cecil77 said:
put ketchup on fine steak.
What? The? ****?
cecil77 said:
put ketchup on fine steak.
cecil77 said:
I agree, but there are people that really like different stuff. One of the wealthiest humans I've ever known (heck his name is on where the sips play basketball) put ketchup on fine steak.
And it's also about trying to open folks up to wines that aren't mass produced and heavily manipulated. Caymus, mentioned above, is no longer even aged in oak (and barely aged at all). Wagner is pumping out as much as they can. If you like Austin Hope, great, but it's not a top wine under $100, which was my point (unless you read the Wine Enthusiast reviews, which is the least credible reviewer).cecil77 said:
There's a reason why there are thousands of wines made. Tastes vary widely. If you like Austin Hope - then that's great! And thanks for sharing your preference - that's what wine discussion and wine friends are all about.
I'd be happy if blends would actually list the wines used in the blends.htxag09 said:
Wine is such an interesting segment when you think about. Pick up any food in the grocery store and it's going to tell you exactly what went into that product.
I believe the EU is making a big push to have ingredients required on labeling. I understand it's complicated and will also come at a cost, but I, for one, am for it.
Are wood chips added flor flavor, mega purple, sugar, etc.? Could also even go farther, residual sugar levels, acid, etc.
MooreTrucker said:I'd be happy if blends would actually list the wines used in the blends.htxag09 said:
Wine is such an interesting segment when you think about. Pick up any food in the grocery store and it's going to tell you exactly what went into that product.
I believe the EU is making a big push to have ingredients required on labeling. I understand it's complicated and will also come at a cost, but I, for one, am for it.
Are wood chips added flor flavor, mega purple, sugar, etc.? Could also even go farther, residual sugar levels, acid, etc.
I would like to know if flavor enhancements are added, like Mega Purple.htxag09 said:
Wine is such an interesting segment when you think about. Pick up any food in the grocery store and it's going to tell you exactly what went into that product.
I believe the EU is making a big push to have ingredients required on labeling. I understand it's complicated and will also come at a cost, but I, for one, am for it.
Are wood chips added flor flavor, mega purple, sugar, etc.? Could also even go farther, residual sugar levels, acid, etc.
MooreTrucker said:
And that sulfites appear in wine naturally.
Cecil:cecil77 said:
I don't like anything being legislated.
And in addition to the already required elements (of most interest to me is produced by / bottled by / barreled by / cellared by )
the only two I could see that are workable are:
Aged xx months in oak barrels (latest numbers I've seen are that about $25/bottle is the cutoff for barrel aging and oak "alternatives" )
Sugar added
But I don't think these are necessary at all.
BSD said:
I love that place. We were just talking to our friends who we give a bottle of every vintage. They opened the 2013 the other night and they said it blew away a Scarecrow they went side by side with. I plan on opening a 2010 later this year.
mek94 said:
I've seen a couple of theirs pop up on the marathon so far for $16 each. Seems like a good deal to try something different.