Star Wars Discussion Thread

7,006,475 Views | 46171 Replies | Last: 14 hrs ago by SpreadsheetAg
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fig96 said:

A bit of Filoni...damn.

You see it in his shows and you hear it when he speaks about Star Wars. He just gets it
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fig96 said:

A bit of Filoni...damn.

I think that's a great explanation, but I think it probably gives too much credit to Lucas as a storyteller.
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PatAg said:

AliasMan02 said:

ArmyAg2002 said:

I want a live action Rogue Squadron series. Either in the vein of Rogue One or super campy like Baa Baa Balcksheep.

I think a series that revived around fighter pilots would be a little tough. Lots of time with an ensemble cast not on the screen together every episode.

What about a series in the same vein, but revolving around a Rebel special forces unit or group of pathfinders?
They aren't only fighter pilots, they end up doing quite a bit of other stuff.

Wraith Squadron would make a better show, honestly
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Sabine Wren reportedly showing up in season 2 of Mando. Now i am def starting to think that Mando hands over the child to her and Ahsoka for hiding. That could possibly kick off a live action spin off or at the very least an animated one.
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MuckRaker96 said:

The obvious follow-up should be thousands of years in the past and revolve around the first Jedi to build a lightsaber and have him/her set up a school on Ach-To Island.

I personally think Taika's movie is a big-screen Mando.
This is really interesting. I don't think it will be, but its definitely a possibility.

With all the firings, hirings and changes of direction, I'm confused at where we are. Can we do a reset...

I put together the following, but am sure I have gaps, etc. Anyone care to update...

Announced Disney+ Shows:
  • Mandolorian Season 2
  • Kenobi
  • Cassian
  • Rebels 2 (rumored)

Announced Movies:
  • Unknown Taika Waititi
  • Unknown Johnson movie (this is still a thing, right?)

Announced Directors:
  • Taika Waititi (movie)
  • Dave Filoni (?)
  • Rian Johnson (he is still not officially ruled out, is he?)

Announced Writers:
  • Taika Waititi (movie)
  • Krysty Wilson-Cairns (movie)
  • Dave Filoni (?)
  • Rian Johnson (?)

Has been 'LucasFilmed':
  • David Benioff (movie)
  • D.B. Weiss (movie)

People who know their stuff:
  • Dave Filoni
  • Kevin Feige
  • John Favreau - Someone to temporarily hold down the fort until Kennedy is ejected and Filoni and feige take over?

Rumored Topics:
  • Old Republic - yes, yes, please yes
  • High Republic - books only hopefully
  • Ahsoka - heavily rumored for Mando 2, with luck a Disney+ spinoff
  • Solo II / Crimson Dawn - small rumors of coming to Disney+
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Why does that story say that Rosario Dawson isn't official yet? Didn't they already film the season?
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Yes, they filmed it. She just hasn't been officially announced yet. That said, even she herself has HEAVILY hinted that she's in it, and the showrunner of her last show (Briarpatch) straight up confirmed that she's in it.
Brian Earl Spilner
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***** Upcoming Movies *****

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - December 20, 2019

Untitled Film 1 - December 16, 2022

Untitled Film 2 - December 20, 2024

Untitled Film 3 - December 18, 2026

Rian Johnson film series - TBA

***** Upcoming Series (Disney+) *****

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - February 2020

Cassian Andor series - TBA (Disney+)

Obi-Wan series - TBA (Disney+)
Man, just realized my OP is wildly out of date. Gotta do an update soon.
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Good list, but you're short a couple writers/directors/projects. I'll find them here in a bit.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Was googling, and the 3 untitled films are still officially a go, right? Haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise.

Problem is we have absolutely no information to go on for those. No directors, no scripts, nothing.

I guess we might be able to assume that the first one will be that Taika Waititi movie? Cause it sure as hell isn't looking like it's gonna be the Rian Johnsom movie.

Unless there's a movie that's already deep into pre-production that they've kept close to the vest all this long?
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Waititi's movie won't be ready for 2022, as Thor: Love and Thunder is 2022 as well. No way he can do both in that time. I'll break everything down here shortly.
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What's the timeline between Rebels and Mandalorian?
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Rebels runs from about 4-1 BBY, and Mandolorian is 10 ABY, so about 11 years difference from end of Rebels to beginning of the Mandolorian
Brian Earl Spilner
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Rebels is in the Post-ROTS, Pre-ANH era. (Right around the time of Solo.)

Mandalorian is several years after ROTJ. Completely different eras.

It's crazy how fast that ROTS - ANH gap is closing up. Between Solo, Rogue One, Rebels, and now the Obi-Wan and Cassian Andor series.

Makes me wonder of much of an overlap there'll be between Obi-Wan, Cassian Andor, and Rebels. (As far as plotlines and characters.)

But also, that era is starting to get a little busy. I hope they start branching off more into that ROTJ - TFA era.
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Reason I asked is to see the plausibility of baby yoda being handed off to Sabine and Ashoka in Mando. They were last seen heading off to find Ezra together at the end of Rebels.

Also, I read where Filoni said Rebels won't be getting another season.

Just trying to connect dots here.
Gangnam Style
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jeffk said:

Reason I asked is to see the plausibility of baby yoda being handed off to Sabine and Ashoka in Mando. They were last seen heading off to find Ezra together at the end of Rebels.

Also, I read where Filoni said Rebels won't be getting another season.

Just trying to connect dots here.
I'm getting that feeling as well. The Ahsoka/Sabine cameos will serve as a teaser to the Rebels 'sequel'. Filoni probably isn't lying re: Rebels, it will be a new show.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I think Baby Yoda will 100% be seen or mentioned either in Cassian Andor or in Obi-Wan. I think they have set up the pieces so that we should be questioning where he was during that time.

A few other things that will likely connect between the different series:

  • Maul will undoubtedly play some role in Cassian or Obi-Wan, given where his story ended in TCW and where he was in Solo.
  • Force healing was a completely new force power that was first seen from Baby Yoda. I think another Jedi will come across BY and learn this from him, and will possibly hand it down to Obi-Wan or Yoda, providing context as to how Rey was able to learn this. (From Luke or Leia.)
  • Darksaber (How it came to be in the possession of Gideon, aka Gus Fring.)
  • Possibly Boba Fett? (We know he's coming back for Mando.)
  • Possibly a young Din Djarin?
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In terms of live-action, here's EVERYTHING currently announced or credibly rumored...


Untitled Star Wars Project 1

Untitled Star Wars Project 2

Untitled Star Wars Project 3

No indication yet as to which of these will be the 2022 movie, if any...

Untitled J.D. Dillard Star Wars Project
Director: J.D. Dillard
Writers: J.D. Dillard & Matt Owens

Untitled Kevin Feige Star Wars Project
Producer: Kevin Feige

Untitled Rian Johnson Star Wars Project Part 1
Director: Rian Johnson
Writer: Rian Johnson

Untitled Rian Johnson Star Wars Project Part 2
Director: Rian Johnson
Writer: Rian Johnson

Untitled Rian Johnson Star Wars Project Part 3
Director: Rian Johnson
Writer: Rian Johnson

Untitled Taika Waititi Star Wars Project
Director: Taika Waititi
Writers: Taika Waititi & Krysty Wilson-Cairns


October 2020
The Mandalorian - Season 2

TBA 2021
The Mandalorian - Season 3

TBA 2021
Untitled Cassian Andor Series

TBA 2022
Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi Series

Untitled Leslye Headland Series
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Not seeing how the midichlorians thing is an issue. That would be like Qui-Gon having an issue with the planets being round.
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He's talking more thematically.

That, and midichlorians are "science" Lucas created out of thin air. Planets were already round before Lucas wrote the prequels. He didn't *have* to include/adhere to midichlorians as much as he had to adhere to round planets.

He's saying that if Qui-Gon is supposed to represent the human path, a better script would have had Qui-Gon be a character who potentially disputed the idea of midichlorians; that midichlorians as a concept could still exist in the movie, but Qui-Gon would represent someone who didn't 100% buy into the idea of midichlorians and midichlorians only defining the Force.

Which, frankly, would have been so much better, IMO.

For Lucas to introduce midichlorians in the way he did, but then have a character be like, "I don't know if I completely buy into this whole midichlorian thing," man, that would have been such an awesome thing to explore, and could have been so rich thematically, re: all the Anakin/path stuff.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Not seeing how the midichlorians thing is an issue. That would be like Qui-Gon having an issue with the planets being round.
Agreed. I don't think there's a huge tension between science and emotion, but there is a tension between the Jedi asceticism and emotion.

Still think the introduction of midichlorians was a mistake that added less than nothing to the mythos.
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That take about Qui-Gon and midiclorians misses the mark, imo. QG was (is) the only Jedi to really talk about the living force, and the midiclorians are central to that. That doesn't mean he isn't also capable of emotion, he just doesn't show it passionately like Obi-Wan or Anakin. He clearly was doing everything to look out for Anakin, and he even showed some fatherly tendencies to Obi-Wan.

Now, do I think we take everything Filoni says as gospel? That's probably not the case. I do think he's right that losing Qui-Gon, who could have filled the space of his mother, was a big deal to Anakin. It could have been explored more in Ep2.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Agree on the unnecessary addition of midichlorians. I just don't see how having Qui-Gon not "buy into" them would add anything to his character. I think we get exactly the kind of person/Jedi he is from the movie as it exists, and Filoni's analysis is spot-on.

Those tweets seemingly just want to discredit any positive analysis of the prequels.

Not to mention the criticism of Liam Neeson's "stoic" performance being really odd. He's a Jedi, that's the whole point of how restrictive the Jedi Order was at the time. I think he played the part he was asked to play perfectly well.

There are many things wrong with TPM, but his performance is not one of them. IMO.

Having said all that, maybe a slight hint at an attraction/romance between Qui-Jon and Shmi could've been interesting.
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Oh, and I also don't think midiclorians added anything to the Force. Yoda's speech to Luke in Empire was sufficient.

Having said that, I guess Lucas needed a way to show how unique Anakin was in order for Qui-Gon to go all in on him. Probably thought some of the newer audience needed a force explanation, too.
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redline248 said:

Oh, and I also don't think midiclorians added anything to the Force. Yoda's speech to Luke in Empire was sufficient.

Having said that, I guess Lucas needed a way to show how unique Anakin was in order for Qui-Gon to go all in on him. Probably thought some of the newer audience needed a force explanation, too.
Qui-Gon could've just said "I feel the Force more strongly in him than anyone I've ever seen, even Master Yoda." Vader was able to tell that the Force was strong in Luke while chasing him in a TIE Fighter, and he didn't need to check Luke's midichlorian count to do it. Heck, the TPM audience by and large knows that Anakin = Vader, so you'd even get the rhyming that Lucas wanted between TPM and ANH.
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PatAg said:

AliasMan02 said:

ArmyAg2002 said:

I want a live action Rogue Squadron series. Either in the vein of Rogue One or super campy like Baa Baa Balcksheep.

I think a series that revived around fighter pilots would be a little tough. Lots of time with an ensemble cast not on the screen together every episode.

What about a series in the same vein, but revolving around a Rebel special forces unit or group of pathfinders?
They aren't only fighter pilots, they end up doing quite a bit of other stuff.

They are like a fighter squadron where everyone has an additional skill set. Wraith Squadron might work better...more like an SF team that also flies fighters. I think something along the lines of Space:Above and Beyond would work for a Rogue/Wraith Squadron series.
Brian Earl Spilner
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double aught
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A lot of greatness in that two minute video.
Malachi Constant
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

I wouldn't mind seeing more of Ms. Hollingsworth
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Fat Bib Fortuna
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TCTTS said:

Liam Neeson carried TPM In terms of acting. Ewan McGregor had almost nothing to do until the end. And had QGJ survived the Maul encounter, Palpatine would have had to devote enormous resources to killing him some other way, or Anakin would never have had been so turn-able.

Qui-Gon acts like a rebel throughout TPM - from making the deal with Boss Nass and using a mind trick on him to busting Amidala out of there to landing on Tatooine to making the deal with Watto - Yoda or Mace Windu would have pissed themselves going that far out of bounds with what the Jedi are supposed to be doing.

Qui-Gon training Anakin would have been the perfect blend of teaching and real-world experience. Anakin chafed at everything the Jedi taught him because he spent 9 years living in a real world experiencing real things. Qui-Gon candidly admits that he didn't come to Tatooine to free slaves, but if you're Anakin and you're being taught that the Jedi are the defenders of peace and justice, aren't you asking time and again - "Hey when are we going to liberate my mom and the 5 million other slaves on Tatooine?"

Qui-Gon was doing his own thing and seeing the world through his own lens, with the Force as a compass on how to get things done. The other Jedi were sitting around like pretty birds in a cage on Coruscant, neutered by the Senate and the Chancellor from the first day we meet them. Think about the scene where Dooku captures Obi-Wan in AOTC. If that's Qui-Gon and Dooku says this guy Sidious has taken over the Senate, Qui-Gon's like "let's saddle up and get this guy outta here." But even my favorite character can only see dark vs. light, not the shades of grey that always make Qui-Gon so fasciating to me.

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Random the term "light side" ever used in a Star Wars movie before the Force Awakens?
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Well said.
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