I'm honestly not sure that we know 1, 3 or 4.03_Aggie said:Ag Natural said:
So all data and logic say this...
1. Being Vaxxed helps you not die from COVID.
2. Getting infected and recovering helps you not die from COVID, probably even moreso than just being vaxxed.
3. Getting infected, recovering and then still getting vaxxed provides the maximum protection.
4. We know almost 100% of deaths in Texas have been to the unvaxxed. I'd wager they were all not previously infected as well, but we can't track that.
Conclusion: Get vaxxed.
Not so sure we actually know #4. The article reports it that way but there appears to be a potential gap that isn't addressed.
1. The vax has been around for about 6 mths. In that time the CDC & FDA have constantly moved the goal posts on the definition of a vax, expectations, etc... We are told that the vaxxed need to be protected from the unvaxxed which makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense if the vaccine does what they claim it would/should do. Frankly 6 mths really isn't enough time to truly study the impact of any medication.
3. I'm not a medical Dr but I'm not sure that this is how immunity works.
4. We don't know anything. It has been shown that various agencies have been manipulating the numbers throughout this entire process.