His first appearance onscreen will get more reaction than maybe anything ever before?
I would bet his first appearance will be extremely similar to Obi Wan's first appearance: he will enter the scene with his hood far down covering his face. He will then stop........and then pull back the hood, revealing his bearded face. And I will be fighting back tears of joy.
I almost want him to appear on screen as a shaded figure somewhat obscured or partially off screen int he shadows with the hood far down then the new heroes say something to him about looking for someone by the name of Luke and if he could help them. Then he steps forward pulling back his hood stepping while stepping into the light saying something to the effect of "Well, then your search has come to an end." Then when in the light and fully revealed, "You've found him." Cheesy? Yeah, but what will you care more about then, the fact that Luke Skywalker has shown up in the movie or that it was a bit cheesy?