I'm glad to hear they might still develop 1313. Man that concept art is amazing.
We even went into a period of time after we released the first teaser [last November] where we very consciously didn't do anything for three or four months.
quote:Get off your phone and drive!
Sunset Blvd., on my way in to work this morning...
"I think that's what Larry Kasdan taught me most of all, which is 'Don't work so hard," Abrams continued. "Trust the audience. Trust the characters and that the audience will feel more, in a way, the less you explain the stuff to them. And the challenge is always to make it satisfying and clear and not feel like you're being preached to."
"Of course, George kept popping his head in the door, and we valued his opinion every time. He'd be like, "How about a talking orange frog with a Jamaican accent? How about a planet where it rains all the time and there's no land mass, who wouldn't want to live there, right? Hey, how about 20 minutes of scenes in a Senate debate right in the middle of the movie? How about casting a kid who absolutely cannot act in the biggest role of the film, just to see what happens?" Great thoughts, all around, George hasn't lost his touch!"
quote:Producer for TFA is married to producer for Jurassic World.
Wait what, can you explain?
quote:Kennedy also has The Last Airbender which may or may not wipe out all the good she has done in the world.
Both have Indiana Jones and Back to the Future. One has the original JP and the future Star Wars movies, the other doesn't. Easy pick.
Both have Indiana Jones and Back to the Future. One has the original JP and the future Star Wars movies, the other doesn't. Easy pick.
What I hate most about this movie is that Anakin does everything in the space battle "by accident".