The FF/X-Men crossover universe thing isn't happening, at least anytime soon. That was a premature report debunked by the head of Fox. Simon Kinberg and Mark Miller (the two guys basically spearheading the properties) have both publicly discussed wanting to do it, but the Fox head then followed up and said they want to keep them separate for now.
That said, this new iteration of FF has potential. Not only does it have an awesome cast (Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Jamie Bell, and Toby Kebbell), the director, Josh Trank (Chronicle), apparently made an amazing "proof of concept" sequence that not only landed him the FF job, but ALSO got him the Star Wars spin-off gig. In other words, Fox gave him money to "audition" for the job by letting him put together a sequence of how he would envision FF (this is a common practice in the industry). And it was apparently so cool/good, that Fox not only greenlit a FF movie with him as director, they also greenlit a sequel, scheduled for 2017. Then Disney got their hands on the sequence and were so blown away they hired Trank for SW. So whatever the hell Trank did, it gave two separate corporations the confidence to let him direct two of their biggest properties. Point is, everything so far indicates that this iteration FF could be pretty awesome, and will likely be about as far as you can get from the old movies.
[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 7/3/2014 3:38p).]