Star Wars Discussion Thread

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Fat Bib Fortuna
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Really good quality, ehanced shot of the Knights of Ren:

Notice the one on the far left. Does it look like his right arm IS the blaster?

The guy in the far right back has a vibro axe straight out of Star Wars Galaxies / the weequays on Jabba's skiff. Given that guy's lack of height, and the fact that he's wielding a hand-to-hand weapon, I wonder if there's any chance that it's the guy who played Syrio Forel in Game of Thrones, who we know is in the TFA, but nobody knows what role.

MSFC Aggie
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Knights of Ren are these guys with better gear!!!

I wonder if Kylo is their leader because he has a lightsaber or because he can cast magic missle!?
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Really good quality, ehanced shot of the Knights of Ren:

Notice the one on the far left. Does it look like his right arm IS the blaster?

Also, the guy in the back...

Notice what Kylo has in his LEFT hand...

Another light saber.

Pretty sure those are dead Jedi all around them. One could even assume that was an academy of sorts.
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Really good quality, ehanced shot of the Knights of Ren:

Notice the one on the far left. Does it look like his right arm IS the blaster?

Also, the guy in the back...

Notice what Kylo has in his LEFT hand...

Another light saber.

Pretty sure those are dead Jedi all around them. One could even assume that was an academy of sorts.


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Really good quality, ehanced shot of the Knights of Ren:

Notice the one on the far left. Does it look like his right arm IS the blaster?

Also, the guy in the back...

Notice what Kylo has in his LEFT hand...

Another light saber.

Pretty sure those are dead Jedi all around them. One could even assume that was an academy of sorts.


Which would lead more credence to him "finishing" Vaders work of wiping out the Jedi.

We'd half to assume that Luke has restarted the order in the 30 years since. Maybe the loss of Jedi is part of a reason he went into hiding. Loss of hope in seeing so many of his students killed?
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Yep, and I'm starting to think that shot of hooded-Luke and R2 is from the aftermath of the massacre. So... flashback.
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Yep, and I'm starting to think that shot of hooded-Luke and R2 is from the aftermath of the massacre. So... flashback.
Probably a funeral pyre. I think more and more that's what drives him away. He's haunted by his failure to protect his students.

Maybe this movie starts as a way to redemption, one more attempt to revive the Jedi. Something we won't see until sometime in VIII or possibly IX.
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Not convinced that is a light saber in his hand, but I guess it could be. That guy right behind Kylo to the right looks like the Dead Space guy though! (I love that game!!!).

I find it VERY unlikely this is Kylo's gang wiping out "Jedi". Would be way too many things going on in this movie if we had to cut away to specifically talk about other groups of Jedi and how Kylo is hunting them down. If it is a lightsaber in his hand, it's more likely he is simply hunting down people that have any old Jedi relics that have been collected and saved over the years. A lot of our assumptions yesterday about the opening scene were around Kylo going to Jakku looking for Luke and/or perhaps his old Lightsaber.
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Some sources seem almost positive that Knights of Ren shot is from a flashback. Same with the Luke/R2 shot. Kylo hunting down a bunch of Jedi / Force relics likely isn't going to be a present-day story, regardless. I think we're going to meet Kylo in that village raid, see that he's after something important (one final relic or person), and then maybe halfway through the movie get like a three-minute flashback scene that sheds some light on his history, Luke's attempt at a Jedi Academy, the massacre, etc. I know we all fell in love with the idea of Luke on Jakku - and he still may be - but I've since been convinced the one shot we've seen of him so far is a flashback, as everyone has been guessing for a while. I'm betting that Luke shot is the aftermath of the massacre. Still, maybe the Academy was on Jakku as well?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Ooh, good call.
Brian Earl Spilner
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So this happened. 500 stormtroopers at the Great Wall of China.

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So this happened. 500 stormtroopers at the Great Wall of China.

I could have made it 5,000 storm troopers with a computer /George Lucas
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So this happened. 500 stormtroopers at the Great Wall of China.

I could have made it 5,000 storm troopers with a computer /George Lucas
Did anyone else actually LIKE the fact that the different colors on the clone helmets allowed you to tell rank as opposed to all white?
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Geez. ****ing nerds
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I'm betting that Luke shot is the aftermath of the massacre. Still, maybe the Academy was on Jakku as well?
I'm thinking that this is likely the case. I'm thinking that is part of the flashback sequence that has been rumored. Also, if Rey was at the Jedi Academy for some reason and it was on Jakku then that would also explain why Rey is still on the planet.
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Yes, it never made sense to me that there was no way to tell the stromtroopers apart (either by rank or name)
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To me, the biggest failing of the Prequeals was the different bad guy per movie.

IF they knew Dooku was going to be fallen Jedi masters at the beginning of the prequels, they should have had him on the Jedi Council in the first movie, agreeing to train Anakin, and disruptive to the whole "heads in the sand" ideals of the Council - those Council scenes are pitiful in retrospective. Nobody but Mace, Ki Adi, and Yoda even friggin talks!

Have Dooku blast the decisions of the Council regarding Anakin and pursuing the Sith, and then a scene after Qui-Gon's funeral when he tells Yoda he's resigning from the Council to pursue the second Sith.

Unfortunately, my punch list of scenes that could fix the prequels is about as long as the Kessel Run.

As much as anything else contained solely in the prequels, Dooku not being in TPM proves beyond all doubt that Lucas had no plan whatsoever.
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I definitely think Maz Kanata is indeed the storyteller of this movie and fills us in with a bunch of info in Act II. A flashback is not out of the question here. I just don't personally think that image of Luke/R2 is the same flashback as Kylo. If she does tell an older story about Luke and we see a flashback, she will tell a different story of more recent events about Kylo and what he has done & plans to do. But keep in mind the ONLY reason we are even considering this is because we think there are flashbacks in this movie per rumors... perhaps those rumors are pretty much confirmed?

But I still say we don't get flashbacks of Luke (there will be plenty of books to fill in the 30 year gap of Luke Skywalker). I still say that shot of Luke is on Jakku and is a real emotional connection point for the audience early on. And Luke being on Jakku is why Poe Dameron is there and is why Poe has to leave Finn after they escape. I also think Luke is the one who guides Han to see Maz (because Maz has became a confidant of his throughout the years and knows more about what's going on than anybody not named Luke). I think we'll find out Luke is behind the scenes pulling lots of strings in this movie and finally shows up in Act III when things really go down.
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I definitely think Maz Kanata is indeed the storyteller of this movie and fills us in with a bunch of info in Act II. A flashback is not out of the question here. I just don't personally think that image of Luke/R2 is the same flashback as Kylo. If she does tell an older story about Luke and we see a flashback, she will tell a different story of more recent events about Kylo and what he has done & plans to do. But keep in mind the ONLY reason we are even considering this is because we think there are flashbacks in this movie per rumors... perhaps those rumors are pretty much confirmed?

But I still say we don't get flashbacks of Luke (there will be plenty of books to fill in the 30 year gap of Luke Skywalker). I still say that shot of Luke is on Jakku and is a real emotional connection point for the audience early on. And Luke being on Jakku is why Poe Dameron is there and is why Poe has to leave Finn after they escape. I also think Luke is the one who guides Han to see Maz (because Maz has became a confidant of his throughout the years and knows more about what's going on than anybody not named Luke). I think we'll find out Luke is behind the scenes pulling lots of strings in this movie and finally shows up in Act III when things really go down.
so, Luke is kind of like a good guy Emperor.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Great thing about this pic, you can also reuse it for day 55.
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OK, here's how I see it. The flashback with Kylo is a flashback sequence. Luke and R2 is after that, and before he decides to go into self imposed exile from everyone. (Kind of mirrors Kenobi and Yoda's decision to go into hiding after ROTS.) I don't think he will be present at the time of Kylo's flashback. Him being shrouded is going to make Rey want to find out who it is, and how she is connected to that person who we know/assume to be Luke. Think something along the lines of this dialogue-wise: "While the Master was away, tragedy befell the students. The Master returned and gave final farewell to his students, before going into seclusion."

Maz will narrate the sequence of events of Kylo's attack, and Luke deciding to leave afterwards. (Mirrors Kenobi's story in ANH to a degree, though perhaps without being a Force user. Kenobi told Luke of his father but -thanks to Lucas- lied to Luke about his true lineage.)

I will say that I think Luke will be largely absent from the film and I don't think he will necessarily be guiding Han to Maz either. I think Maz will end up being someone Han met sometime before, either at Luke's Academy if that was it was or through his smuggling business at some point to help the rebels/resistance. To that point, I think Maz will probably be similar to Lando from the OT. She's a smuggler/pirate (I'm kind of getting the Hondo Ohnaka vibe from TCW regarding the character) that will help our heroes and possibly show up in one other movie in the ST, and that is probably it IMO. Don't get me wrong, I think she knows more about what is going on in the SWU than a lot of other characters, but I don't think she and Luke are in contact.

To your point about Poe being on Jakku because Luke is there, I'm not convinced that is the case. I think Poe is there looking for Luke and is alone to limit any suspicions regarding his activity on Jakku. (Mirrors Leia's story in ANH to a degree when she was seeking out Kenobi.)
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Anyone know if Wedge is set to have an appearance? It would be cool to see the grizzly old war vet in a sequence or two giving advice to Poe.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Dennis Lawson (Wedge) rejected the idea of being in the movie and had this really snippy response when asked about it "they asked me but it just would have bored me."


Thus, they need to have a scene where Poe says to Han, "Hey is Wedge Antilles still around? He was a great pilot, huh?" and Han says "He left the service and married a gay Ewok. We haven't seen him since. Nub Nub!"
Atreides Ornithopter
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That article about Wedge also says he might have done it if it was a larger role.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Just to kind of confirm / reign in the speculation a bit, I'll say this...

- There is DEFINITELY at least one, extended flashback scene (which could cover either a single event or multiple years).
- Maz is the one who narrates the flashback to our heroes.
- Most sources agree that the flashback features Luke in some way, shape or form.
Duncan Idaho
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Just to kind of confirm / reign in the speculation a bit, I'll say this...

- There is DEFINITELY at least one, extended flashback scene (which could cover either a single event or multiple years).
- Maz is the one who narrates the flashback to our heroes.
- Most sources agree that the flashback features Luke in some way, shape or form.

So is the flashback displacing the crawl?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Just to kind of confirm / reign in the speculation a bit, I'll say this...

- There is DEFINITELY at least one, extended flashback scene (which could cover either a single event or multiple years).
- Maz is the one who narrates the flashback to our heroes.
- Most sources agree that the flashback features Luke in some way, shape or form.

So is the flashback displacing the crawl?
0% chance JJ gets rid of the crawl. Movie will open exactly the same as the six films, imo.
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No, the flashback apparently happens around the midway point. At Maz's castle. I imagine the crawl will be more of a "recent events" kind of summary. The flashback, I'm guessing, will be more of a personal, 10-or-20-years-ago kind of thing.
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I think Luke shows up in the final scene with Kylo and Finn and just absolutely dominates him and the other knights without much effort. I always loved the scene in Crouching Tiger where Chow defeats the girl without even a weapon. Maybe Rey is crying over Fin dying at the end and Luke agrees to train her.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Luke vs Knights of Ren. Holy ****, that would be amazing.
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