That author seems to be upset that the Jedi at the height of their power were, in fact, powerful. As I'm sure most are aware, the force was subtle (and not known about by so many) in Star Wars b/c there were at the time only 4 people who knew jack squat about it. 2 were in hiding, 1 was probably pretty secretive still, and Vader probably didn't have to use it much, other than having to choke a b_tch. When would Han have ever witnessed someone using the force? By the end of the originals it was pretty apparent that the force was real and those who mastered it were powerful. Did anyone have a problem when Yoda levitated the X-wing? Or when Vader used the force to hurl things at Luke? Or when Palpatine shot lightning? Unlikely.
Even though it's possible the prequels did a horrible job portraying force use, I'm not even sure it was over the top there. The complaint about Anakin floating a fruit to try and sex up Padme I can understand...but it's more b/c those scenes sucked all around, not b/c the force was involved. Other than Yoda (the greatest Jedi alive) flipping around in 2 fights, what was so over the top in the prequels?
As to the next movie, depending on how much after Jedi it takes place, there should be Luke and some novice Jedi anyway. edit: just remembered the 30+ years after RotJ, so scratch this last bit.
[This message has been edited by redline248 (edited 5/6/2014 11:45a).]