Shouldn't throw anyone out....but how hard is it not to be a slapnuts to our own team?
drthoop said:
3 pages and I still don't know what happened
Some jerk was badmouthing our players from behind the dugout. Schloss called him out in his presser and let his emotions get away. Thin skinned people on here took it personally.
Pretty much the nutshell.
I really don't know when this fanbase got so damn soft. Y'all go find your safe place now I'm sure bad old Schloss will apologize and beg your forgiveness. Christ you'd think he'd shot Rev.
trouble said:
There was a time when the people around him would have shut him up. These days, however, people are more likely to ignore it or worse, join in.
No one should ever be making it personal about student athletes in any sport. These young adults work hard to represent us.
Sure, you can be frustrated about multiple pop ups and strike outs. Do you really think you are more frustrated than the batter? Is screaming at him and being profane going to help him hit better the next time?
All you do is show your ass.
And Schloss acknowledges that the vast majority of those who attended Sunday did a fantastic job.. It does not mean there were not a few bad apples in attendance irrationally venting their frustrations at players. I was not at Olsen this weekend but I have seen it in the past.TAMU1990 said:I thought we did a great job yesterday helping the kids push and create some Olsen Magic.Wabs said:I can understand calling out fan(s) that may be heckling or saying negative things to our players, but I don't like the statement above. Maybe it was said out of emotion, and if so, I believe he should issue some sort of apology. The fans were loyal enough to pack Blue Bell with 6400 fans, despite losing 3 straight home games to Lamar and Portland. And most of which hung around and made a tremendous amount of noise in the bottom of the 9th. I'd consider that pretty loyal.currie-s said:
If there were any Aggies yelling at our players, during the game today, that is unacceptable. But it is equally disappointing for Schloss to extrapolate the behavior of a few bad fans to the behavior of the entire Aggie fan base. I have been a strong supporter of Coach Schloss, and I'm sure that Schloss was just emotional after the game, but I think he owes the fans an apology for his postgame comments:
" I don't know what kind of place this is, but I thought there was some kind of Aggie loyalty around here."
KSigAg12 said:drthoop said:
3 pages and I still don't know what happened
Some jerk was badmouthing our players from behind the dugout. Schloss called him out in his presser and let his emotions get away. Thin skinned people on here took it personally.
Pretty much the nutshell.
I really don't know when this fanbase got so damn soft. Y'all go find your safe place now I'm sure bad old Schloss will apologize and beg your forgiveness. Christ you'd think he'd shot Rev.
Agreed. People will take an inch and go a mile to make a bigger deal about it than it was. He was simply really irritated from hearing it all game probably mixed in with the struggle to start the year.
I agree with you. This is unacceptable. Careful how you use your words, Coach Schloss.currie-s said:
"I don't know what kind of place this is, but I thought there was some kind of Aggie loyalty around here."
She brought you into this world and she can take you out!MooreTrucker said:She'll do it, too!!! Don't test her!!!trouble said:greg.w.h said:So…you're an equal opportunity offender, too???trouble said:
I'm really the same obnoxious ***** in person that I am here
You wanna act a fool, I'll pull out the mom face
DTP02 said:
I think Schloss loves it here. Anyone reading a desire on his part to leave into those comments is wrong, but you're also never going to endear yourself to Aggies as a coach by questioning their loyalty and he shouldn't have said that.
drthoop said:
I really don't know when this fanbase got so damn soft. Y'all go find your safe place now I'm sure bad old Schloss will apologize and beg your forgiveness. Christ you'd think he'd shot Rev.
Luke The Drifter said:
Wait…who still reads newspapers???
This. Schloss really has more and better things to focus on than what fans are doing in the stands. Yet this is what he chooses to ruminate about and bring up at the press conference. He needs to let it go the same way most of us have just accepted that the dance team will be at baseball games. I've never known a coach to be more invested in what individuals are doing in the stands and controlling of the day-to-day operations.Quote:
I will be honest. I am so into the game that I barely notice the dance team and have never singled out the guy behind the third base dugout.
So much this. Game day threads during the football season are the worst. And people who do it invariably defend themselves by mocking anyone who says negative comments on TexAgs can hurt our program.dermdoc said:
I have never understood berating our players at the game or on here. But go read any game thread and it is frankly embarrassing.
I am privileged to know some of the players and families and they read and hear this stuff. Recruits do too.
Yet the same people continue to do the same crap because of their selfishness. Who does it benefit except them?
I think some folks may be suffering from Eric Hyman Syndrome.KSigAg12 said:DTP02 said:
I think Schloss loves it here. Anyone reading a desire on his part to leave into those comments is wrong, but you're also never going to endear yourself to Aggies as a coach by questioning their loyalty and he shouldn't have said that.
No, but the reaction by many on here that Hoop is referring to IMO comes from a feeling from some folks that he still bleeds purple. He has a soft spot for that program bc it's his baby and he built it. They were going to cancel baseball up here before they hired him. But he knows A&M is where his legacy will be built bc it'll come with a championship. And I agree, he loves the support. I think we write it off as he was way hot under the collar and we move on.
twk said:I think some folks may be suffering from Eric Hyman Syndrome.KSigAg12 said:DTP02 said:
I think Schloss loves it here. Anyone reading a desire on his part to leave into those comments is wrong, but you're also never going to endear yourself to Aggies as a coach by questioning their loyalty and he shouldn't have said that.
No, but the reaction by many on here that Hoop is referring to IMO comes from a feeling from some folks that he still bleeds purple. He has a soft spot for that program bc it's his baby and he built it. They were going to cancel baseball up here before they hired him. But he knows A&M is where his legacy will be built bc it'll come with a championship. And I agree, he loves the support. I think we write it off as he was way hot under the collar and we move on.
Schloss shoots from the hip. Sometimes, he's a little injudicious in what he says, but it's not because he's thinking, boy, I wish we could do it the way we did at TCU.
Calling it a press conference paints a picture rather different from reality. If you watch the video, you can see that Schloss is still breathing pretty heavily. He's still wound up from punching through a barrier that was getting really frustrating. Hell, he got ejected Friday night. If someone were to stick a microphone in my face under those circumstances, lord knows what I would say.ensign_beedrill said:This. Schloss really has more and better things to focus on than what fans are doing in the stands. Yet this is what he chooses to ruminate about and bring up at the press conference. He needs to let it go the same way most of us have just accepted that the dance team will be at baseball games. I've never known a coach to be more invested in what individuals are doing in the stands and controlling of the day-to-day operations.Quote:
I will be honest. I am so into the game that I barely notice the dance team and have never singled out the guy behind the third base dugout.
ensign_beedrill said:This. Schloss really has more and better things to focus on than what fans are doing in the stands. Yet this is what he chooses to ruminate about and bring up at the press conference. He needs to let it go the same way most of us have just accepted that the dance team will be at baseball games. I've never known a coach to be more invested in what individuals are doing in the stands and controlling of the day-to-day operations.Quote:
I will be honest. I am so into the game that I barely notice the dance team and have never singled out the guy behind the third base dugout.
If you think it's just happenstance that Prop Guy has a newspaper to brandish during the dance routine, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona that you might be interested in.etchasketch said:
I agree with some of the posters on here and the premium board that the prop guy is in a tough spot. He doesn't want to watch the girls shake their stuff from below because it can five 'creepy old man' vibes, so he reads a newspaper. Could he look at his phone? Probably. But then does he get called out for looking at his phone? Maybe. Maybe the newspaper is a generational thing. I don't know. Does he get up and leave every time they come out? He could, but then he would be called out for leaving. He's going to be considered rude every time. At least he isn't yelling profanities at them. Maybe he should wave dollar bills. Would anyone be ok with that? I'm sure worse has happened at other places.
I am of the mind the dancers don't belong at Olsen. I don't know if the comment that they're at Olsen because Schloss' daughter danced at TCU is accurate, but I know TCU had dancers. I do feel like the dancers are a hill Schloss has chosen to die on, and he will be offended regardless of what anyone does or says about it.
dermdoc said:
I will be honest. I am so into the game that I barely notice the dance team and have never singled out the guy behind the third base dugout.
And where we sit nobody disparages our players and 99% of our heckling is directed at the ump.
I have never understood berating our players at the game or on here. But go read any game thread and it is frankly embarrassing.
I am privileged to know some of the players and families and they read and hear this stuff. Recruits do too.
Yet the same people continue to do the same crap because of their selfishness. Who does it benefit except them?
And my take on Schloss's comments were that he was trying to tell us a couple of things. The content of our yells or comments do matter as it affects the team. Like it or not.
Also that we as fans can try to clean it up, both on a personal level, and with gentle criticism of those fans who are out of line.
In other words, do not take the comments personally and be offended by them as they were not directed at you. And I am always learning.
ThatGirl said:
I love that baseball, for the most part, is a game of traditions, and I can't stand dancing girls at baseball games. Football - 100%, Basketball - 100%, Dance/Pom as its own sport/event - 100%, but please not baseball. It's a minor league gimmick that's leaked into the sport unfortunately.