dermdoc said:
trouble said:
It's not with the pass though. It's $1000/ticket plus $650 for the pass.
I still contend that if you are going to all the games that is a great deal. And that is the rub as far as expanding the stadium.
Season tickets are going to be more expensive with the renovation. How many people actually want to go to all the games? How much are they willing to pay for season tickets realizing they will only attend say half the games? What is the price point where people will bite the bullet and buy season tickets rather than just buying on the secondary market for select games?
And then you have to couple in the fact that a lot of our fans who want tickets do not live in CS.
Very difficult market analysis.
Season tickets are a fantastic deal right now and they will go up after the renovation (assuming it happens). Secondary market pricing will likely come down depending on the how many additional seats are added. It's a simple supply demand issue. Right now we have a ton of demand and very little supply. Unless you believe the the demand will increase more than supply, secondary pricing won't rise. What a donor pays for the season ticket has very little to do with what they sell for on the open market.
The winner is the Aggie Athletic department (more revenue), assuming they can get the tickets sold. The loser is current season ticket holders b/c they'll likely reseat and increase prices and likely lower open market prices b/c of the additional seats on the market.
The atmosphere might also take a hit b/c as you mentioned, there are a lot of fans (like myself) that would love to have season tickets but live out of town and have a ton of conflicts. I'll buy tickets and do my best to fill them from this board but that doesn't always work and some people won't put in the effort to get rid of them. So, more empty seats especially in Feb/March. It's basically the issue the Schloss used to complain about. Remember him saying to send the tickets to him? Head Coach and ticket broker is an interesting combo.
I'm also don't think this needs to be the Taj Mahal of facilities. More bleachers in the outfield (works for LSU), some premium down third base. Put 2-3x more suites in. Do the player facilities (i think they are highly overrated. Just pay them more from the increased revenue. The batting cages aren't going to make the kids hit any better and office buildings don't win games. Players, Coaches, Concrete in that order).
Does anybody really think this is getting done? I have my doubts on the expansion part of this.