* * * Boardwalk Empire Season 2 Thread * * *

34,110 Views | 472 Replies | Last: 12 yr ago by Heisenberg
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My thoughts exactly, Stive.
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Van Alden is one sick mofo, though. What if he decides to exterminate the child because it is living proof of his sin? I guess their is a chance the kid is not his and he was set up from the start.
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My main thought is, we need more sniper guy.

Also Van Alden had no reservations about jacking the cash from the red bag. He's going Walter White on us. It'll be curtains for either his wife or the ho.
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Highlight moments:

- Van Alder ordering cold buttermilk when offered alcohol. That dude DEFINES uptight!

- Jimmy's mom dropping the "I used to kiss his little wee-wee" comment. The wife and I fell out of our chairs!

- the scene opening with the creaking bedsprings making you think the Van Alder's were getting it on, only to pan out and see Van Alder explaining to the missus about the hard part of the bed. Hilarious.

- Van Alder's wife getting all hot and horny by him being a badass in the restaurant, then insisting the lights be turned off prior to doing the nasty.
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Yeah all of those moments stood out, especially the Wee Wee line. So creepy and out of nowhere like it was no big deal. I had to rewind it to make sure that is what they said. Jimmy's wife had an 'Oh my God! I'm never letting you near my child alone ever again' look on her face after that. Wow!

The nervous and uncomfortable dynamic between Van Alden and his wife is also both hilarious and sad with how much they leave unsaid between each other about their relationship, desires, and convictions.

Jimmy's character is so intriguing to me. It's hard to place what his motives are and what he is thinking. You can tell he doesn't really trust his father and still has feelings of loyalty to Nucky but is trying to convince himself that moving against him is the right play. Watching Jimmy stare at the gift from Nucky, you think he is starting to reconsider his actions then he puts the statue in the closet, out of sight and mind, so he can forge ahead without having to contemplate what he is doing to the man who basically raised him.

Another great aspect of the episode is the depressing reality of the masked sniper, cursed to live a life alone due to his disfigurement and unable to have the family he desperately wishes to have. Jimmy's dismissive response to his questioning what it feels like, 'to have everything' also shows how much Jimmy seems to take for granted because he has had so much and had things work out for him so well in comparison.
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Great point on Richard the sniper. He's a total badass but also laments his effects his disfigurement has had on his life. He's an exciting but sympathetic character who is easy to root for.
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I thought tonight's episode was excellent and a great cameo from Corrado Soprano. Nucky's world is caving in right now. I love the development of Margaret and Jimmy both.
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"Purnsley be done"

Inspector Spacetime
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I knew the way he was talking to Chalky from the very beginning was going to be bad news for that fool.

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Me too. But just the way it was handled was AWESOME!
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I kept thinking chalky would hit him with the spine of the book, but the way it down was much much better. Chalky is finally somewhat interesting, at least to me. I think I must be in the small camp that thinks his character has sucked until now.

Jimmy remains the best character by far.
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It's very interesting that his wife brought him the book, yet he cannot read. Which is interesting considering his status in the community, both black and white.

I thought there was going to be something hidden in the book, wasn't then I thought he'd use it to beat Prunsley, didn't... but he got his anyway.

So did Jimmy tip the kid to follow/tell him where those guys were going? Or did Lucciano send them after him because he won so much money from the casino?

Typical badassery Jimmy, takes them out without missing a beat. MY question is who shot the gun? The guy trying to get the money out of his boot? Did it just miss everyone?
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After getting his throat slit, the guy with the gun fired off a shot into the ground as he died.

The jail scenes with Chalky were, by far, the best thing I've seen on television in years. From the moment that other guy started talking s**t, I knew something awesome was going to happen. And Chalky just kept reading his book. When the scene reached its boiling point, I literally stood and cheered. MF-er is such a badass that he doesn't even need to stand up or even move to beat your ass.

And to top it all off: "Which one of you knows their letterin'?" "Me, sir. 'David Copperfield' by Charles Dickens. Chapter One..."

That subplot almost overshadows that the rest of the episode was also very, very good. This may have been one of the best all-around episodes yet of the series.
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The jail scenes with Chalky were, by far, the best thing I've seen on television in years. From the moment that other guy started talking s**t, I knew something awesome was going to happen. And Chalky just kept reading his book. When the scene reached its boiling point, I literally stood and cheered. MF-er is such a badass that he doesn't even need to stand up or even move to beat your ass.

And to top it all off: "Which one of you knows their letterin'?" "Me, sir. 'David Copperfield' by Charles Dickens. Chapter One..."

Agreed. It was so tense, and I knew something was going down, but I didn't know exactly what or how.

When the other guys all answered Chalky with a comment about he helped them, and then slowly stood up and surrounded Purnsley, that was simply epic.
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When the other guys all answered Chalky with a comment about he helped them, and then slowly stood up and surrounded Purnsley, that was simply epic

I think the coolest part of that whole thing is he'd been in jail how long? All day...more than a day? And he hadn't even acknowledged that he knew those guys....much less had helped them or their families out when they were in a bind. And he pulled that out when he needed it.

One of my favorite scenes in any show ever.

"Jimmy Cornelius (or whatever his name was)...how's yo mamma?" "She's doing well sir, and thanks you for taking care of that doctor bill for her..." Ooohhhh......s***

You could SEE it coming.

Joan Wilder
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Chalky naming off the other prisoners by name and not moving a muscle...you just KNEW it was about to ugly for that guy.

I think part of the reason the suspense builds so well is because, well, he's Omar.

Loved Mrs Schroeder getting the ledger and money for Nucky.
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Apparently the wise-ass kid at Meyer Lansky's place is a young Bugsy Siegel. I love Jimmy trying to make his way into the New York scene. He's kind of a poor man's Vito Corleone, Irish version.

[This message has been edited by InternetFan02 (edited 10/3/2011 9:57a).]
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Apparently the wise-ass kid at Meyer Lansky's place is a young Bugsy Siegel.

Yeah. It took me a minute, but that's actually the kid who played Tommy Gavin's nephew in Rescue Me.
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So did Jimmy tip the kid to follow/tell him where those guys were going? Or did Lucciano send them after him because he won so much money from the casino?

This had me a bit confused as well. The way Jimmy moved his knife from his boot to a more accessible place made you think he knew he was going to get mugged. I don't think the kid that he gave the money to tipped him off about anything. I took it that he was just tipping the host of the game...that's kind of a norm (at least according to Soprano's).

Inspector Spacetime
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So how long until Margaret and the new Irish guy Nucky is going to help find work are banging? Or will Nuck' have him killed for making eyes at her before they get the chance?
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"Which one of you boys knows his letters?"
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So how long until Margaret and the new Irish guy Nucky is going to help find work are banging? Or will Nuck' have him killed for making eyes at her before they get the chance?

That's an interesting subplot. He was definitely making eyes at Margaret but Margaret's maid is also sweet on him and he was apparently flirting with her.
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I think the Irish dude is going to be Nucky's new muscle.

I think Jimmy noticed the two guys eyeballing him when he was cashing out and the move with the knife was him being cautious.

Also, I think the Commodore would get along great with Frank Costanza and really get into Festivus. He'd clearly dominate the "Airing of Grievances" and "Feats of Strength" portion of the holiday.
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Also, where did you get the impression that Chalky couldn't read? I thought he was referring to the book as Tom Sawyer to see if Purnsley could read. Why else would his son send it to him?
Inspector Spacetime
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I wondered that, too. I feel like surely if his son is going to college and Chalky has made it this far, he must be able to read. He was also making it through that book at a reasonable pace, and I didn't think he'd be doing it 100% for show. Having the other guy read aloud doesn't necessarily mean he can't read, but I'd find it hard to believe he couldn't and that guy could.
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not to be the one that continually breaks the 3rd wall, but the guy playing the Commodore is Dabney Coleman, the same dude from 9 to 5, Tootsie and WarGames.

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He'd clearly dominate the "Airing of Grievances" and "Feats of Strength" portion of the holiday.

I laughed!
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Yeah, I inferred that Chalky COULD read which is why his wife brought him the book. He, his wife and his college bound son seemed to be at least somewhat educated and why would she bring him an otherwise useless book if he couldn't read? I thought it was the guy taunting Chalky who couldn't read. Did I miss something?
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Meyer Lansky and the supposed Bugsy Siegel are both excellent characters. This show is very well acted as has become the norm for HBO dramas.

It will be interesting to see how the storyline with the Irish security guy plays out with Margaret and the maid.
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Why would chalky not read the book if he could read. I think it highlights that he has gotten as far as he has without being able to.

Also, Jimmy moved his knife because you can't walk around with a kbar in your boot it's basically impossible. I do think that those guys either followed him or something though, they didn't run into each other by chance.
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OnlyForNow - I don't follow that first sentence. Chalky was reading the book (or at least appeared to be).
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Chalky did not read aloud because the obnoxious guy asked him to. That was Chalkys way of telling the guy to eff off. Then, after the beatdown, he rewards the boys with a story....

Btw, Jimmy always carries his trench knife in his boot. They have shown this in past episodes. He moved it to his belt because he knew he'd need it.
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Loving the show.

I was also clapping and whooping when Chalkie started naming his homeboys by name and setting up the epic beatdown.

I don't think Chalkie can read.

I am surprised that the Commodore is including Eli in his schemes. Blood is ALWAYS thicker than water when push comes to shove - seems like he would be savvy enough to understand that. I am fully expecting a scene where Nucky is on the ropes and Eli flips sides and saves him, a la Darth Vader lifting the evil Emporer into the air and pitching him over the rail.
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It has been evident throughout the show that Eli really resents Nucky's success and control. Eli could flip again like you said, especially if the commodore's gang of old geezers don't deliver, but Eli has a legitimate beef (or so he thinks).
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"I am fully expecting a scene where Nucky is on the ropes and Eli flips sides and saves him, a la Darth Vader lifting the evil Emporer into the air and pitching him over the rail."

Will Eli scream "Noooooooooooooo!!!!" before he lifts the Commodore?
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