Man, I love Kylo Ren as a character.
I'm not going to spend time trying to debate the finer points of TFA, but Abrams was asked to create new characters, highlight old ones, create a commercially viable film that would drive interest for the remainder of the trilogy and several one off films, and try to not piss off everyone in the process. I think TFA is ok. I think the characters are ok, and there is plenty of direction to take them on an original path.
I think VIII will feel like Empire, because it is the middle act. I doubt it will be the same. Will Luke be the same as Yoda? As certain in himself and his doctrine? Just because there is training doesn't make this the same story. Just because there are walkers or a ground assault in a war film doesn't make this Empire. I really think we will be alright. When I hear the cast talking about this film being surprising or fresh, I choose to believe it isn't just marketing, and that they have something here that is not just a retread of the past.