Hey TexAgs,
We've created a new verified doctor tag to help you better understand the credentials of users posting here. The tag looks like this and appears next to a user's username above their post:

Please note: The discussion material posted on this forum or other forums on TexAgs is for general informational purposes only. The medical professionals posting on this forum, whether verified or not, are not providing specific medical advice and they are not creating a doctor-patient relationship. This forum should not be a substitute for seeking your own medical advice from your medical provider. The TexAgs terms of use apply to all forums and TexAgs is not responsible for any messages posted by its users.
If you are a doctor and would like to be verified for a tag, please email - through your work account - your username, full name, basic medical credentials, and Medical License Number or NPI to support_at_texags.com. We will review your request and get you setup.
Many thanks!
Brandon '95
We've created a new verified doctor tag to help you better understand the credentials of users posting here. The tag looks like this and appears next to a user's username above their post:

Please note: The discussion material posted on this forum or other forums on TexAgs is for general informational purposes only. The medical professionals posting on this forum, whether verified or not, are not providing specific medical advice and they are not creating a doctor-patient relationship. This forum should not be a substitute for seeking your own medical advice from your medical provider. The TexAgs terms of use apply to all forums and TexAgs is not responsible for any messages posted by its users.
If you are a doctor and would like to be verified for a tag, please email - through your work account - your username, full name, basic medical credentials, and Medical License Number or NPI to support_at_texags.com. We will review your request and get you setup.
Many thanks!
Brandon '95