1906 said:I think they're just giving Cap a moment before he gets the ever living **** beat out of him.FTACO97 said:Although the trailer looks like Gamora and Tony are having a conversation, from the surroundings it looks like Gamora is on the GotG ship and Tony is in the Sanctum Sanctorum.Cromagnum said:
I want to know how Tony winds up with GotG. Do they go to Earth with Thor first, or does Tony wind up in space with them somehow?
Dr Strange got reamed.
Iron Spider suit looked sweet.
Hulkbuster (2.0 ?) armor looked very sweet.
Captain blocking Thanos fist was strange. Did Thanos not have stones yet? It makes sense that he would have the Tesseract force so he could teleport to the other stones, but the first trailer showed him already with the power stone and adding the Tesseract stone 2nd. I'm amazed Cap could block that power unless Thanos is just toying with him.
Looks like we are going to get some backstory since we see Gamora as a child with Daddy Thanos holding her hand.
Cap does have superhuman strength, but I think Thanos is toying a bit...
it was a realm/dimension/floating island.jeffk said:
So, was Ass-guard an actual planet? Early in the films it was more of an actual realm, but these later films have people just arriving by space ship.
jeffk said:
So, was Ass-guard an actual planet?
jeffk said:
I'm talking movie universe canon. Seems like they retconned it to be a planet with the latest films.
Looks very similar to Earth to me. Both Asgard and Earth are flat.TexasAggie_02 said:jeffk said:
I'm talking movie universe canon. Seems like they retconned it to be a planet with the latest films.
Doesn't look like a planet to me.
In Thor 1, Loki actually falls off the edge of Asgard
in movie universe it was a flattish realm (disc in space)jeffk said:
I'm talking movie universe canon. Seems like they retconned it to be a planet with the latest films.
Isn't that covered by Gamora's lines at the beginning of the trailer?jtstanley4621 said:
I don't think this is a spoiler given the trailer, but I'll tag it regardless
Saw somewhere someone float the idea that the movie ends with Thanos snapping his fingers, like he does in Thanos Quest, which eliminates half the life in the universe. That would be wild.
Two other things: I wonder what Thanos' motivation is gonna be. I really like Hela from Thor Ragnarok. She'd be a great version of death for Thanos to be in love with. The trailers don't make it seem that way though. As such I wonder what they're gonna come up with as to why he wants to get the stones. It's also going to be interesting to see if they leave the movie with him not having all the stones.