So based on the huge success of Guardians and the clear impact that James Gunn had on that film I'm finding it difficult to believe that Marvel/Disney just couldn't tolerate Edgar Wright's vision. Gunn's prints were, to me, all over that film - from the humor and banter, to the certain close up shots of characters and the opening child Peter scene. Short of adding visual "POW"s and "WHACK"s what could Wright been trying to do with that film that didn't gel?
Not sure, Gunn's definitely had more humor but it still felt like a Marvel film. Wright has a way more signature style that definitely would've stood out from all other Marvel films so far... I do agree with you, but think Wright's might've been just a little too much of a deviance.
But who really knows? Like Alias said, maybe it was more of the story and what aspects he had to include. Ant-Man will probably be like Guardians in that it has to be very calculated since it's another hero that pretty much nobody has ever heard of. Clearly Marvel knew exactly what they were doing though.
I'm also going to hold out hope that they will indeed make a Deadpool film and give it to Wright instead.