From my Google Drive - January 16, 2020israeliag said:
Ooo, it should be all that paper work and red tape that leads him to the dark side
The dead vote! Uproar in the CHOMMEL SYSTEM where aspiring politician SHEEV PALPATINE has won election to the SENATE of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC by a wide margin with a vote total that exceeds the amount of living sentient beings in the CHOMMEL SYSTEM.
Unknown to voters and politicians alike is that PALPATINE is secretly DARTH SIDIOUS, who is planning to topple the REPUBLIC and destroy the JEDI ORDER with a sinister long-term plan that will ultimately lead to the revenge of THE SITH.
But first, SIDIOUS must go through new senator orientation in the business administration building on CORUSCANT where he will learn more about his living quarters, stipend, how to submit meal receipts for reimbursement (provided the meals are for Senatorial purposes), and how to get a temporary parking pass for his airspeeder for the SENATE PARKING GARAGE until such time as a permanent parking pass is made available to him.