Why in the world would Trev ever say this to a top coach?

21,288 Views | 150 Replies | Last: 16 hrs ago by TexasRebel
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Steph 92 said:

BattleAg said:

If this were true (and I don't believe it is .. or if it is, we're not getting the full story) then it actually makes me think even worse of Schloss.

So he's telling us he's so ego-forward that one comment from TA turned him all around on A&M, pushed him to walk away from his team, all the potential and talent, the fans, and his "beloved" 12th man? All because a comment by our new AD made him feel unappreciated/butthurt?

It's been posted here often lately, college coaches are a rare breed. A rare, narcissistic, ego-driven breed.

(Pro coaches, too. I just didn't want to paint ALL coaches, especially amateurs, with that brush)
He does come off as an ill-tempered child, doesn't he? Reminds me of Tom Herman.

Yes. Great comparison. Herman was/is so about himself, it was obvious to everyone. Even the sips, but they didn't care until they realized he couldn't take them to the promised land.

I forgot to add "truth-challenged" to my list of attributes. Both Schloss and Herman fit that mold.
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A narcissist mixes in all kinds of whining, complaining, needling, and abuse with 'love bombing' aka telling people what he or she thinks they want to hear.

It would be something if we kept most of the team when the dust settles. I know however many are in the portal but still, a fitting rebuke would be no players following him to Austin
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So you're saying that this is what the liar says to be the truth?
"You may all go to hell, and I will go to Aggieland!" -Davy Crockett
Steph 92
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ChubbyHubby said:

It's so funny because all of the lies they are telling are with the intention of getting everyone to believe that he was not contacted by CDC until the day after the CWS which is the hardest lie of all of them to believe
so ask yourself, why is so important for them to sell the lie on when contact and decision was made.

If there is any proof that this is not true, then Schloss and CDC's reputations take huge hit and truthfully, there should be repercussions because I will say it again...

it is not possible for a coach to represent the best interests of these two universities at the same time

it is breach of contract, conflict of interest, questionable character....

And all of that hinges on them selling that ridiculous lie!

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They've woven themselves a tangled web of lies, that's for sure. Hopefully they don't get let off the hook for it this time.
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I think his goal all along was to get to tu. Couldn't get there with Pierce and saw a golden opportunity to come to Texas A&M with the facilities, fan base, SEC, etc. but still with his sights on tu. Dumped on TCU just like us but maybe they knew what he was and stepped up Saarloos. Maybe he told his buddy if the job ever came open to let him know. Not sure he was ever in it for the long haul.
The Banned
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So he's sticking with the "all of my supporting coaches and myself chose to make life altering decisions with a grand total of two hours of consideration"? ****ing ******ed. Of he actually took one, two hour meeting and changed both his mind and the minds of his entire staff, then they are brain dead. No counter? No "what ifs"? No "your ballpark sucks so what are yall doing about it"?

At one point in time I thought Texas was the height of diabolical here. Now I just think that they're too damn stupid to realize people aren't this stupid.
Leonard H. Stringfield
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Sounds to me like Alberts heard some things and wanted to get it straight from the horses mouth. Perhaps he had heard some additional things...who knows. In effect he may have told Jim to shi_ or get off the pot. Let's get a new coach let jimmy enjoy his new digs. I suspect he will regret migrating.
Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
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75Strat said:

I think his goal all along was to get to tu. Couldn't get there with Pierce and saw a golden opportunity to come to Texas A&M with the facilities, fan base, SEC, etc. but still with his sights on tu. Dumped on TCU just like us but maybe they knew what he was and stepped up Saarloos. Maybe he told his buddy if the job ever came open to let him know. Not sure he was ever in it for the long haul.

This seems like the most reasonable theory, to me.
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Problem for Sipnagle is he cant spin being a sleazebag.

This ain't politics, people with no vested interest in A&M or sip concluded he was a sleazebag after how he handled himself publicly.

sip didn't count on that so the best they can hope for is college baseball season is over and people will forget. Their splashy hire arrived covered in shtt with the shine off and they look sleazy and frankly stupid. Not to mention their AD seems like a moron.

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75Strat said:

I think his goal all along was to get to tu.
Then why not take the job when Augie was let go then he wouldn't have to worry about Pierce? His name was bandied about with the other big names at the time. I guess you could argue he did not want to leave the talent that he had at TCU at the time but if your dream job is in Austin you probably should take it when it comes open.
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Ol Mase said:

I started a thread the other day about Trev and said there had to have been something more to all of this between him and Schloss. I do not support or condone what Schloss did. But to think a move of this proportion happened without any wrong move on our end is pretty naive.

Our cost cutting firings pissed him off. And honestly it's fair for him to be upset, the new AD comes in and fires some of his team? That's not what he signed up for nor was promised

I can buy that this was said to him at some point when it became clear tu was going to try and moneywhip. He was going to have to accept fewer resources in the next few years while the Jimbo size hole in our coffers gets patched. He didn't want to do that while the sips are spending like lunatics. This would've gone over just fine for him if he hadnt been a vengeful **** and waited for the season to end first.
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Aston 91 said:

If Trev doesn't refute it, we can assume that he said it. But for Benedict Arnoldnagle to claim that was the moment he started thinking about leaving is BS of the highest order.
Not directed at you, but "so what?" if Trev said anything close to that? Did ums schlossnagel get his widdle feewings hurt?

This whole thing is juvenile. If you have to keep explaining it, with more vociferous language, it's a good sign you're just building that web of lies. Honest folk don't ever feel the need to explain things more than once, using the fewest words necessary to make the point - and they certainly don't change perspectives or overly elaborate.

The fact they're even attempting to play a 'victim' card is outlandishly hilarious and just points to desperation. Occam's razor applies.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
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Keep Sipnagle talking about how he really isn't the sleazebag here, sip

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BadAggie said:

Keep Sipnagle talking about how he really isn't the sleazebag here, sip

Man the more he talks the worse it gets, just like a child
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ChubbyHubby said:

BadAggie said:

Keep Sipnagle talking about how he really isn't the sleazebag here, sip

Man the more he talks the worse it gets, just like a child

Can someone 'shop chocolate on his face?
one safe place
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Don't know why, but I struggle to get used to the name "Trev." Same would be true of "Kev."
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I mean if there are screenshots or whatever documentation that indicates Lossnagle is lying about his timeline or whatever then once we lock up our new coach it's time to drop it.

You want this story to continue and Lossnagle and sip to have to continue to talk about how he isn't a giant scumbag.

Also nothing would surprise me, what was he and whoever else doing with "burner phones" while he was an A&M employee during the season? There's something else to this story besides just surreptitiously plotting his exit, imo

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jkag89 said:

75Strat said:

I think his goal all along was to get to tu.
Then why not take the job when Augie was let go then he wouldn't have to worry about Pierce? His name was bandied about with the other big names at the time. I guess you could argue he did not want to leave the talent that he had at TCU at the time but if your dream job is in Austin you probably should take it when it comes open.
Yeah, I don't think t.u. was necessarily his "dream job," He's a smart enough guy to know that taking the job at that time, when t.u. had a football guy serving as AD but only for a limited time (a really strange arrangement) might not be a great long term move. It was CDC taking the AD job that made t.u so appealing to him.
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I don't care who said what. A coach should never do what Schloss did to his players. Be a leader and step up.
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Trev or his dept either have to refute that article or make a stmt they'll address it in due time once more info can be released.

Schloss and tu and running that story across media platforms at full throttle to turn this on A&M (doesn't matter if Schloss is lying in the school of public perception). Seeing this story all over the place saying Trev told him to leave and that will stick with more vs schloss is a liar.
______________________________________________________ Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not the back...
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AggDogg61 said:

I don't care who said what. A coach should never do what Schloss did to his players. Be a leader and step up.

Yes. Now Ags are as fired up as I've ever seen to support the baseball program.

Not that Lossnagle leaving in a less ******y way for sip still wouldn't have pissed us off, but the idea to twist the knife in our back on the way out was a mistake.

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lol the AD said that likely because he heard the rumors Lossnagle was headed to sip

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The spin doctors are out. This is like that other claim - we couldn't start the facility upgrades we supposedly promised to him when we hired him because of the Jimbo buyout. I don't even believe that - the money and timeline for renovations has been a pretty transparent process basically since 2022. But even if it's true, you're telling me he was upset about a university putting football first... And the answer is the freaking Longhorns??

The only people who don't see the disconnect are in Austin. It's grasping at straws.
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Decay said:

The spin doctors are out. This is like that other claim - we couldn't start the facility upgrades we supposedly promised to him when we hired him because of the Jimbo buyout. I don't even believe that - the money and timeline for renovations has been a pretty transparent process basically since 2022. But even if it's true, you're telling me he was upset about a university putting football first... And the answer is the freaking Longhorns??

The only people who don't see the disconnect are in Austin. It's grasping at straws.

If sip was smart they'd take Lossnagle out of the public eye for a little bit.

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All of these stories just make me wonder what's going on behind the scenes at tu. Schloss and CDC keep making fools of themselves by obviously lying and, for probably the first time in history, the entirety of the national media is against them. Even a significant number of sips aren't happy about how this went down. And now there's so many stories going around about Schloss' lack of character and infidelities that recruits are decommitting, and nobody from the Ags is following him.

You have to wonder what the sip big wigs are thinking. This might be CDC's Bjork/Stoops moment.
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Tergdor said:

All of these stories just make me wonder what's going on behind the scenes at tu. Schloss and CDC keep making fools of themselves by obviously lying and, for probably the first time in history, the entirety of the national media is against them. Even a significant number of sips aren't happy about how this went down. And now there's so many stories going around about Schloss' lack of character and infidelities that recruits are decommitting, and nobody from the Ags is following him.

You have to wonder what the sip big wigs are thinking. This might be CDC's Bjork/Stoops moment.

Not to mention our fan base is as energized as ever to support the baseball program.

Their AD is acting like an immature moron, kinda surprising for someone in that position.

Really surprised Lossnagle couldn't handle his shtt in a press conference.

This is one of those, 'I'm sure it sounded awesome in your head' moments but they managed to self inflict a week's worth of bad PR for themselves.

We keep most of the players (NIL funding shouldn't be a problem), get our new staff settled and we'll be just fine.

Reno Hightower
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Tergdor said:

All of these stories just make me wonder what's going on behind the scenes at tu. Schloss and CDC keep making fools of themselves by obviously lying and, for probably the first time in history, the entirety of the national media is against them. Even a significant number of sips aren't happy about how this went down. And now there's so many stories going around about Schloss' lack of character and infidelities that recruits are decommitting, and nobody from the Ags is following him.

You have to wonder what the sip big wigs are thinking. This might be CDC's Bjork/Stoops moment.

Ya hate to see it, but more than that. Ya
love to see it.
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Guys in the end we got rid of a ****ing scum bag liar and didn't we get from tu a little over a couple mil in the process. Win win in my books.

I still think more of this will keep coming out and I'm loving ever minute of it.
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Could it have been Trev's way of telling/warning coach, I know what's going on, before the start of the Regional with tu coming to town.

I'm just saying…
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AGDAD14 said:

Could it have been Trev's way of telling/warning coach, I know what's going on, before the start of the Regional with tu coming to town.

I'm just saying…

That's how I read it, Trev heard the rumors and was checking in

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We landed back in College Station after Omaha, I met with the few players I could face to face to let them know this could happen and that, due to the NCAA rules, I wouldn't be able to talk to them again.

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/sports/article289608132.html#storylink=cpy

So he and his team are off the plane. He is the coach. Why didn't he talk to the team as a whole to let them know he's leaving? Instead he chose to tell only those he wanted to follow him to tu .
Dr. Horrible
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We landed back in College Station after Omaha, I met with the few players I could face to face to let them know this could happen and that, due to the NCAA rules, I wouldn't be able to talk to them again. Chris met me at my house that day. We spoke for about two hours, and then I made the decision and went to Austin.
So, when he landed and before he knew that CDC was waiting for him he talked to players saying he wouldn't be able to talk to them again?
Yeah, ok…
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Dr. Horrible said:


We landed back in College Station after Omaha, I met with the few players I could face to face to let them know this could happen and that, due to the NCAA rules, I wouldn't be able to talk to them again. Chris met me at my house that day. We spoke for about two hours, and then I made the decision and went to Austin.
So, when he landed and before he knew that CDC was waiting for him he talked to players saying he wouldn't be able to talk to them again?
Yeah, ok…

Yep. Wonder if he wasn't talking to some well before that…
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