Post your Shelby Metcalf quotes here

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wisdom, yes I was at that game. Your analysis is correct, we got blasted in the press and all of the tv stations in H'town. All of the tv stations showed the brawl but none of them showed the foul that started it all. I remember Steve Niles throwing punches right and left, after all he has 7 foot or more.

I also remember Bill Brown from Galveston Ball going over to the gaylor bench and confronting their sole black player, Leon Frazier(?) to get up and fight him. I also remember the gaylor guy who fouled Peret leaving the floor with a bloody face, and never remember him playing basketball again, ever.

Coach Melcalf grabbed the microphone from the PA announcer, Roger Feldman (?) and started calling "Aggies!, Aggies!" Order was quickly restored after that.
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As a Texas grad, I must say I have enjoyed the color that Metcalfe and Lemmons brought to the game in the days of the SWC.

Not sure which one said this, but it could have been either one of them:

Setting: After the game...which was lost when a certain player ( we shall call Jones ) missed two free throws towards the end.

Jones: "Coach, I am sorry about missing those free throws"

Coach: "Don't worry son..I am the one who is sorry"

Jones: "Why are you sorry coach?"

Coach: "Because I'm the sum***** that recruited you"

Like I said it could have either been Lemmons or Metcalfe.

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TAMC66 - Interesting input. Good testimony of Coach Metcalf’s stature and influence. His voice over the PA system stopped a brawl, and most of those involved were not his basketball players.

[This message has been edited by wisdom (edited 2/18/2007 7:56p).]
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My father remembers a intro to the Metcalf basketball program where it zooms in on a casket and coach sits up and says, 'We ain't dead yet!'
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My father remembers a intro to the Metcalf basketball program where it zooms in on a casket and coach sits up and says, 'We ain't dead yet!'
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That could be part of the name of a book:

"We Ain't Dead Yet: The History of Aggie Basketball".
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He spoke to the the North Louisiana A&M Club many years ago and was bragging on a new recruit he had just signed. He said "He can do anything in the world that can be done with a basketball... except autograph it".

Last of the Old Army<BR>
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Just Heard this one...

In response to an official calling a 3 second violation:
"This guys so good he's calling a 3 second violation in 2 seconds!"
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TAMC66, Feldman was the guy we called "Turtle"
BigJim49 AustinNowDallas
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believe that Baylor player who fouled was Gatewood or Underwood who did continue to play as I remember.
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when the swc changed the number of refs from 2 to thee,shelby said" hell,if you can't find two good ones,how are you going to find three??"
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The sitting up in the casket episode was Abe Lemmons.
Bullpen Chias
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Shelby did a guest appearance once in my basketball class - awesome speaker
Artimus Gordon
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Maybe Shelby will put in a good word for BCG and the aggie basketball team!
Method Man
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Method Man
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MuckRaker96 said:

Sitting next to me and another Batt sportswriter on press row one night in '94.

"Tony Barone Jr. is the single worst D-1 basketball player I've ever seen."

This is still accurate.
BigJim49 AustinNowDallas
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maroonblood08 said:

didnt have the pleasure of ever meeting the man. but from the sound of it, i wish i could have known him.
Somebody introduced me to Shelby saying "meet Jim McGuire " - Shelby said " not THE Jim McGuire" !

( he had never heard of me but made me feel 10 feet high ! )
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As told to me the other day...Hotly contested game at Tech. The good guys start to pull away when a controversial call goes our way. Tech fans shower the court with change. Shelby calls timeout and addresses the team. "Red Raiders have no class. Don't stoop to their level. Don't pick up anything less than a dime."
Legal Custodian
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I have a friend who knew Shelby really well and who posts on here and can definitely tell you the story better.

My buddy was in Las Vegas at the old desert Inn where he was in line to get a drink at the bar. In front of him was none other than Dean Smith. Naturally he struck up a conversation and played a little "who-do-you-know?" Being that my friend went to Virginia for undergrad. Dean asked him if he still lived up there to which he replied, "No, I live in College Station". Dean got a smile on his face and said, "Oh! You must know my friend Shelby. Let me tell you this, if Shelby got half the program support that I do, he would be an all-time winning coach"

Or something to that effect. Always thought it was a cool story on how well respected Shelby was in the coaching community.
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During a game at G Rollie in the early '80s Shelby called a referee to him after a terrible call. He got out his wallet, dug through it, and handed the ref something. The ref immediately hit Shelby with a technical foul. When asked later what he handed to the ref, Shelby said, "My optometrist's business card."
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Does anyone else remember
"the old Aggie chin dribble"?
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Shelby was a true treasure. And vastly underrated.
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I recall an interview when Shelby was asked..."Does everyone illegally recruit players in college basketball?" Shelby replied..."Absolutely not....only the ones ranked in the Top 20."
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wisdom said:

Another Shelby Metcalf quote. (I am sure of the year, but I am not 100% sure of the opponent, nor the Aggie player involved, nor even which team had the ball and was about to score. Someone who knows of this incident may want to set the record straight.) It was late in the 1968-69 season and the team was playing Baylor in G. Rollie. In those days, all the non-basketball athletes sat on the bleachers which reach down to the floor, behind the goal at the north end of G. Rollie. Somehow, Ronnie Peret for the Aggies, got behind the Baylor defense, probably a steal and then a pass to him, and he had a clear, uncontested lay-up at the goal at the north end of the court. The rest of the players for both teams were at the other end of the floor. The only defender anywhere near him came from behind and at about 45 degrees from the side, and the only possible defense of the lay-up was a flagrant foul, which is what he did. The defender raced towards him, laid him out with a very flagrant foul, and the momentum of the bodies of the 2 basketball players carried them hard into the bleachers containing the all the remaining Aggie athletes. This created some pushing and shoving and then a brawl and it was looking very ugly for a few moments, however the athletes were able to hold off the hot tempered parties and no one got hurt. The fight received lots of attention in the press.
Fast-forward to about a week later. The Aggies are SWC Champs, and the students are holding a special yell practice in G. Rollie for the team, and sending them off to the NCAA Tournament. Coach Metcalf is holding a microphone, addressing the student body and recognizing the players. In those days, whoever won the SWC rarely got out of the 1st round of the NCAA Tournament. In the media that week were discussions of the weak Southwest Conference and giving the SWC Champs very little respect in polls and in tournament match ups. Coach Metcalf addressed this issue and quipped, "Ring Magazine ranks us #1." The place erupted with a roar of laughter and then wildcat.

I was there, a 'butt in the FTAB. We got the short end of the stick from the clock operator in Waco a few days earlier and they stole a win. After the game, it wasn't a fight, some fish got beat up by the Baylor football team. So, G. Rollie was a powder keg. For the Baylor people that made the trip, most of them had to watch the game on closed circuit TV in Guien (SP?) hall. High tech of 1969, and Guien hall was where Rudder Tower is now.

So, late in the game, our center Ronnie Perrit, is going for a lay-up and the Baylor center, Friedman (sp?) slams Perrit's head into the backboard. Unfortunately he landed right where the Aggie football team sat. All hell broke loose. To my untrained eye it looked like Billy Hobbs was beating the crap out of Friedman, but I was wrong. Actually, and this is what Coach Metcalf and Coach Stalling told the SWC investigation, Hobbs fearlessly through his body across Friedman to prevent injury.

After a minute or so, Col. Adams figured Friedman was well enough protected and had the FTAB play the National Anthem and order was restored. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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I remember reading this original post in 2006. This is one of my all time favorite posts. We all miss Coach MetcAlf. What a unique Aggie legend. Truly one of a kind.
old yeller
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agent-maroon said:

"I knew (former Texas Tech coach) Gene Gibson really wanted Matson, too, so I would drive eight or nine hours to Pampa just to tell Matson, 'Hey Randy, I was just in the neighborhood...' Hell, Gene only had an hour's drive from Lubbock.

"Randy was a hell of an athlete, and it was track season so he was throwing the shot put. I got in great shape when I was recruiting him, because the only way I could spend any good time with him was to retrieve his shot put throws during track practice. I'd do that for an hour or two, wait for Randy to shower and then take him out for an ice cream. You could do that back in those days. After all that, I would drive back to College Station. It made for a long day."

But it worked. Matson signed with the Aggies, and he nearly averaged double figures in points and rebounds his first season in 1965-66.

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Shelby was a legend.

I went to Aggie basketball camp (Shelby's shooters) in the late 80's. During part of the camp, all the campers gathered around Coach Metcalf to listen to him talk. Shelby went on about the importance of playing great defense and how effort and attitude could go a long way in basketball and life. Talked about how the Ags shut down All American "Bobby" Ferry in the first round of the NCAA tourney and almost pulled off the upset despite the talent edge Duke had.

Most of the kids were looking around a little confused, like who is Bobby Ferry? So one of the coaches stepped in and said "you mean Danny , right coach"? Shelby snapped back at him almost immediately, saying with a wink, "yeah we shut him down to."

Fast foward about 20 years and I saw coach when I was out to eat in college station with my wife. He was walking by our table, so I said "Hey Coach!". He stopped in his tracks and instantly turned around to shake my hand. He was trying to figure out if he knew me, and he finally asked if I was a coach.

I said no, just a fan of his and Aggie basketball. He then said, "us coaches typically marry out of our league, so i figured you must be a coach since your wife is clearly way out of your league." He then smiled and walked off.

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Legal Custodian: Your post about my encounter with Dean Smith is essentially correct. It was actually at the old Dunes Hotel (where the Bellagio is now located) and the line was to get ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. When I got home I told Shelby of the encounter and he in his own droll way, rolled his eyes and said "Dean never said anything that nice to me".....Aggiejim70: your remberance of the events is correct. Friedman fouled Ronnie hard and Billy Bob Barnett threw a forearm into Friedman, knocking him into the end bleachers where the athletes sat, and Billy Hobbs "protected " him from further abuse. It was quite a scene.
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I was sitting next to Billy Hobbs and Tom Buckman.
Friedman was pounded by Hobbs. He got what he deserved but not by the right guy.

Ronnie is a relative and I talked to him in the locker room after the game.
We was seriously pissed off that he couldn't even get to Friedman.
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Luke The Drifter said:

In '87 we made a great run through the SWC tournament. We were the last seed, but ended up winning it all.

We beat TCU in the first round and then tech in round 2. After the tech game, some reporter asked Shelby what he planned to do before the championship game vs. Baylor. I'm paraprhasing, but he said something to the effect of, "...go out and buy some more underwear. I hadn't planned on being in Dallas this long."

FYI - We destroyed BU something like 70-45 in the title game.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 6:23, NIV

I was there with 52 other BQs, 5 yell leaders and a handful of Aggies in the crowd
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cs69ag said:

The year or the year after the NCAA went from 2 refs to 3 refs doing a basketball game, someone asked Shelby how he liked it.

Shelby said, " 3 blind mice are not any better than 2 blind mice!!"

In my student years (1965-1969) the Aggie Band was usually in Jolly Rollie and would play "Three Blind Mice" after a bad call until banned by the SWC, I think.
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Think it was the 1980 team that went to the Sweet 16. If they beat Louisville, they go to the Elite 8 in Madison Square Garden. A reporter was interviewing Shelby and she said, "Coach Metcalf, if you beat Louisville, you make the Elite 8 and get to play in The Garden. What do you think of that?" Shelby pauses and thinks for a second, grunts and says, "The only garden I've ever been in is a vegetable garden!"
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After Coach Metcalf got the boot by Crow, he came and spoke at my high school. We have a bunch of good Ags in our community (still do). He was great with all of us. Was a sad day whenever he was forced out. As was said earlier, he could've done more elsewhere, but he committed himself to Texas A&M. Truly a legend, and a great man to boot.
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