has it been broughten!?
I'm also racist against morons and cats
So a second friend has told me they are in an open marriage. The first couple was always a bit out there so wasn't a surprise. The second couple is closer to "normal" so more of a surprise.
I am not married so I was seeing what the married folks thought?
quote:quote:quote:While I respect your view as it relates to Christainity, and I would ask you start a new thread on the Religion board. If I wanted to debate the religious aspects of open marriage I would do it on that board, not the general board.
Open "marriages" are just one form of the vast perversion of marriage as God intends for it to be. It is an absolute fallacy and a joke. In fact, it is not a marriage at all. It is a continuous cycle of adultery that in no way leads to a genuinely fulfilling marriage.
I didn't make this thread to call anyone out for being in an open marriage. I was simply asking more about what everyone's view was since I now know two couples who have embraced this lifestyle.
I will say that I do not know if both are very strong relationships as that's not really any of my business.
I realize that this a personal lifestyle choice for these couples and I have no room to judge them as I can't even hold onto a boyfriend.
If you asked for everyone's view...and his view is that it is a perversion of marriage...doesn't it still belong on this thread?
Or did you only want happy go lucky "everythnig goes" moral relativist answers? Cause you should have mentioned that in the OP.
So a second friend has told me they are in an open marriage. The first couple was always a bit out there so wasn't a surprise. The second couple is closer to "normal" so more of a surprise.
I am not married so I was seeing what the married folks thought?
I may have missed it I guess, but does anyone else think OP was low key being propositioned/evaluated by her open friends? What say you OP? You down for OPD or OPP?
quote:Definitely. They could both have troubled marriages, but I only know for sure in one of them. I will wear rose colored glasses for the other relationship and hope everything is okay.
Often tough to judge a marriage based on its outward persona. We've had close personal friends that we thought were rock solid suddenly announce a divorce, then learn afterwards how messed up things were. People are pretty good chameleons, especially troubled people.
Not saying your friends are troubled, just saying that it can be hard to say for sure.
quote:That's interesting. The folks I've known with open marriages were creepers.
Only one couple we know through a friend has an open marriage. I think it is because they are both extremely attractive and could land almost anyone.
Thanks for sharing but I think you're projecting a bit.
The relationships you just described are pretty rare.
I honestly believe you that the poly people are normal. I believe it works for them but they're marriages aren't as perfect as the Poly's on this thread claim. But I get that if they hinted at one tiny problem ever it would be blown out of proportion.
All married people are miserable, polyamorous or monogamous. It's just a contest to see who can be less miserable.
All married people are miserable, polyamorous or monogamous. It's just a contest to see who can be less miserable.
I'm sorry you have that outlook of marriage, but it just is not true.
So as an update the couple that recently announced they were in an open marriage are now separated.
quote:How do they rank against each other in terms of attractiveness?
So as an update the couple that recently announced they were in an open marriage are now separated.
quote:Don't think anybody cares but you can discuss the merits of it.
If both consent, why does anyone care if people have an Open Marriage?