Ani and Quo Gone:

It will be in the opening crawl. It'll explain how Leia put together a massive army that crushed Kylo Ren and the First Order in an epic an inspiring battle that happened off-screen. It'll go on to say that Kylo killed Leia in the battle and that, despondent, he turned his lightsaber upon himself and that peace has been restored in the galaxy. This will leave the next 2-3 hours to further explore the relationship between Rose, Finn, Rey and Poe. And yes, the movie theater employees would still have to mop the tears and jizz from under Spilner's seat.Quote:
JJ will include a 5 second blurb about how the first order jammed transmissions from that planet and that's why they didn't get help.
Flashdiaz said:
Ani and Quo Gone:
DB Coach said:
I happened to catch the end of Episode 3 last night on TNT or whatever channel was doing a Star Wars marathon, and it got me thinking (nerd-out here). How can Anakin be a force ghost when he clearly wasn't taught how? Qui Gon learned it and told Yoda. Yoda shared that with Obi Wan, who uses the knowledge in his final battle vs Vader. Luke presumably learned it while in exile from the ancient texts he's collected and so becomes one with the Force at the end of TLJ. But again, how did Anakin learn the way and become a force ghost?
So, typical Tuesday night?Brian Earl Spilner said:
If they brought back Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Yoda in one scene, the cleaners are gonna have a bad time mopping up the floor below my seat, a mixture of tears and jizz.
redline248 said:
I would guess it was retconned because of people asking "why aren't there Sith force ghosts?"
wangus12 said:
That was funny.TCTTS said:
Was it really retconned, though? It's obvious that Vader did not kill Obi Wan. What was the original explanation for it?AliasMan02 said:redline248 said:
I would guess it was retconned because of people asking "why aren't there Sith force ghosts?"
Originally the intent was certainly that every "good" Jedi became a Force Ghost.
israeliag said:
Can force ghosts go on forever, or is there an expiration date on them? For some reason in my head I always assumed they only had so many minutes ghosting before it ran out.
DB Coach said:Was it really retconned, though? It's obvious that Vader did not kill Obi Wan. What was the original explanation for it?AliasMan02 said:redline248 said:
I would guess it was retconned because of people asking "why aren't there Sith force ghosts?"
Originally the intent was certainly that every "good" Jedi became a Force Ghost.
I think essentially, yes. I also think that Luke died in TLJ, and didn't just transcend or whatever.AGGies0311 said:
Was what Obi Wan did in A New Hope the same as what Luke did in the Last Jedi:?
is there something to change the content of the movie?wangus12 said:
If you want to change to cover for your copy of TLJ
it would be almost as bad as Luke throwing his saber over his shoulder....only worse.Brian Earl Spilner said:
If they brought back Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Yoda in one scene, the cleaners are gonna have a bad time mopping up the floor below my seat, a mixture of tears and jizz.
Just watched on youtube and the cloak begins to fall literally at the moment the light saber makes contact. But from the top of the hood down. Man, for over 40 years ago it's a really well made scene with the cloak dropping just as the effects of the light saber reach it.Brian Earl Spilner said:
This may be due to tricky editing, but I have always thought Obi-Wan's body disappeared a split second before getting sliced by Vader.
I think he "decided" to become one with the force similar to Luke in TLJ.
This has always been my thought as well. I've never once thought Vader "killed" him.Brian Earl Spilner said:
This may be due to tricky editing, but I have always thought Obi-Wan's body disappeared a split second before getting sliced by Vader.
I think he "decided" to become one with the force similar to Luke in TLJ.