CJS4715 said:
We watched it last night. I really like the movie, but the first hour seemed jarring. The story is so off kilter early in the film. TFA is a more watchable film end to end.
It's interesting how varied the comparison are between R1 and TFA. I find R1 a much better film myself. Not perfect, but very good. I put it solidly behind ESB at the #2 spot in the franchise.
I think I have watched TFA, end to end, at least 4 times now and maybe 5. I find it less watchable each time. For me, I feel like Abrams captured "the feel" of Star Wars well but just didn't deliver on the story, the dialogue, or many of the characters. So now that we are nearly 1.5 years removed from the premiere, this is kind of where I am at with it.
Rey was incredible. Daisy Ridley is an amazing find and she will carry most of the the next two in the series, in my opinion.
Harrison Ford as an aged Han Solo was absolutely nails. Really to the point that his performance touched me emotionally. My dad is the same age. So many parallels there. Still the tough guy but certainly softened on many fronts. Sans some terrible cheesy lines, I thought the return of Han and Chewie was brilliant, touching, and so well done overall.
And at this point I can't say I have much else to offer that is all that positive. Not necessarily negative, just not that positive.
Finn and Poe added little for me. And in Finn's case, the more I see of him the more it feels forced and PC. And the backstory is so implausible. He is supposedly taken from his family as a small child and indoctrinated for likely 20 years or so as a First Order Stormtrooper yet turns his cloak literally within hours of his first mission.
I recently watched ANH and had this thought that the aliens/monsters they delivered 40 years ago were as good or better than what we saw in TFA. Tatooine cantina better than Maz's watering hole. That simple.
Original trilogy war implement, stormtroopers, and officers were, IMO, much better that what was presented in TFA. Hoth battle is still so epic and none of the battles in TFA are even close.
At this point I can't stand the Kylo Ren character. I think Adam Driver is terribly cast here. And the whole vibe for the character, a Vader protege', is just wrong. The best thing they could do here is have him go severe dark side, no redemption, no turning back. I hope they do.
But my single biggest gripe is the TFA is literally a re-telling of ANH. And it's worse than I initially thought when you really think about it.
Luke/Obi Wan = Rey/Han
Vader/Obi Wan = Kylo/Han
Stuck on desert planet Tatooine, flee Imperials on the MF = Stuck on desert planet Jakuu, flee First Order on the MF
Taking droids to Alerdaan only to have it blown up by giant world destroying Death Star = Taking droid to Resistance only to have the resistance planets blown up by giant world destroying Star Killer base.
Hux/Weasley was terrible. Is this guy really the most authentic "military leader" type character they could cast? And the screeching, spittle flying, Nazi-esque, all hail the First Order scene, was truly cringe worthy/laughable.
And then of course, the same mission against all odds to destroy a massive, planet killing, space station just mere moment before it wipes the Resistance (Rebellion) off the face of the galaxy.
Funny thing is, kids are honest. My kids knew, they could feel, how badly I wanted to love this movie. But they are honest - yeah it was ok dad, pretty much the same movie as original Star Wars, right? can we get ice cream?
Don't get me wrong, I am totally invested in this and I'll be there for TLJ with nearly the same anticipation. I am enjoying what Disney is doing with the franchise. Can't say TFA was a swing and a miss, more of a foul ball.
TLDR, rant over.