Good to see that anecdotes are allowed on this board now, but is it only those from 100 years ago and before antibiotics? Are there no serious risks associated with the tetanus vaccine? No confirmed causal relationship with paralysis? A previous "strong" adverse reaction is a contraindication. I'm not a doctor, but Insulator_King is in an unenviable position and probably shouldn't get a tetanus booster, even if he wanted one.
From the vaccine manufacturer: "It is a contraindication to use this or any other related vaccine after a serious adverse reaction temporally associated with a previous dose..."
Contraindication aside, maybe the efficacy results from the clinical trial would be a more effective argument for everyone sharing their opinions for a decision about a disease that isn't contagious? The only problem being there isn't a trial. Like a lot of things based on CDC science, we are left to infer.
From the CDC: "
Efficacy of the toxoid has never been studied in a vaccine trial. It can be
inferred from protective antitoxin levels that a complete tetanus toxoid series has a clinical efficacy of virtually 100%..."
some persons may be protected for life, by 10 years after the last dose, most [somewhere between 51% and 99%] persons have antitoxin levels that only approach the minimal protective level."
"There are two types of toxoid [vaccines] available - adsorbed (aluminum salt precipitated) toxoid and fluid toxoid. Although the rates of seroconversion are about equal, the adsorbed toxoid is preferred..."
Both vaccines contain Thimerosal (ethylmercury) and both exceed the EPA's safe limit for almost every person in the U.S. the CDC's preferred tetanus vaccine, some excipients may have toxic, synergistic effects. "Within 24 hours, the thimerosal alone had caused about 70% of the neurons to die, but it took only six hours for the combination of thimerosal plus aluminum to kill nearly the same proportion (60%) of neurons, 'an amazing increase [that] clearly demonstrates synergistic effects.'" "Dr. Frank Engleyserved as a trusted consultant to several government agencies including the FDA, CDC, CIA, NASA, Armed Forces Epidemiological Board (AFEB)also served on the National Council of the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
His research first led him to discover that thimerosal was toxic down to 'parts per billion' [nanograms] in 1948 [1 tetanus shot has 25 mcg]'...Apparently the medical profession does not read the safety data sheets provided by Lilly and other chemical manufacturers made available to physicians, pharmacies, hospitals and health departments.
It states for thimerosal: toxic, mutagen, allergen, hypersensitivity, alters genetic materials, may cause mild to severe mental ******ation, may cause mild to severe motor coordination...'""Deaths have been reported in temporal association with the administration of tetanus toxoid containing vaccines[also] neurological complications including cochlear lesion, brachial plexus neuropathies, paralysis of the radial nerve, paralysis of the recurrent nerve, accommodation paresis, Guillain-Barr syndrome (GBS) and EEG disturbances with encephalopathy.
The IOM [Institute of Medicine] following review of the reports of neurologic events following vaccination with tetanus toxoid, Td or DT,
concluded the evidence favored acceptance of a causal relationship between tetanus toxoid and brachial neuritis and GBS [paralysis]." If there is a causal relationship with GBS, then to say there is only a temporal association with death seems highly unlikely. "The mortality rate for GBS is 4% to 7%."
No studies have been performed to evaluate carcinogenicity, mutagenic potential, or impact on fertility." The tetanus vaccine has been around for nearly 100 years, but there has been no time for the government to study efficacy or if it causes cancer, etc.