Star Wars Discussion Thread

7,079,087 Views | 46387 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by maroon barchetta
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My mind is blown. I thought it wasn't the same ship when I first saw the trailer. And also the engines are far too big to be a regular star destroyer.
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I have seen enough now that I'd pay several hundred dollars to see the movie in theaters if that's what they charged. I don't want to see anything else until I sit down in the theater seat and open my chocolate covered raisins.
I felt the same way back in '99 before TPM came out. In fact I paid $300 to see it at a charity screening 3 days before the general public.

I remember leaving the theater saying, "At least it was a tax deduction."
Yeah, but this just FEELS different/ Someone said it earlier, the prequels didn't even feel like Star Wars. This most definitely does.
But nobody knew they would be different before the prequels were shown. There was quite the anticipation that built up back in '99.
Brian Earl Spilner
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As someone that was a little too young in 99, how would you say the hype compares this time around? Would you say the hype for TPM was stronger, or is the hype for Ep VII on par with it, in your estimation?
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I would say it was stronger for TPM based on the fact that it was everywhere--newspapers, magazines, Entertainment Tonight(remember those things)--the internet was there, but it was nothing like today with FB, twitter, etc.
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The hype machine for TFA hasn't even started yet. Until we start seeing branded cereals, pepsi cans, diapers, toilet paper, dog food, etc., then you'll know the hype is in full effect.

I think the hype will be greater this time due the proliferation of non-traditional media, which you really didn't have the last go around. I also think there are more STAR WARS fans now with all the TV shows, video games, and the 2nd generation fanboys coming of age.

Plus this is Disney's first rodeo promoting STAR WARS...compared to what they have done with other movies...the hype machine will be in hyperdrive.
MSFC Aggie
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Oh, and please insert a Wilhelm Scream here for that stormtrooper flying through the air.

Make it happen!!
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I was living overseas at the time that phantom menace came out and did not see a single trailer before I saw the actual movie. I recently went back and watched it. I think you people that said the trailer was good might have gotten sucked into the hype. Coming from someone who liked the movie and saw the trailer for the first time a couple months that trailer blew. It looked really kiddish and had a bad feel to it. All that is to contrast with the two E7 trailers we've seen so far. SO much better. This will absolutely be an entertaining movie and has the potential to be one of the great movies of all time.
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I think that Disney will kick into overdrive promoting TFA here probably around June after the hype regarding AoU dies down slightly. Ant Man will hit theaters here in July, so it makes sense that we will start seeing things come out here towards the end of June and it will just accelerate to December when the movie comes out.
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I have a feeling I will be spending some time this weekend playing Empire at War (it's usually pretty cheap on Steam if some of y'all haven't played it). There is nothing more satisfying (IMO) that taking out a Super Star Destroyer with a fleet of Y-Wings.
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It's hard to compare the hype because the world has changed so much since the 90s. I was in MS when TPM came out and it felt like, other than chat with your friends about it, there weren't many ways you could engage in the new movie. Even the trailer was something you only saw by chance in a theater or on TV as a commercial. You had folks camping outside the movie theaters for more than a week so they could get tickets. They'd say it was so they could see the first screening, but I think it was also because they wanted to feel engaged.

Now I can watch the trailer 20 times in 24 hours and nerd out with y'all on here all day.

I think that all impacts what the hype feels like.

I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber
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I think the hype was greater back then (when Phantom Menace was preparing to release). The internet was so new and many of us were just getting broadband that was capable of downloading a decent resolution of the trailers. It was new territory being able to re-watch trailers and get ultra-hyped.

Not only that, but at the time the ONLY thing Star Wars on screen were the original movies (and a handful of painful and under the radar spinoff or TV specials). So when TPM came out, it was the first time in a LONG time we had anything Star Wars that wasn't in book form. In todays world we have more recently had the prequels, fan films, and two pretty good TV shows (Clone Wars and Rebels). We aren't as starved for Star Wars now as we were back then.

But still, what JJ is doing and showing us... the hype will be as large as possible going into December. So much so that I'm not really looking forward to the long waits and rubbing elbows with people in the jammed pack theaters opening week!
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber

Something that never should have been in a trailer. I'm still mad about it.
Brian Earl Spilner
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But still, what JJ is doing and showing us... the hype will be as large as possible going into December. So much so that I'm not really looking forward to the long waits and rubbing elbows with people in the jammed pack theaters opening week!

I'm excited about this tbh. Nothing beats the excitement of the crowd on opening night.

Come to think of it, I never did a midnight showing for the prequels. So this will be the first movie in the series that I see on opening night.
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The TPM trailer literally started the Apple QuickTime trailers site. There were bootleg trailers online. LucasFilm hurriedly tried to get an official version published, struggled to do so, and the QuickTime team at Apple stepped up to help.

Now of course there's YouTube, but back then the concept of an official trailer on the internet was pretty revolutionary.
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Crazy that was over 16 years ago
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber

Something that never should have been in a trailer. I'm still mad about it.
LOL, yeah, Lucas sort of blew his load early on that one. Definitely did the job, but that was indeed the money shot and it was used in a trailer!

Can't say it didn't work though in terms of marketing and merchandise... I remember wanting some of the star wars toys to display on my desk (was in college at the time). I wanted Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Maul so they could be in a fighting pose.... pft, Maul was sold out everywhere. Took me weeks to finally find one that had been opened and returned taped up on the shelf. They made so much friggin money months before the movie even opened!
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I agree. That's how I felt watching it. You have to know that those actors are happy to be back in those roles
I don't know Peter Mayhew's been pretty busy. I'm sure he was REALLY not looking forward to digging out the Chewy costume out of the back of the wardrobe.
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I agree. That's how I felt watching it. You have to know that those actors are happy to be back in those roles
I don't know Peter Mayhew's been pretty busy. I'm sure he was REALLY not looking forward to digging out the Chewy costume out of the back of the wardrobe.
I actually disagree on that, to an extent. He absolutely loves his fans and star wars. Out of all of the crew, I think he is the one that has been the most engaging of star wars fans. Everyone else tolerates or likes the star wars buzz, but Mayhew actually gets into it. Still sad that he wasn't able to show at one of the sci fi cons that I was covering.
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Anthony Daniels has always been a good ambassador for the franchise as well. He hosts live concert events, does conventions, etc. Also did Clone Wars and was in the radio dramas.
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber

Something that never should have been in a trailer. I'm still mad about it.
One thing that will be interesting to see in the future trailers of TFA is how JJ/Disney/Lucasfilm will be striking a balance between giving us something new to keep talking about but while not giving away too much of the plot or giving away a scene that is really cool. For instance the Into Darkness had the Vengance in it and gave a good bit of the plot away, but was no where near as spoilerific as Terminator Genysis'.

For those in the business, can you explain why we are referring to a trailer for TFA that is roughly 90 seconds in length a "teaser trailer?" I mean to me, this is full length trailer, and the short 30 to 45 promos we used to get were the teasers.....
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I agree. That's how I felt watching it. You have to know that those actors are happy to be back in those roles
I don't know Peter Mayhew's been pretty busy. I'm sure he was REALLY not looking forward to digging out the Chewy costume out of the back of the wardrobe.
I actually disagree on that, to an extent. He absolutely loves his fans and star wars. Out of all of the crew, I think he is the one that has been the most engaging of star wars fans. Everyone else tolerates or likes the star wars buzz, but Mayhew actually gets into it. Still sad that he wasn't able to show at one of the sci fi cons that I was covering.

That was a joke. I'm positive he's excited about dusting off Chewy. Not much else to do when you're a 7 foot British guy in Granbury.

I wonder if he ever shows up to Comicons in costume and just wanders around without ever taking his head off.
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber

Something that never should have been in a trailer. I'm still mad about it.
LOL, yeah, Lucas sort of blew his load early on that one. Definitely did the job, but that was indeed the money shot and it was used in a trailer!

Can't say it didn't work though in terms of marketing and merchandise... I remember wanting some of the star wars toys to display on my desk (was in college at the time). I wanted Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Maul so they could be in a fighting pose.... pft, Maul was sold out everywhere. Took me weeks to finally find one that had been opened and returned taped up on the shelf. They made so much friggin money months before the movie even opened!
I was talking with a friend yesterday and pulled up the original TPM teaser/trailer, and it's pretty amazing how much they actually showed.

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Damn, you're right. They showed just about everything in that.
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I've never liked trailers that are long. about 30 seconds is all i need to wet the appetite.
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Anthony Daniels has always been a good ambassador for the franchise as well. He hosts live concert events, does conventions, etc. Also did Clone Wars and was in the radio dramas.
He had a very large presence at the Emerald City Comiccon with a huge showing for his panel.
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So ironically, the biggest Star Wars ambassadors are those that don't show their face at all.
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Man that trailer is so awful compared to the one for TFA.
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Had no idea Mayhew lives in Texas...for some reason I find that to be kinda funny and awesome
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Almost time to dust off the stormtrooper Armor for the opening. Reckon they'll let me carry my bigass rubber blaster replica into the theatre? Heaven knows i paid enough for that thing that it needs to be shown off.
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It's actually Boyd (NW of Fort Worth) not Granbury (SW of Fort Worth).

I could swear he used to live in Granbury. He was on the Ticket in Dallas a few years ago. Seems to be a really nice guy.
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Had no idea Mayhew lives in Texas...for some reason I find that to be kinda funny and awesome
He and his wife post on reddit every now and then if you like that sort of thing.

In fact, just recently
I was born, and raised here in Texas. Peter became a US citizen in 2005, and currently have a farm in Texas.
He may not have been born in Texas, he got here as soon as possible.
Angie Mayhew
He got a lot of karma for this one, in response to "What famous movie line would be the worst to say during sex?"
Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!
Peter Mayhew
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber

Something that never should have been in a trailer. I'm still mad about it.
LOL, yeah, Lucas sort of blew his load early on that one. Definitely did the job, but that was indeed the money shot and it was used in a trailer!

Can't say it didn't work though in terms of marketing and merchandise... I remember wanting some of the star wars toys to display on my desk (was in college at the time). I wanted Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Maul so they could be in a fighting pose.... pft, Maul was sold out everywhere. Took me weeks to finally find one that had been opened and returned taped up on the shelf. They made so much friggin money months before the movie even opened!
I was talking with a friend yesterday and pulled up the original TPM teaser/trailer, and it's pretty amazing how much they actually showed.

wow all they needed to show is Liam dying and you didn't even have to watch TPM
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Had no idea Mayhew lives in Texas...for some reason I find that to be kinda funny and awesome
He and his wife post on reddit every now and then if you like that sort of thing.

In fact, just recently
I was born, and raised here in Texas. Peter became a US citizen in 2005, and currently have a farm in Texas.
He may not have been born in Texas, he got here as soon as possible.
Angie Mayhew
He got a lot of karma for this one, in response to "What famous movie line would be the worst to say during sex?"
Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!
Peter Mayhew

Excellent, thanks for posting. I knew there was a reason I always liked Chewy
double aught
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I will say, though, these trailers have me feeling way more jacked up than I remember feeling for any of the promo material leading up TPM.
Only thing remotely close was Darth Maul igniting the double lightsaber

Something that never should have been in a trailer. I'm still mad about it.
LOL, yeah, Lucas sort of blew his load early on that one. Definitely did the job, but that was indeed the money shot and it was used in a trailer!

Can't say it didn't work though in terms of marketing and merchandise... I remember wanting some of the star wars toys to display on my desk (was in college at the time). I wanted Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Maul so they could be in a fighting pose.... pft, Maul was sold out everywhere. Took me weeks to finally find one that had been opened and returned taped up on the shelf. They made so much friggin money months before the movie even opened!
I was talking with a friend yesterday and pulled up the original TPM teaser/trailer, and it's pretty amazing how much they actually showed.

wow all they needed to show is Liam dying and you didn't even have to watch TPM
Well, they pretty much telegraphed it with the shot in one of the trailers of Ewan going "Noooo!" behind a red force field. As soon as their fight led them to that area, I knew Liam's time was up.

Plus you had the whole spoiler in the soundtrack CD track listings.

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