Did anybody really think Ant Man would have the success of the other Marvel series?
I'm not a huge comic book guy or extremely well versed in Marvel, but I and most people could have told you who IM, CA, Thor and the Hulk are. From what I do know of Ant Man, I just don't see him having the level of appeal as other movies especially with Rudd playing the role.
When you start adding the Black Widow, Hawkeye and then Ant Man...they won't have the appeal or built in audience. I think even GOTG will struggle because of this.
There are plenty of misses in the past to show that it can be difficult with these kinds of movies. Daredevil the movie, and the Green Lantern both bombed with "big name actors" attached.
Anybody who is on the Arrow threads know I'm a huge fan of that...and I would rather see them introduce additional characters that way than to keep trying to force out movies....but I know the big money isn't there doing it this way..
Edit..and yes I know I went back and forth between Marvel and DC...but that was just to make the point...They may be different owners, but they are both trying to follow a similar path.
[This message has been edited by agmatt06 (edited 5/25/2014 2:55p).]
Good movies are good movies. Good directors are good directors. I had every expectation that Ant Man was going to be awesome with Edgar at the helm.