fig96 said:
This is really starting to get ridiculous. First of all, didn't Mark himself state that he fundamentally disagreed with how Luke was portrayed in this film? Wouldn't that trump any "mean tweet" any two bit critic or uber fanboy nerd could throw out there?
Then, look at his objectively. TFA was a decent but it's pretty much universally regarded as a New Hope v2/reboot, not very imaginative, and pretty much carried by an endearing return of Ford's Solo and a very likeable, very well received performance of Ridley's Rey. I think that is a fair assessment.
Put R1 to the side. It was a fantastic Star Wars movie but doesn't really factor in to the debate of the new trilogy.
So in the run up to the release of TLJ, the fan hype was much less as compared to the run up of TFA. Clearly. Then Disney makes a bold statement in basically giving Johnson the keys to the kingdom is announcing he will be in the drivers seat for the next trilogy. Fan hype increases. Initial critic review of TLJ is pretty solid across the board. Fan hype jumps to hyperspeed. The film in released and there is a collective sigh among both hard core fans and casual movie goers.
Yes, the fanboy uber nerds tweeted the F out of "what should have happened". I get it. But this is such a small portion of the overall audience. The fact is that the most movie goers found the TLJ to be entertaining, worth the price of admission, but just not that great. So sorry that multi-millionaires have to suffer the hyper-critical, Star Wars, nerd-a-thon, Twitter-verse. Boo hoo. TLJ was just not that good. Deal with it.