CSHS Baseball Making the Rounds on Twitter

21,086 Views | 197 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Sq 17
Alpha Texan
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It's really not until you reach the collegiate level. Most young players now are more interested in talking crap and gloating over their opponent when they get upset, so they're more focused on winning the next at bat so they can do some celebration like in that video. I only ever plunked a dude once but that was because we needed to intentionally walk a kid and my coach was pacing the dugout to avoid saying anything else, which would have gotten him tossed. He was in his own world and couldn't hear me so I took matters into my own hands.

Hitting dudes doesn't really come into play frequently until college. At that point, the D1 players are playing at such a high level, they're willing to hit someone because they're too validated to need to gloat. And the juco guys are mostly playing under some steroid rage or just snorted a line of pre-workout in the bullpen, so they'll happily plug a dude.

Edit: There was a game my junior year of HS that we were traveling to go play the first or second best team in the state. Most of the time when we would go to play a team like that, we would come out with determination like A&M did against Bama and at least give them a run for their money or steal a win. This trip though, we all knew we were gonna just get murdered for some reason. Our starting pitcher didn't take things seriously, and he had just made it out of basketball like 2 weeks before that. He was throwing high 80s on the fastball. He joked about just drilling the first batter in the ribs, taking 2 steps towards their dugout and saying, "Bring me more." Thankfully he didn't do it, but that was about the closest I saw to it in a HS game,
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Okay it's time to nuke this thread. BTHO Vandy.
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Colt98 said:

My son played all of his select ball (8yrs.)with at least 6 of Brenham starters. Some of those guys were in that video, non made disrespectful gestures. I think csh looked like fools with their actions, and baseball rewarded them with a massive L. I'm all for guys talking smack, but there is a line you don't cross.
Most of the video was centered showing CSHS players acting foolish. There's a saying that gets thrown around some of the baseball programs that I am around and follow, and one we use. "El juego sabe", or the game knows. Baseball seems to have a weird way of rewarding guys and teams who do things the right way. I think it was evident in how that game ended.
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We have been involved in Select for a long time and now HS. From my experience, not all, but most of the time the kids that act like A**es, the parents have similar behaviors which makes this acceptable. I know many of them. Yeah, I am sure there are some fellow Aggie posters on here who may have a player in that video. It is not bad bull to point out the truth. Running as a team toward the other dugout and bowing up is classless. Glad they lost.
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swimmerbabe11 said:

Hydro25 said:

They called an Asian CSHS pitcher sushi boy, yelled at him to paint their nails, and were barking at him. Sounds racist to me.

the umpires and coaches would 100% be at fault for allowing this to continue.

Also, can someone instruct them to pick an asian stereotype and stick to it. One is Japanese and the other Vietnamese. If they don't know what type of asian, there are plenty of generic jokes to make. Good at math, bad at driving, likes to eat rice, cmon.
Divining Rod
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Ask yourself why you care.
I care, because I have kids (now mostly grown and former athletes) who live in this world, and will live in it for a long time and hopefully raise their own kids. They would not behave like that, because they owe it to themselves, their teammates, and their opponents.

I pray for this world, because I care.
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I think the kids look stupid in this video. That being said the rage seems to be against the school as much as the kids. Odd world we live in here isn't it?
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My comment isn't specific to all of the antics in the video, but there is absolutely a lack of emotional control and discipline these days. All of the reasons have been mentioned but it starts with the parents. It's obvious which kids have no fear when they get in the car with mom and/or dad after the game.

I saw a high school kid hit a Homer in the first inning (still trailing), stop before second base to take off his shin armor, throw it to the coach from halfway between second and third. Stop and then stomp on home plate for good measure. Nobody cared. He shared the video on Twitter like it was nothing, and the head coach retweeted it. They're online content creators and the fathers are to blame.
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My coaches would have ripped me a new ******* if I did some of the stuff in that video. The sword thing, the waving, the bowing up, etc.

I recall one of our running backs starting to do a little endzone dance in a game...woo...he didn't have a fun Saturday morning workout
Alpha Texan
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Yep. CSHS isn't well liked by the people in the community whose families attend other schools. I'll always support them for beating Aledo at Jerry World though.

It made for an entertaining time when CSHS played Aledo in the state championship football game about 4.5 years ago. We were with one side of the family for Christmas and My extended from Bryan despises CSHS. Me and my brothers grew up competing with Aledo at every corner. That was the most invested I think I'll ever see a room full of people watching a HS FB game between 2 schools nobody in the room attended.
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Yes when I was a student athlete we were constantly called the rich white school just because I lived south of Rock Prairie. Naturally because it was a new school everyone hated us and we're jealous. Nothing out of the ordinary m, we thought it was funny.
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HometownAg22 said:

Yes when I was a student athlete we were constantly called the rich white school just because I lived south of Rock Prairie. Naturally because it was a new school everyone hated us and we're jealous. Nothing out of the ordinary m, we thought it was funny.
Yeah. That's why I don't like the kids in the video. It's cause they are "rich" and I'm "jealous". Has nothing to do with the objectively bad sportsmanship.
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Why do I care ?

I care because I know what lessons Athletics can teach young people. I care because I know what good coaches can and should do to foster that learning. I care because I love the game and I am angered when people disrespect the game.
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Aggies2009 said:

HometownAg22 said:

Yes when I was a student athlete we were constantly called the rich white school just because I lived south of Rock Prairie. Naturally because it was a new school everyone hated us and we're jealous. Nothing out of the ordinary, we thought it was funny.
Yeah. That's why I don't like the kids in the video. It's cause they are "rich" and I'm "jealous". Has nothing to do with the objectively bad sportsmanship.
No where did I say that you said that. Great job twisting my words though. Just gave us a chip on our shoulder when others kids said it. Only thing I care about is waving bye to a kid on the base paths. Rest of it is fair game.
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Alpha Texan said:

Yep. CSHS isn't well liked by the people in the community whose families attend other schools.
Says more about those families than it does any CSHS kid. The amount of disrespect and talking down on our families and players when our school opened was insane. We didn't even play anyone in town. We were nothing at the time and went about our business like we were coached to do. So much disrespect was thrown at us for no reason.
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Apparently CSHS kids need to all grow thicker skin.
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Well I'm damn proud of the way my 2 have turned out. Hometown Ag22 included!!!
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Hydro25 said:

They called an Asian CSHS pitcher sushi boy, yelled at him to paint their nails, and were barking at him. Sounds racist to me.

And a well-trained pitcher would have ignored the crackers from Brenham. CSHS players looked ill trained to handle those kinds of tactics. Looks like the guys in purple need to learn several lessons they have yet to be taught. Those come from parents, teachers, and coaches. It's unfortunate all of those adults apparently failed to take care of those tasks. But, at some point, the players have to own these childish behaviors.
Alpha Texan
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HometownAg22 said:

Alpha Texan said:

Yep. CSHS isn't well liked by the people in the community whose families attend other schools.
Says more about those families than it does any CSHS kid. The amount of disrespect and talking down on our families and players when our school opened was insane. We didn't even play anyone in town. We were nothing at the time and went about our business like we were coached to do. So much disrespect was thrown at us for no reason.
The same didn't go for Rudder when it opened.
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powerbelly said:

Apparently CSHS kids need to all grow thicker skin.
dunno why exactly, but this reminded me of an old Tubes tune..

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I can remember being in the stands at a tournament in Montgomery that your precious 3A stacked team was participating in and were behaving this way in the stands. A parent complained to Coach Holder and he just blew her off. So I totally understand why some of these players behave in this manner
Gramercy Riffs
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HometownAg22 said:

Also for any of you in this thread attacking the parents of the players and saying "look who is in the crowd, that tells you all you need to know". Seriously? Most of those people are Aggies all the same as you. Bad bull on you.

Being an Aggie means absolutely jack squat when it comes to this behavior. Who cares if we went to the same school? This stuff is happening because coaches and parents haven't stopped it.
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CampingAg said:

Of course there's the Jeff Frye crowd all the way over on one side, and the "Let players do/say whatever they want" crowd all the way on the other side, when the correct way to act is somewhere in the middle with lines blurred more and more every day.

As a coach I can attest to the fact that things have gotten pretty out of hand regarding respect for the opponent. So many kids have a complete inability to channel their competitiveness the proper way. It's turned into "how can I make the opponent look bad?"


Some of it was a bit much but the vast majority I see kids being passionate.
Alpha Texan
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Gramercy Riffs said:

HometownAg22 said:

Also for any of you in this thread attacking the parents of the players and saying "look who is in the crowd, that tells you all you need to know". Seriously? Most of those people are Aggies all the same as you. Bad bull on you.

Being an Aggie means absolutely jack squat when it comes to this behavior. Who cares if we went to the same school? This stuff is happening because coaches and parents haven't stopped it.
Yeah. If anything, I hold someone who is wearing an Aggie ring to a HIGHER standard in public.
The Good Aggieboy19
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Aggie said:

Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Anyone familiar with CSHS athletic parents know why those kids act like that.

I don't 100% blame coaches because honestly they are handcuffed. They go against that and they are against parents and players.. they have to choose their battles.

There is a reason there is an umpire , coach(good coaches) and coming soon teacher (good teachers) shortage at the HS ranks

Plus we live in a society that promotes that type of behavior.
Why Twitter and social media is the downfall of the human race

Stop it. Every village may have their idiots, but most of the CSHS parents are stand-up people. There are plenty of people who hate on CSHS and they don't even really actually know why- they literally just think it's what they're supposed to do. That started before that school even opened when the first class was still freshman at consol
The Good Aggieboy19
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LB41Diamond said:

Last years CS was in a 7v7 tournament my sons team was in. Definitely the worst parent I had seen in a long time. He actually was flagged by the refs.

You probably have the wrong team. I was at every tournament and that never happened
Tom Kazansky 2012
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Bunk Moreland said:

lot of dbags in that video.
Welcome to baseball. How has this changed at all since I was in high school in 2008?
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100% on the high school coaches. They are the leaders of their teams.

By the way, good pick off move by the young lady!
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Pretty sure this is where the sword celebration that kid did came from. Solid roll models
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htxag09 said:

Pretty sure this is where the sword celebration that kid did came from. Solid roll models

I'm not a fan of Bauer and think he's a pretty dewshy guy but it's pretty BS for him to get suspended considering the investigating DA/PD said there's no evidence of any crime and the things this chick has accused him of were considered consensual.
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TarponChaser said:

htxag09 said:

Pretty sure this is where the sword celebration that kid did came from. Solid roll models

I'm not a fan of Bauer and think he's a pretty dewshy guy but it's pretty BS for him to get suspended considering the investigating DA/PD said there's no evidence of any crime and the things this chick has accused him of were considered consensual.
The only thing I can imagine is that the MLB's league's joint domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse policy is much stricter than the legal standard.
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Not really my point but apples to oranges. If you were in the news for this, you'd probably be fired. Whether you were found guilty or not. MLB and their rules for their athletes (employees) don't have anything near the required burden of proof required in criminal courts.

My point was anyone in the news for choking a girl to a point of unconsciousness and having sex with her is not a type of person I want my kid looking up to and imitating.
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htxag09 said:

Not really my point but apples to oranges. If you were in the news for this, you'd probably be fired. Whether you were found guilty or not. MLB and their rules for their athletes (employees) don't have anything near the required burden of proof required in criminal courts.

My point was anyone in the news for choking a girl to a point of unconsciousness and having sex with her is not a type of person I want my kid looking up to and imitating.
My issue is a few guys WERE found guilty of beating their wives and got far less punishments than a guy who engaged in rough consensual sex. Based on their texts and a judge's finding, Bauer abided by every limit set by the woman. To me, respecting consent IS something to teach your kid.

Bauer is a grade-A *******, though.
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Aggies2009 said:

htxag09 said:

Not really my point but apples to oranges. If you were in the news for this, you'd probably be fired. Whether you were found guilty or not. MLB and their rules for their athletes (employees) don't have anything near the required burden of proof required in criminal courts.

My point was anyone in the news for choking a girl to a point of unconsciousness and having sex with her is not a type of person I want my kid looking up to and imitating.
My issue is a few guys WERE found guilty of beating their wives and got far less punishments than a guy who engaged in rough consensual sex. Based on their texts and a judge's finding, Bauer abided by every limit set by the woman. To me, respecting consent IS something to teach your kid.

Bauer is a grade-A *******, though.

I feel like for the most part we're on the same page. But I can't get over this. Consent and what's legal is not one in the same with what's right. I don't care if my kid had a notarized contract giving consent. I'd hope he will have enough respect for himself and others to never strangle someone to the point of unconsciousness then have sex with her. So, regardless of consent, I'd be extremely disappointed if I were this kids parent and he's imitating Bauer.

Edit: me bringing Bauer up has nothing to do with the decision of the mlb suspension, it was just the most recent tweet. I don't care about that. I'm simply bringing up Bauer because that's the celebratory sword move the pitcher in the video did. So everything I'm saying about him is in regards to high school kids imitating him, not legally or defending the mlb suspension.
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Fair enough! Who am I to judge if someone wants to be given black eyes though? Lol
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