Eh...... would like bigger, wont pay for surgery. There's a year old picture of me in the post a pic, they're bigger now LOL
quote:not really
Is it worth reading all of this before I go to sleep?
quote:they do alright. I questioned two of them once, when they cleaned a house I was renting. I figure hiring some sexy gals to work in bikinis could bring in some good money.
you need a maid right
Beer has led quite the life, babe. It is very appropriate for him to post here. You know I love and support you
Beer has led quite the life, babe. It is very appropriate for him to post here. You know I love and support you
Appropriate because I posted a pic of myself dancing with a transsexual in Thailand several years ago or because this thread is about open marriage?
quote:You see my problem with open relationships has nothing to do with perversion or anything else. It's to do with overly complicating a situation that doesn't need to be complicated. Do you know how normal people deal with wanting to sleep around? They stay single. I know plenty of men in their 30s who have no plans at all to get married and **** whomever they want to ****. This is what normal people do when they don't really particularly want to be monogamous.
Patience and understanding of what? Your lifestyle being called a perversion, abnormal, unhealthy, and continuously mocked by multiple users? The days of mocking people different than you and expecting them to lie down and take a hot poker up the *** while you bully them are long over, friend.
Me personally, I could give a **** less what people think of my lifestyle, you do you and I'll do me. The tides of change are surging across our country; people trying to stand in the way of social progress like the Honorable Justice Scalia are dead or dying, paving the way for leaders who value all Americans, even if they don't look or act like them. Our "cause" is already being advanced whether people personally agree with it or not. For the people that agree with it, life in this country just keeps getting better and better. For the people that don't, they will continue to complain about "their" country going down the toilet (which is true, if your ideal America is a utopia of bigotry). Though certain users can feel comfort in the echo chamber that is created here for certain ideals, deep down they have to face the fact that they are fighting a losing battle, and they are getting fewer recruits each year.
You can either ride the tide of change, or find yourself crushed beneath its waves.
On that happy note, I think this topic is soon going to be derailed even more than it was already from people earnestly seeking understanding about open marriages to a "You're different from us and that's NOT okay" circlejerk. I don't think this thread is going anywhere positive, nor am I going to foster any more positive relationships from it (aside from those who have already contacted me interested in some fun!). Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about my personal life. It's pretty ****ing awesome. I'm out.
I know several who are in an open relationship. My last one was as well ( blah blah blah bring it on, I don't care if you don't like it.).
One of the things that can make it implode in a second is violating boundaries.
And pregnancy.
And STDs.
And that's why you're not a dip**** about it lol.
As far as disgusting and immoral..... you're worried about that here?
Open marriages are just one form of the vast perversion of marriage as God intends for it to be. It is an absolute fallacy and a joke. In fact, it is not a marriage at all. It is a continuous cycle of adultery that in no way leads to a genuinely fulfilling marriage.
While not practiced commonly in the religious West, Christian polygamy is pretty well supported Biblically. It's common in most of the Christian world.
Not that this thread is about that type of relationship, and I'm not advocating either way, but a Christian probably shouldn't outright decry plural marriage across the board.
Gonna disagree. The Bible is not all made equal. The New Covenant replaced the old. However, the New is pretty much silent on polygamy except for some pretty specific notes.
where are the tits in all of this?
quote:quote:While I respect your view as it relates to Christainity, and I would ask you start a new thread on the Religion board. If I wanted to debate the religious aspects of open marriage I would do it on that board, not the general board.
Open "marriages" are just one form of the vast perversion of marriage as God intends for it to be. It is an absolute fallacy and a joke. In fact, it is not a marriage at all. It is a continuous cycle of adultery that in no way leads to a genuinely fulfilling marriage.
I didn't make this thread to call anyone out for being in an open marriage. I was simply asking more about what everyone's view was since I now know two couples who have embraced this lifestyle.
I will say that I do not know if both are very strong relationships as that's not really any of my business.
I realize that this a personal lifestyle choice for these couples and I have no room to judge them as I can't even hold onto a boyfriend.
Gonna disagree. The Bible is not all made equal. The New Covenant replaced the old. However, the New is pretty much silent on polygamy except for some pretty specific notes.
Wait? So it's all God-Breathed but some of it is less God-Breathed than others?
I know what you are trying to say, but your wording is off.
Damn some of y'all are judgemental *******s.
I'm trans, don't give a **** if you consider me female or not. Not having that argument AGAIN, think most of you are just jealous I have bigger tits than some of your wives....
I only date women. Dating in the tg world is complicated, and I got lonely and frustrated enough to date a guy. I settled because neither of us had much interest in sex, and we honestly made good friends.
I broke it n off because he was a hoarding slob, with absolutely no respect for anyone when it came to that, coupled with the fact I DON'T LIKE DUDES. I ended it, amicably, without a huge fight, and we still are very good friends.
We had ONE mutual friend that we BOTH where with on occassion. She is still good friends with us, hell we still go do things together. She had NOTHING to do with the break up, if anything she fought to see it not happen!
So yeah, take your opinion, roll it into a tight little ball, and shove it. Whole bunch of people on here passing judgement on a set of lifestyles they now less about than I do quantum mechanics.
Gonna disagree. The Bible is not all made equal. The New Covenant replaced the old. However, the New is pretty much silent on polygamy except for some pretty specific notes.
Wait? So it's all God-Breathed but some of it is less God-Breathed than others?
I know what you are trying to say, but your wording is off.
"Made equal" was a bad choice. "Equally relevant" is what I should have said. There is a timeline involved. WHEN rules were laid down is important. If you read the OT, you'd say that we are not supposed to eat pork. However, taking the Bible in its entirety, a Christian knows that this old law no longer applies.
That's a small issue for the sake of example. Obviously larger issues of salvation and grace exist as well.