I am not wee_ag. wee_ag is a legend in his own right. Particularly for his part in the great Texas A&M Mincecraft map.TheEyeGuy said:Enlightening post.... wee_ag, eh?Blatant Disregard said:
I stole his screen shot, that's all.
I am not wee_ag. wee_ag is a legend in his own right. Particularly for his part in the great Texas A&M Mincecraft map.TheEyeGuy said:Enlightening post.... wee_ag, eh?Blatant Disregard said:
Was like... he has a sock....Blatant Disregard said:I am not wee_ag. wee_ag is a legend in his own right. Particularly for his part in the great Texas A&M Mincecraft map.TheEyeGuy said:Enlightening post.... wee_ag, eh?Blatant Disregard said:
I stole his screen shot, that's all.
redline248 said:
Han never seemed that much older than Luke/Leia. Are we talking Padme/Anakin age gap, here?
You're talking about Poe and Kylo? I don't think so, at least not from what I've gathered. In Bloodline, Ben is already off with Luke and Leia hasn't started the Resistance yet. Until the very, very end...and Poe is not part of her initial group. Not sure how/when he came to join, but it just doesn't seem likely he and Ben knew each other.Quote:
And I suppose they probably knew each other for most of Kylo's childhood.
GTFO.AliasMan02 said:
With Rebels ending, I've been thinking about what we'll get from Filoni and company next. I think they'll hand him a life action show and they'll develop a new animated show, for sure. I wonder if the animated series will take place during the Resistance era, and possibly be Black Squadron.
AgMarauder04 said:GTFO.AliasMan02 said:
With Rebels ending, I've been thinking about what we'll get from Filoni and company next. I think they'll hand him a life action show and they'll develop a new animated show, for sure. I wonder if the animated series will take place during the Resistance era, and possibly be Black Squadron.
In that particular tweet, she's "done" arguing with internet/twitter trolls. Some random fan account took a screen shot from her show. She's standing next to a picture from Return of the Jedi with a red X drawn on Luke's face. The fan account is claiming that is proof that Lucasfilm hates Star Wars and is only trying to sh-t on the fans.boogieman said:
Wait. What is she "done" about? What set this all off?
"This needs to go viral."Saul Goodman said:
I love Star Wars, but how much of a f'ing loser do you have to be to dig deep like that to get offended over a fictional character.
Seriously? Have you kept up with this thread? Rebel Librarian likely posts here.Saul Goodman said:
I love Star Wars, but how much of a f'ing loser do you have to be to dig deep like that to get offended over a fictional character.
Urban Ag said:Seriously? Have you kept up with this thread? Rebel Librarian likely posts here.Saul Goodman said:
I love Star Wars, but how much of a f'ing loser do you have to be to dig deep like that to get offended over a fictional character.