In Dark Force Rising, the Empire trumps up a fake Falcon as the Noghri attempt to kidnap a pregnant Princess Leia in order to deliver her unborn twins to the insane Jedi Master Joruus C'Baoth. It's Han who actuall notices it first (he's on the ground, pinned down in a battle) because 'Chewie' doesn't fire the dorsal guns to give them cover to get up the ramp. Leia then uses the Force and can't find his presence onboard.
To get away, they run towards the hatch as if they're going up it, but Han changes direction and uses Leia's lightsaber to trigger the escape pods or something to that effect, temporarily disrupting the ship so they can get away.
That'll be my contribution for Day 98
Lucasfilm has flipped the canon on this, I believe. Some of the new stuff seems to indicate the YT-1300 is fairly common. Obviously the Falcon has a lot that makes it unique.