Post your Shelby Metcalf quotes here

78,166 Views | 189 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by HECUBUS
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When I was little, my dad and I were visiting A&M, and we walked into an empty G. Rollie (it was football season). We were walking around, looking at everything, and we ran into Coach Metcalf. He talked to us for a little bit, took us on a tour of G. Rollie, then took us into his office and gave me a "Shelby Shooters" t-shirt that I think I still have to this day.

I'm really going to miss him.

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I hope something good happens in his honor in Atlanta! Was he able to see any games in person this year, I thought I saw him on TV once but can't remember if it was this year or last. Godspeed Shelby.
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I remember his funny facial expressions, grimices etc. Class of 74
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I believe he was able to attend some of the games at the Shelby Classic.

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Another personal Shelby moment.

My son, '94 and I, '66 were on campus and we ran into him. I introduced myself and my son and asked him "What do you prefer to be called? Dr., Mr. or Coach. Without hesitation he said Coach'. He was truly an inspiration to all of us.

By the way, during walk on's for the bb team, he treated all of us as if we were the best players in the US, not Texas , Bryan or whatever, we were simply the best. He treated us with the highest respect, regardless of how we could dribble, defend, jump or whatever we thought that we were. After the tryouts were over, he came over to each of us and shook our hands and said "Thanks for being here for Texas A&M and me. Good luck." By the way he also told each of us why we did not make his team. In my case, too short 6'2", too slow and could not get my feet off of the ground. I was trying out as a forward because I knew my weakness at guard, but I could shoot lights out. Oh well.

RIP Coach!
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Shelby Metcalf did not attend undergraduate school at A&M, however he was definitely one of us. He did, however, earn a PhD at A&M. Degree or not, he loved A&M and the Aggie Family. We were fortunate to have him as one of us. Not a humorous quote, but one of my favorites of his. The topic was that A&M is always a big game for all the other schools. The other schools always look forward to, prepare their best for, and play their best game against the Aggies. Shelby’s comment was that it is an honor, and that he wouldn’t want it any other way.
C-ya @ the Chicken
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I used to love to wear my Ring, and take my place with my feet on the floor of G.Rollie, right across the floor from the Coach and our team.

I miss a lot of G.Rollie. I'll miss Shelby the most of it all.

C-ya '78
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So, when Metcalf addressed the media at the pre-tournament press conference, he acknowledged he wasn’t planning on an extended stay.

"I told (the media) I didn’t bring a change of underwear," Metcalf said with a laugh. "But my dad taught me that when you are negotiating or competing or anything like that, to try to get people to underestimate you. It makes it easier. I guess that’s why I was kind of always poor-mouthing my own teams or making jokes. I always had a lot of confidence, but I didn’t want to show it."

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When I first met Shelby, he was the freshman coach (fish weren't allowed to play varsity ball then) and assisted head coach Bob Rogers.

Shelby took me aside at a post-game party at Bob's home (we won)and told me that he had found heaven at A&M and wasn't leaving unless he was dead or fired.

God rest your soul, Shelby. You'll always have a seat in our hearts and the soul of Texas A&M.

Excellence First ...
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In 9th grade in 1987, my favorite teacher (a razorback) gave me and my dad tickets to the SWC tourney. She and her husband and the two of us all skipped school/work on Friday, and went to all 3 days of the tournament. This was the year when we were the 8th seed and won the whole thing, & later lost to Duke in the 13-4 game.

Anyway, between games, I saw Coach and got his autograph on my tournament program. He wrote my name, and "Happy scoreboards." Later that day, I ran into John David Crow, and he signed my name, "Best Wishes", on the same page. To this day it's my most prized piece of memorabilia.

Coach, Happy Scoreboards.
CPA Ag84
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Shelby spoke at our chamber of commerce about ten years ago. He told a story to prove the point that things are not always as they seem. He said he was on a recruiting trip and was driving down an old dirt road. He looked up and there was a little boy running down the road. As he got closer he could see that the boy only had on one shoe. As Shelby pulled up beside the boy he slowed down, rolled down his window and said to the boy..."hey did you lose a shoe" the boy turned and grinned at Shelby and said.."nope, found one."

We'll miss you Coach.
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Somebody really needs to write a book. I laughed so hard, that I had tears running down my face. I have just completed readnig the thread through 2 times. Shelby was a great man, coach, and person.

Does anybody remember the subject of his doctoral thesis? It was something along the lines of "Crowd Reaction at SWC Basketball Games". Does anybody have information on his paper? There are probably additional funny stories in there.

Great Stuff!!!!

BTHOO Nebraska!!!!
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I remember sitting on the front row of G. Rollie and watching this old white-haired man with a hang-dog face coach. And now I realize, that old man was 7 years younger than I am now.

RIP Coach.
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Does anybody remember the subject of his doctoral thesis? It was something along the lines of "Crowd Reaction at SWC Basketball Games". Does anybody have information on his paper? There are probably additional funny stories in there.

This should be in the library w/ all of the other theses, etc.
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He was a wonderful role model for us all. His legacy is one combining success, humility, loyalty, humor, and all else that is gentlemanly. He will forever be fondly remembered in the hearst of those who knew of him.
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Mrs. Metcalf was my 7th grade English teacher...28 yrs ago...At Anson Jones Middle School
Shotgun Ag
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One of his favorite jokes was to hold up the dead cow hand signal they like so much to use over in Austin. He would ask, "Do you know what this is? It's a clumsy carpenter ordering 4 drinks."

Gun safety is no accident.
Texas Aggie '99
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anaggieshusband - same here. I had her for 7th grade English as well. Such a wondeful lady.
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Shelby had a player who got 3 F's and a D. Shelby said you are studying too hard for your one class.
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Somewhere around 1987, I had to fly back to NYC for a family problem.....coming back to Easterwood I called ahead and that old genial guy that had the only cab license in B/CS at the time was there.....he takes my bag and Shelby was hanging on the car after jogging.....driver asks if he wants a ride.....Shelby says something to the effect of "If I don't run back....what's the point?"
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When you get into coaching you know it's tough profession. One year they will name a street after you. The next year they will chase you down it.
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It's really a shame that he won't get to see us make our Tourney run, but to think he got to watch us beat Kansas and kick our rival in the teeth... I am certian he knows we our on our way.

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I remember listening on the radio to a game A&M played at Tech. They had a power forward who took over the game in the first half. As the teams headed to their locker rooms, the radio guy asked Shelby how he planned on stopping him in the second half. Shelby responded, “So far, nothing we have tried has worked. I guess we will have to try pulling the hair on his legs.”
Shadow 840
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"I prefer to have my recruits married. They take orders better"

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aggiehusband and TA99 - it was "Language Arts". I had her in 78 or 79 (it runs together after a while) - BHS '85.

The student in the desk in front of me (Janet Clark, God rest her soul) died in a car accident mid-way through the year. Miss (all teachers were "Miss" back then) Metcalf invited me over for dinner and I ended up eating over there a few times that year. I don't remember any specific stories - just lots of laughter. She never did make me sit in Janet's chair. She also had Rudy Woods come to class as a "cheer 'em up" for all of us. Good stuff.
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In the mid 60's Bill Robinett(not sure of the exact name) was a tall rail thin forward with an extremely low percentage shot. He was the guy that was left open at the elbow. In one game he got really hot and shot lights out. In the post game Shelby was bragging on him and called him a staight "A" physics major. He is the type of young man that will be involved in sending a spaceship to the moon. After a pause, "And of course you'll understand why if they miss."
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There are certainly a lot of good old Shelby quotes here, but I like one of his recent ones, as well.

"Billy [Gillispe] works so hard,I don't think he knows where he lives."
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During my time at Aggieland, I liked to watch our team work out. Coach Metcalf always was smiling and encouraging his players.

What a true Aggie. He was a great man who coached basketball very well.

Rest in peace, Coach.

[This message has been edited by oklacityag75 (edited 2/19/2007 9:09p).]
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From John Lopez's article:

Lopez was the beat writer that covered A&M in the 80s. So he frequently talked to Shelby. John informed Shelby one day that he would miss the next game for his wedding, but he would be back for the next one. Shelby replied, "Well, John, if you're cutting your honeymoon short for a basketball game, there's either something I don't know about basketball, or something you don't know about honeymoons."

It was a recent article in the Chronicle, I hope I didn't mess the quote up.
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Great bull. What a great man and coach.
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I don't know if this one has been posted or not, but I thought of it this morning after the tough loss to Tech last night. On a similar occassion when his team had lost a hard fought battle the night before, a media person asked Coach Metcalf how he slept after that emotional game. Coach Metcalf replied: " I slept like a baby. I slept an hour and cried an hour and slept an hour and cried an hour."
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Keep'em coming. I love these stories.
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Earliest memories of Shelby Metcalf: It was the 1963-64 school year. I wasn’t in school at A&M yet, I was only about 12 years old. It was the basketball season which followed the Turkey Day game in ’63 in which an erroneous ref call denied the football team of knocking off the #1 ranked sips. The Aggies had a new basketball coach, an the winning basketball season helped the Aggie physique. The last game of the basketball season in March of ’64 was t.u., at G. Rollie. Before the game, the Aggies had clinched the SWC Championship, and on the wall at the south end of G. Rollie was a banner, “SWC CHAMPS”. The game went well and the Aggies lead for most of the 2nd half. It got down to the last minute of the game and the sips took the lead. I was sitting on the same row, and few seats across from an uncle. I remember this moment like it was yesterday. We both looked at each other and he said, “Dang! We had’em, and let’em off the hook!” Well, the Ags regained the lead and held on to win. I went down to the locker room after the game and shook hands with some of the players and Coach Metcalf. It was a very euphoric atmosphere, winning the close game, beating the sips, and the first conference championship in 41 years. Although Coach Metcalf was an assistant prior to becoming the head coach, this was his introduction, and he has been loved ever since.
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Another Shelby Metcalf quote. (I am sure of the year, but I am not 100% sure of the opponent, nor the Aggie player involved, nor even which team had the ball and was about to score. Someone who knows of this incident may want to set the record straight.) It was late in the 1968-69 season and the team was playing Baylor in G. Rollie. In those days, all the non-basketball athletes sat on the bleachers which reach down to the floor, behind the goal at the north end of G. Rollie. Somehow, Ronnie Peret for the Aggies, got behind the Baylor defense, probably a steal and then a pass to him, and he had a clear, uncontested lay-up at the goal at the north end of the court. The rest of the players for both teams were at the other end of the floor. The only defender anywhere near him came from behind and at about 45 degrees from the side, and the only possible defense of the lay-up was a flagrant foul, which is what he did. The defender raced towards him, laid him out with a very flagrant foul, and the momentum of the bodies of the 2 basketball players carried them hard into the bleachers containing the all the remaining Aggie athletes. This created some pushing and shoving and then a brawl and it was looking very ugly for a few moments, however the athletes were able to hold off the hot tempered parties and no one got hurt. The fight received lots of attention in the press.
Fast-forward to about a week later. The Aggies are SWC Champs, and the students are holding a special yell practice in G. Rollie for the team, and sending them off to the NCAA Tournament. Coach Metcalf is holding a microphone, addressing the student body and recognizing the players. In those days, whoever won the SWC rarely got out of the 1st round of the NCAA Tournament. In the media that week were discussions of the weak Southwest Conference and giving the SWC Champs very little respect in polls and in tournament match ups. Coach Metcalf addressed this issue and quipped, “Ring Magazine ranks us #1.” The place erupted with a roar of laughter and then wildcat.
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