SB 43rd STREET OG said:
GeographyAg said:
Proposition Joe said:
If I didn't know any better I'd almost think some people were actively rooting for the vaccine to fail.
I think they were and are. They love it that they can point to any amount of failure and blame that for not taking it. They're the worst about Fear Porn - the vaccine does nothing and might have LoNg TeRm SiDe EfFeCtS!
Everything I read and heard said they were highly effective at lowering the chances of serious illness... but I never read opinion pieces. We all know what opinions are like.
It just amazes me how many people truly don't understand vaccines.
Even the Polio vaccine isn't 100%, especially after one dose. It takes 3 doses to get close to that, which is why we give four doses over the early years. We've only eradicated it because of herd immunity protecting the few it doesn't work well for.
The Smallpox vaccine, likewise, allowed breakthrough cases, but the results were still so much better than a full-blown case. In this meme you can see that the child on the right has a few spots. I guess that vaccine failed, too, and isn't a real "vaccine" because it didn't provide "immunity" to the disease.

I don't think anyone is rooting for the vaccine to fail...most of our loved ones have taken it and I am hoping it has lasting efficacy for them. Even my few buddies who think the vaccine sucks and that we are being lied to to some extent about it's efficacy, have many friends and loved ones who have taken it and who they do not want to lose or suffer ill effects.
i think we are tired of being called stupid or crazy for making personal medical decisions that differ from the rest. I have recovered from Covid in the past and am choosing not to get vaccinated and so many peers at work think I am really being inconsiderate (lol) and putting myself at risk.
But most of all, it is the introduction of all of these mandates. Now I am in the "F no, I am never taking it" camp. People are pissed. Rightly so. They are starting to try to impact our ability to provide for our families/children with this BS.
I don't believe in the mandates. (I also don't believe in masks and mandates for those either, btw)
I agree that the mandates, particularly coming from Biden and the democrats, are making many people bow up their backs and refuse just out of spite/disrespect/anger or whatever you want to call it. I see it in my own friends, too. Mostly young males who think they're invulnerable.
It's true, this is America. I believe in your right to decide for yourself, and don't think the government should mandate it, though I agree with certain mandates for certain vaccines and have for years (vaccines for polio for school children, for instance.)
My big issue comes when those who don't want mandates spout anti-vaccine propaganda I've heard for years. It's just been repackaged for this new vaccine, but it's the same song, different verse…
I'll admit that after nearly 30 years of hearing the same anti-vaccine arguments I've gotten really sick of it.
If I’m posting, it’s actually Mrs GeographyAg.
Mr. GeographyAg is a dedicated lurker.