Star Wars Discussion Thread

7,093,155 Views | 46407 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by YouBet
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Just to kind of confirm / reign in the speculation a bit, I'll say this...

- There is DEFINITELY at least one, extended flashback scene (which could cover either a single event or multiple years).
- Maz is the one who narrates the flashback to our heroes.
- Most sources agree that the flashback features Luke in some way, shape or form.

So is the flashback displacing the crawl?
You're joking right? Oh wait.... IIs this a serious question?
Duncan Idaho
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Just to kind of confirm / reign in the speculation a bit, I'll say this...

- There is DEFINITELY at least one, extended flashback scene (which could cover either a single event or multiple years).
- Maz is the one who narrates the flashback to our heroes.
- Most sources agree that the flashback features Luke in some way, shape or form.

So is the flashback displacing the crawl?
You're joking right? Oh wait.... IIs this a serious question?

It was more of a "please tell me I am reading this wrong" type post
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Two bloggers/writers atThe Concourse/Deadspin apparently having a disagreement.

Here is his pedantic encapsulation of it:

I am very sorry to say that Return of the Jedi is butt.
Oh, well, thank YOU for setting the record straight, sir. Now, I love Burneko (we never speak outside of work) and respect him as a colleague, but **** him. No, Bert. No, it is I who am very sorry. Because Return of the Jedi was awesome, and the only thing that's butt here is YOUR FACE. I find it interesting that you claim Jedi sucks, and yet you know every word, scene, and nuance of it 32 ******* YEARS AFTER IT WAS RELEASED. If a movie is still causing you to debate and argue and think about it more than three decades later, I would say that its duty in entertaining you has been more than fulfilled. I don't think you hate that movie. I think you're IN LOVE with it, and you're just a bitter BUTTHURTER angling for clicks! CLICKBERT!

Original article:
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Dennis Lawson (Wedge) rejected the idea of being in the movie and had this really snippy response when asked about it "they asked me but it just would have bored me."


Thus, they need to have a scene where Poe says to Han, "Hey is Wedge Antilles still around? He was a great pilot, huh?" and Han says "He left the service and married a gay Ewok. We haven't seen him since. Nub Nub!"


WTF is Dennis Lawson anyway. LOL

I would be cool with them bringing in anyone that doesn't come close to looking like him to pkay the role.
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Just to kind of confirm / reign in the speculation a bit, I'll say this...

- There is DEFINITELY at least one, extended flashback scene (which could cover either a single event or multiple years).
- Maz is the one who narrates the flashback to our heroes.
- Most sources agree that the flashback features Luke in some way, shape or form.

I figured you could confirm/deny this for us. I have a really good feel for the general outline of the movie and I definitely felt Maz would narrate for us in Act II. Having flashbacks might be weird, but probably a better tool than the midichloreans speech.

I think it will go over really well though from an audience perspective (and eliminates the need for a 10 minute text crawl at the beginning!). It will be a good, "everybody take a step back... what the freak is going on" moment for our young heroes too! They did, after all, just have a crazy time escaping from Jakku... they are gonna need a break before the First Order shows up again and wrecks the place!
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This morning my wife asked me how long I intend to announce I'm awake by saying, "The Force Awakens!"
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This morning my wife asked me how long I intend to announce I'm awake by saying, "The Force Awakens!"
And something else to annoy the fiancee with... awesome.
The Collective
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This morning my wife asked me how long I intend to announce I'm awake by saying, "The Force Awakens!"

Stealing this.
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Do you use an English accent? I feel like you need to.
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Definitely calls for a little Sean Connery.
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Spank material!!!!!!
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I think Luke shows up in the final scene with Kylo and Finn and just absolutely dominates him and the other knights without much effort. I always loved the scene in Crouching Tiger where Chow defeats the girl without even a weapon. Maybe Rey is crying over Fin dying at the end and Luke agrees to train her.

No way in hell do they kill off Finn in the first movie. Even if he's the only black guy in the movie. Its not a horror film
Duncan Idaho
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I think Luke shows up in the final scene with Kylo and Finn and just absolutely dominates him and the other knights without much effort. I always loved the scene in Crouching Tiger where Chow defeats the girl without even a weapon. Maybe Rey is crying over Fin dying at the end and Luke agrees to train her.

No way in hell do they kill off Finn in the first movie. Even if he's the only black guy in the movie. Its not a horror film

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There's absolutely no chance of Rey, Finn or Kylo dying in this one. In fact, I'd bet all three make it to the end of the trilogy.

I'd say Poe and Hamill are probably off limits this go around as well. Though, either one of them could die in Episode VIII.

That said, Han, Leia, Phasma, Hux and Snoke are all fair game for Episode VII, I'd imagine. Wouldn't be surprised if any of one of them bite the dust come December.
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Curious on your thought process. Sure, it would be unexpected for any of the new guys to bite it, but I wouldn't say there's no chance.
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There's absolutely no chance of Rey, Finn or Kylo dying in this one. In fact, I'd bet all three make it to the end of the trilogy.

I'd say Poe and Hamill are probably off limits this go around as well. Though, either one of them could die in Episode VIII.

That said, Han, Leia, Phasma, Hux and Snoke are all fair game for Episode VII, I'd imagine. Wouldn't be surprised if any of one of them bite the dust come December.

Hux and Han. Calling my shot.
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He gone.
Brian Earl Spilner
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And not a single dry eye in the theater.
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And not a single dry eye in the theater.

I doubt that.

I would expect rioting if that happens.

Shoot, I'm sharpening my pitchfork now, just because it's a possibility.
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Dennis Lawson (Wedge) rejected the idea of being in the movie and had this really snippy response when asked about it "they asked me but it just would have bored me."


Thus, they need to have a scene where Poe says to Han, "Hey is Wedge Antilles still around? He was a great pilot, huh?" and Han says "He left the service and married a gay Ewok. We haven't seen him since. Nub Nub!"


WTF is Dennis Lawson anyway. LOL

I would be cool with them bringing in anyone that doesn't come close to looking like him to pkay the role.
He's the real life uncle of Ewan McGregor.... Prequel Kenobi. Also big time British stage actor
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Dennis Lawson (Wedge) rejected the idea of being in the movie and had this really snippy response when asked about it "they asked me but it just would have bored me."


Thus, they need to have a scene where Poe says to Han, "Hey is Wedge Antilles still around? He was a great pilot, huh?" and Han says "He left the service and married a gay Ewok. We haven't seen him since. Nub Nub!"


WTF is Dennis Lawson anyway. LOL

I would be cool with them bringing in anyone that doesn't come close to looking like him to pkay the role.
He's the real life uncle of Ewan McGregor.... Prequel Kenobi. Also big time British stage actor

But really... who gives a **** if this guy is in that role?
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This is the Binks trailer, #2 (sequel to the one a few pages back).


That would be awesome.
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There's absolutely no chance of Rey, Finn or Kylo dying in this one. In fact, I'd bet all three make it to the end of the trilogy.

Completely agree. Those 3 are the next generation and will continue. You'd also almost expect them to go into the next trilogy to hand that off similar to the old trio and Chewy now. Would be cool if Kylo could be redeemed like Vader, except that he lives to see the light side to go into the next movies as the old hero.

I can definitely see Hux going down. The resistance will have a victory and he might go down with the ship like Tarkin did. And Han & Leia... Watch your back too.
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Final scene in The Force Awakens...

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It's a reboot!
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I havent read any of your Knights of Ren scenarios because I feel like at least one of you knows a lot more than he's letting on here, and I don't want to "really" know what happens.

Here's what I thought up in my small brain.

1) Luke opens a Jedi Academy , has 10-20 students including Leia & Han's kids or twins - Rey and whoever Kylo was originally, and wouldn't it be great if they had named him Anakin?
2) Rey and Kylo emerge as the best 2 students, even though Luke is a bit worried about Kylo's interest in the story of Anakin/Vader too much.
3) Luke has managed to retrieve his lightsaber from Bespin, and decides to award it to the top student, the most promising one ... Rey.
4) Furious with that choice, Kylo leaves the Academy, and disappears, starts getting more into the Dark Side, and is eventually found bt=y or finds the Knights of Ren
5) Meanwhile Luke is called to help the Resistance vs. the First Order at the Battle of Jakku. He takes his most promising student - Rey - with him, the rest of the students stay behind at the Academy.
6) Luke & Rey help defeat the FO at Jakku, but they get separated or something of that sort.
7) Knowing Luke & Rey aren't there, Kylo leads the KoR to the Jedi Academy and slaughters the rest of the students.
8) When Luke returns, everybody is dead and Kylo is gone. Luke blames himself for their deaths, believes he has failed as a teacher, and goes into self-imposed exile.
9) Rey, perhaps finding out what has happened in a similar manner, stays on Jakku and becomes somewhat like Obi-Wan - a hermit. Eventually she begins exploring the Star Destroyer and finds her old lightsaber there.
10) In the events of the TFA, seeing as how Kylo's toy says "is it true, you're just a scavenger?" That could be brother mocking sister on the life she has chosen after being a prominent Jedi candidate.

That's all I got.
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Some of your ideas are possible... but all the Jakku stuff is not. I read about Jakku on wiki last week and that battle was before Rey was even born (one year after Endor).

While it's possible, I don't think a Jedi academy started by Luke will come into play in this movie. I think the whole premise of "The Force Awakens" is that key people are finally starting to become sensitive to the force again. I don't think there was an Academy... I think the force went very quiet after Luke destroyed the only 2 known sith.

Right now I'm definitely leaning towards Rey & Kylo being related (Kylo is a Solo and Rey is a Skywalker). It's highly probable that Rey doesn't know who she is, but Kylo does. But I'm just guessing just like you.
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And if there was an Academy (I'm 50/50 as to whether there ever was one in this movie), I would be pretty surprised if Rey was in it. If only because of what we see in the trailer. Han wouldn't be having to tell her and Finn it was all true - "the Dark Side, a Jedi..." if Rey was trained by Luke at one point. She wouldn't need confirmation of the "stories" she'd heard.

From what I've inferred, Rey is somewhat of a reluctant hero. Honestly, I think she may not even want to leave Jakku. I think it'll be the same basic scenario as A New Hope - an adolescent stuck on an outer-rim desert planet - except the script might be flipped this go around. I'm sure she'll long for a better life, but from my understanding, she might very well believe she has a purpose on Jakku, and doesn't want to abandon that purpose. So helping Finn get off the planet might be somewhat of a conflict for her, at least initially. I think would be a pretty cool dynamic.
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So I don't know if this has made the rounds or not, the thread has exploded since Monday. But I just finished reading the final issue of Star Wars: Shattered Empire (a tie in comic that takes place right as the Battle of Endor concludes) and there are two VERY interesting items from this issue that could impact The Force Awakens:


First, in the comic, Poe Dameron's mother (Shara Bey, an awesome pilot) helps Luke rescue one of two saplings from an Imperial research lab. The saplings are all that remain of the tree from the Jedi Temple and "the Force is with them" according to Luke. At the end of the comic, Luke takes one tree for the new Temple but he lets Shara take the other and she plants it at her new home where she retires after the war. So it seems likely that Poe Dameron will be affected by the Force in some way.

And second, the Imperial Commander orders his men to throw detonators at Luke and Shara as they flee. Luke uses the Force to fling the detonators BACK at the Commander and his men. They explode and it kills them all. Luke could have easily flicked the explosives upward or in another direction. Luke seems only mildly distressed that he killed the men. I know Luke and Han have shot Stormtroopers in the past, but this killing seemed more calculated. Possibly foreshadowing of Luke falling to the Dark Side?

Would be interested to see the thoughts of those of you who have been following news of the movie plot more closely than I have.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The sapling bit sounds worse than midichlorians.
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