Although the trailer looks like Gamora and Tony are having a conversation, from the surroundings it looks like Gamora is on the GotG ship and Tony is in the Sanctum Sanctorum.Cromagnum said:
I want to know how Tony winds up with GotG. Do they go to Earth with Thor first, or does Tony wind up in space with them somehow?
Dr Strange got reamed.
Iron Spider suit looked sweet.
Hulkbuster (2.0 ?) armor looked very sweet.
Captain blocking Thanos fist was strange. Did Thanos not have stones yet? It makes sense that he would have the Tesseract force so he could teleport to the other stones, but the first trailer showed him already with the power stone and adding the Tesseract stone 2nd. I'm amazed Cap could block that power unless Thanos is just toying with him.
Looks like we are going to get some backstory since we see Gamora as a child with Daddy Thanos holding her hand.
Dad?Cinco Ranch Aggie said:
Just got my tickets ... and all the wife could say was, we're going on our grown-up son's birthday? WTF.
Guess I should just exchange them for opening night then.
I think they're just giving Cap a moment before he gets the ever living **** beat out of him.FTACO97 said:Although the trailer looks like Gamora and Tony are having a conversation, from the surroundings it looks like Gamora is on the GotG ship and Tony is in the Sanctum Sanctorum.Cromagnum said:
I want to know how Tony winds up with GotG. Do they go to Earth with Thor first, or does Tony wind up in space with them somehow?
Dr Strange got reamed.
Iron Spider suit looked sweet.
Hulkbuster (2.0 ?) armor looked very sweet.
Captain blocking Thanos fist was strange. Did Thanos not have stones yet? It makes sense that he would have the Tesseract force so he could teleport to the other stones, but the first trailer showed him already with the power stone and adding the Tesseract stone 2nd. I'm amazed Cap could block that power unless Thanos is just toying with him.
Looks like we are going to get some backstory since we see Gamora as a child with Daddy Thanos holding her hand.
Cap does have superhuman strength, but I think Thanos is toying a bit...
Farmer1906 said:
Has there ever been a better cast than this?
Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Hemsworth
Mark Ruffalo
Chris Evans
Scarlett Johansson
Benedict Cumberbatch
Don Cheadle
Tom Holland
Chadwick Boseman
Paul Bettany
Elizabeth Olsen
Anthony Mackie
Sebastian Stan
Danai Gurira
Letitia Wright
Dave Bautista
Zoe Saldana
Josh Brolin
Chris Pratt
Vin Diesel
Bradley Cooper
Jeremy Renner
Tom Hiddleston
FightinTexasAg15 said:
I don't see him or "Paul Rudd" on it. He's listed on the IMDB page though. Idk
Is Falcon not on this poster or am I not seeing him? I know he's in the trailer.FightinTexasAg15 said:
Just looking at this poster gets me hyped